#Top 10 guard dog breeds for beginner’s or first time Dog owners

#Top 10 guard dog breeds for beginner’s or first time Dog owners 

So you are interested in getting a guard dog who will keep you and your home and family safe perfect but let's say you've never had a dog before and you feel a bit unsure whether or not you can handle a large powerful guardian breed.


Well don't worry because I’m going to give you an overview of the top 10 guard dog breeds for beginner’s or first time Dog owners.


Let's dive into today’s Topic  and we'll jump straight into the list of top 10 guard dog breeds for novice owners


All these dogs are very decent protectors but at the same time they don't require tons of experience which is very common for the more typical well-known fantastic guardian breeds




So then right here at number 10 we see an athletic medium-sized German breed known for its excellent performance of sport dogs and police service dogs the boxer.


They are an amazing guardian who comes with the tenacity typical for its bulldog ancestors at the same time the boxer is an active cheerful, fun-loving companion and responds very well to training making them more suitable for novice owners.




At number nine we have another German guardian breed the large, elegant Doberman.


Doberman has been bred for the specific purpose of protecting its owner which of course makes it a superb guard dog.


At the same time dobermans are one of the best house dogs and family companions that you could ever possibly imagine gentle devoted and loving to their people.


Dobermans form deep emotional bonds with their owners and don't get me wrong they certainly need finesse and skill set when it comes to training them but if you're willing to put that time in up front to teach yourself those things.


Dobermans can be more forgiving for you implementing that skill set that you've taught yourself first time round while you're ironing out some potential creases with your own skill set as a canine leader.


The Bernese mountain dog 


Now our number eight spot goes to the beautiful berenese mountain dog a swiss herding breed more popular for its glorious long tri-colored coat than for its guarding potential and yet these beautiful large dogs make good home and property guardians whilst being quite friendly to all the humans and animals in their household.


Berenese mountain dogs can be slightly stubborn but respond well to positive reinforcement and do make a decent choice for first-time owners.

German shepard

And here at number seven we have the most popular of all the german guardian breeds the legendary german shepherd.


Now extremely intelligent and trainable this dog can be a great pick for beginners if they are committed to meeting its considerable exercise requirements obedience training along with vigorous walks runs and play sessions.


A large backyard to ensure that your german shepherd's needs are really met help can be a really good positive thing with this maybe join local german shepherd groups maybe take your dog to some ipo or french ring training where you're going to be surrounded by experts again put in the effort up front to train yourself on how to be a higher level canine leader and a german shepherd can make an excellent choice if this is your first time going through the process.

Great Dane

Now it may surprise you to find the largest dog breed in existence here on our list of top 10 guardian breeds for beginners however the majestic great dane.


Great Dane is the proverbial gentle giant whose devotion for and loyalty to its owners makes it an extremely trustworthy family companion now nevertheless this imposing dog comes with a high intimidation factor that is helped by his deep booming bark but because of its wonderfully gentle temperament with basic levels of training in terms of an excellent heel work a good solid sit stay and recall combined with decent levels of house manners because you can't have a dog like this jumping up people or being overly obnoxious or bad manners get those basic things right and a great dane can be a wonderful first foray into owning these large giant powerful breeds. 


Airedale terrier

Now right here at the halfway mark we have the glorious Airedale terrier.


Britain's largest terrier is an amazing guard dog whose protective instincts go hand in hand with its noble character.


Airedales are true gentlemen of the dog world calm dignified reserved towards strangers but deeply devoted to their owners.


They're not prone to excessive barking like some other terriers and an airdale will usually only alert when there is something going on that is deemed suspicious by the dog again get things right put the effort in up front and they definitely can work. 

Saint Bernard

Now on our number four spot we have a particularly imposing looking breed from germany this giant dog with the bear-like appearance is actually a cross between two immensely peaceful and friendly breeds the saint Bernard.


Saint Bernard is a very peace loving but also a very loyal dog breed.


Saint Bernard is a good breed for first time dog owners as Saint Bernard’s are calm and a little easy to train.

Saint Bernard's are large dog breeds and they need 2-3 walks daily for keeping them healthy.

Bull Mastiff

Now in the silver medal spot we have a breed that is very dear to me personally the bull mastiff which was my first guardian breed that i ever owned in my opinion one of the best family guardian breeds on the planet.


The bull mastiff also is one of the most affectionate companions that the canine world has to offer now ball mastiffs can be stubborn and strong-willed but what they lack in trainability they more than make for in character calm gentle and quiet in the house unless there is something suspicious going on of course these dogs even make good guardians for people living in apartments now again if this goes wrong with such a large powerful guardian breeds things can go very wrong but in my role as a canine behaviourist and working at local shelters and with cases involving police investigations.


Bull mastiffs regardless of how popular they are are a breed that are very rarely seen now you can have the debate is that because the right kind of people are getting them or are they more suited to people not making mistakes that lead to these intense behavior problems that allow to see them at the rescue center.


I fall somewhere in the middle again I think that you can have a bullmastiff as a novice or beginner owner but that doesn't mean a novice low-level canine leader if you're willing to put the work in if you're willing to learn study and devote time on the theory and what it takes to become a high-level canine leader get involved with going to training sessions meeting professional trainers getting the help you need when you need it they can be superb guardian breeds but if you're not willing to put that effort in like all the other breeds on this list like any breed in the world let alone these guardian breeds things can and do go horribly wrong i want to stress the point of how important it is that you are willing to put the work in if you're willing to put the work in then it does open up the door to being able to access some of these breeds even as a lesser experienced owner and our pick. 

English Mastiff

In the number one spot on our list of the top 10 best guard dog breeds for First time owners is the heaviest dog breed in the world, the famous stunning and incredible English mastiff.


Now everything I said about the bull mastiff also holds true for its larger and heavier cousin the English mastiff but what made me award the gold medal to the English mastiff is its extra dose of calm and relaxed attitude.


Now make no mistake about it if this dog detects any danger to its family it absolutely will rise to the occasion but apart from this the English mastiff is an extremely mellow companion very quiet in the house and happy with quite moderate amounts of walks and play times it's gentle nature makes this dog one of the very best choices for inexperienced owners who still want to have a large powerful giant breed and get some really solid guarding potential.


So i hope you enjoyed that list of our top 10 guard dog breeds for more beginner owners don't let that confuse the word beginner with low-level canine leader.


A beginner can be a high-level canine leader and somebody that has had dogs all their lives can still be a low-level canine leader.


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