Top 10 best family dog breeds


Top 10 best family dog breeds


So now we will discuss about the top 10 best family dogs.


If you are not concerned about security and just want the perfect companion for you and your children but what actually makes a great family dog well in today's list I'll be looking for the breeds that are gentle and loving of children robust and can take those accidental pokes and pulls their child can do in its stride and laid-back dog that doesn't freak out at change or extreme changes in energy or excitement that a household with children has it needs to be a dog that forms deep bonds with children and doesn't just tolerate them one that is easy to train for the average family and it's healthy and can lead a long active life with you as your family grows up .


The Pyrenees mountain dog


My number 10 pick is the Pyrenees mountain dog I really don't think the Pyrenees or Pyrenean mountain dog gets enough love now don't get me wrong I do think there's better choices but there's no way that this dog has been left off my list today there are just a great all-round family dog just ticking all the boxes I just discussed they're incredibly trustworthy and gentle animals that show extreme patience and kindness for children be very calm and relaxed animals.


They love being in the home with their families and they're very intelligent making them fairly easy to train they do have a few negatives though and they do include that this deep love of being with the family does make them suffer from quite severe separation anxiety which often then will lead to destructive behaviors when left alone they are intelligent as mountain dogs they do have a trait of Independence which naturally subtracts from ease of training and those coats although absolutely beautiful require quite extreme levels of grooming throughout the entire year.


Boston terrier


Number nine I have the Boston terrier now before I dive in to the details of the Boston terrier

I think the Boston Terrier offers an excellent compromise being brascia phallic they do have issues that come along with that but nowhere near the extent of the English or French bulldogs yet they also compact to the brim with incredible little personalities that fit in absolutely brilliantly with families loving children very active and they love the outdoors and a decent level of intelligence and trainability makes these one of my favorite in the entire smaller dog breed family.

The Bernese Mountain Dog


At number eight I have the Bernese Mountain Dog.


You'll find it difficult to find anyone that disagrees with the Bernese Mountain Dog being on the list of incredible family dogs.


They are incredibly loyal loving sweet natured gentle dogs that have all the hallmarks of being great with children they're not overly demanding and make a great choice for first-time owners as well as family companions which many families may be in this situation of looking for both of those things in a similar fashion to the The Bernese Mountain Dog though they do have very demanding grooming requirements and they do have relatively short lifespans which is heartbreaking for family dogs.




At number 7 on our list we have the collie I mean the collie is one of the most regal looking dogs on the entire planet they make excellent family dogs as well I like how they were displayed in lassie they are really very smart dogs which does make them easy to train for me that highlight is just how adaptable they are which means they fit in with most household arrangements and sizes and can tolerate changes in different noises chaos energy levels separation all these things make them very adaptable however their main downside is again those grooming requirements which are often multiple times a day especially if you do want to keep pop those extreme royal looks.


The Staffordshire bull terrier


At Number six I have the Staffordshire Bull Terrier you know that I am a major promoter of the breed I honestly think there may be one of the most versatile dogs in the planet and this probably my number one recommended breeds when I give you guys one-to-one advice through consultations or emails this is because they are truly amazing all-round dogs they can be outgoing and active when you want to go for a long walk or a day at the beach but they can also be absolute cuddle companions if you just want to chill on the sofa and binge or Netflix they're incredibly adaptable and very easy to train and despite popular belief they are not aggressive or dangerous dogs at all and that's a myth that I will fight to abolish every day when owned by responsible owners they thrive as gentle loving beautiful dogs my main negative of the breeders all breeds do have some negatives it's probably just how playful they can be especially as puppies this can be great with children and other dogs but sometimes distracts them when training so you have to be consistent in getting them to focus when young but if you do that they can thrive on obedience worker and one of my absolute favorite dog breeds to work with.

Golden Retriever


At number five of the Top 10 best family dog breeds list I have kept golden retriever moving into the top five these dogs could arguably take the number one spot but choosing between them was so tough that I let my heart take over from my head and their number five I kept the spot to the golden retriever another king of the all-round dogs who are fried just as much in the field hunting as they will in the garden play a factor the kids they love to please which makes training a breeze and they seem to come out of their mother's womb with just a bit more love in their hearts than most other breeds which makes them form such deep loving bombs with their families and they'll be incredibly friendly to everyone they meet the downside for me is those longer coats as a game that requires more grooming than shorter hair breeds but other than that I've been nitpicking to find any more real negatives to talk about the golden retriever.


Cavalier king Charles spaniel


At Number four we have the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and they are possibly one of the cutest dogs in the entire world and probably my number one pick for first-time owners not a bad cell in their body is these dogs are the epitome of just love and cuddles and cuddles is all they will want to do they adore their families and just want to be with them at all times they're great with other animals and easy to train the basics when you really can't go wrong with the Cavalier for many families they may well be the number one pick for me I have them a little bit lower on my list as being so much smaller they're just not quite as robust which can cause issues with clumsy kids and I paws personally more of an advocate for getting out and working your dogs and playing with them all day and then cuddling with them at night and the Cavalier would just rather cuddle 24/7 so that is kind of my bias fully taking over here and that is what's denying them a medal spot but for many people that could be exactly what you're looking for.




And talking of medals we have our bronze medal spot and taking it is the new valence think bigger version of the Golden Retriever that has gone to university to study a master's degree in loving children that is exactly what you get of a New found land.


They are the real Supernanny of the dog world and I would genuinely trust the well-trained Newfoundland with my children over the vast majority of humans I can't stress enough just how brilliant they are with kids of all ages the downsides are again their coats being longer and as they are big dogs accidents can happen even with just a friendly wag of the tail clotheslining a passing two-year-old by accident these are just things that you need to take care of women. Talking a bit the dogs and talking of bigger dogs.

English Mastiff.


And taking my silver spot and purely my personal bias by do honestly believe it to be true is the gentle giant the English Mastiff of all the giant breeds.


They undoubtedly have the best temperament being incredibly loyal loving and gentle they are super patient and relaxed and everything is done in its own sweet time with this breed they absolutely adore children and their families and they are so robust it's almost comical it should never be encouraged but the amount of stories I get from emails from you guys and owners with funny stories of how chilled they are but we're clumsy toddlers are doing crazy things with them it does make me laugh out loud.




My number one pick for the best family dog on the planet.


Gold medal spot in the number one position there's the Labrador so the king of the world when it comes to family dogs is undoubtedly the Labrador and for good reason they are simply the best family dog on the planet no questions asked and it's the reason that I bought one into my family they take every single box and do it all just a bit better than every other breed does it there's a reason now the most commonly used family dogs in the entire world as well as the most common assistants of working dogs.

If you have any doubts mail me on


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