Best medium-sized guard dog breeds in the world

So which is the best medium-sized guard dog breed in the world for knowing this you can just scroll down but I would like to tell you that if you will read this whole blog you will get the knowledge about what makes the number 1 pick the best.

Let's not waste any time and dive straight into our list with the number 10 pick for the best medium guard dog breed on the planet.


Bull terrier


And at number 10 I have the bull terrier now if you've been following this blog for a while you'll know that I talked about the bull terrier quite a lot and that's because I have to hear about the bull terrier pretty much every day because they are by far my sister’s favorite dog and if our choice of dog was purely down to her we would have a pack of bull terriers running around everywhere she absolutely loves them now for me there is too much terrier in a bull terrier to make them an ideal fit for me and my young family and the environment that we have and the kind of dog that I want to fit into that environment which is why for me I tend to go for more of the Mastiff type breeds when it comes to guarding dogs just because I like the lower-energy that typically comes of a mastiff versus a bull terrier now when we're talking about a guarding dog I'm using very much the umbrella term and I'm doing that for kind of your everyday person that's looking for a family companion that's capable of guarding you and with that you can basically want in excellent companionship so they need to be kind gentle well temperamental dogs that are easy to train easy to live with and most importantly offer a good high level of intimidation so ideally scare people away from any kind of actual issue arising in the first place and worst case scenario should that issue arise you've got a little bit of capability with the dog to be able to step in and help you now the reason the bull terrier kind of only comes in at number 10 is just because if it actually came down to it I do think there's better breeds even at this medium size that would be able do a better job of actually garden however they do make fantastic companion animals they're lovely animals and because of kind of that bull type bull and Terrier bulldog pit bull esque kind of category they fit into they naturally carry a good level of intimidation factor which for the mass with majority of people is kind of all the garden that you actually need from your dog so there was no way they'll be left off this list and I'm quite cool to fit there they're a good choice to kick off at today's top ten.


Chow Chow

At number nine I have the chow chow chow.

The chow chow definitely has better capabilities in terms of garden however I don't necessarily think they're a brilliant choice in terms of companionship let's face it the majority of people are interested in the Chow Chow are initially interested in them based on their looks because they are very striking to look at now what makes them good guard dogs is that they are that naturally kind of very wary and very aloof dogs for me I don't necessarily like that because they're that kind of aloof even with their family members and you can build up trust with the dog and get to a point where you build a good relationship but it comes nowhere near the level of relationship you're able to build with many of the other dogs because the Chow hound naturally stays quite aloof and quite independent which for me makes them although they're quite good natural watchdogs and got some good protection ability they're definitely on the smaller side so they fit into this kind of medium category but in terms of companionship I just fit this better breeds out there.


The Belgian Malinois


And at number eight I have the Belgian Malinois now we're talking about medium dog breeds and obviously that kind of spans quite a wide range with the Malinois being kind of up there towards the medium / large dogs now they're very athletic and very quiet slim built which is definitely what makes them kind of more medium / large rather than just straight in as a large dog breed so I do think they very much have their place here on the top 10 guard dog breeds that are a medium-sized now a lot of people say that the Belgian Malinois is the best guard dog breed on the planet now for me I would differentiate from that and say that they are the best personal protection dog breed on the planet or at least one of the best personal protection dog breeds to get the most out of a mallanois you have to have the capability and experience and skill set to train that level of protection and guarding skills into the breed for them to truly and that's the dogs that you see on shows and on YouTube being able to perform those incredible guarding tasks they don't actually come like that inherently as some of the other breeds do so for me that's why they feature and number kind of eight on the list or not much higher around the gold silver or bronze medal spot that some people would put them in but that's simply because of like I said you have to have the experience to get them there if you couldn't get them there you've got that skill set you can do the training I completely agree probably not a better breed on the planet now the Belgian Malinois can make an excellent companion they need to have a lifestyle where they do tons and tons of exercise and mental stimulation or they'll become very bored and destructive if you don't have good leadership skills with the dog and especially if you've got children in the home it's very common for mallanois to herd children using lots of nipping behaviors nipping ankles nipping at heels it can cause problems it's a very common problem that mallanois owners come to me with so it's just something to bear in mind but like I say no way there will be a left off this list.


The Boxer


At number seven I have the boxer now everything I kind of said about the bull terrier at number ten I'm going to kind of throw in again with the boxer because they do share very similar temperaments very similar characteristics and fit a very similar type of people and obviously the Bull Terrier is probably a little bit shorter and stockier with the boxer being a little bit slimmer more athletic but taller so they're both medium breeds but kind of fitting into the medium breed in different categories especially in terms of looks obviously the bull the bull terrier has that egg shape long ahead to the bull terrier with the boxer sorry having the more squishy brassy or phallic type face but other than that like I say very similar dogs or a high-energy very playful very lovable quite and need an active family a very playful family not necessarily well-suited for people that like to chill out when they're in the home but if you've got like I say a big garden a very outgoing very active very lively family a boxer can drop in brilliantly like I say they also have good intimidation because of that brassy a phallic type face and then just being a little bit larger than many other breeds so it's definitely still in that kind of medium to large category but a lot of the general public are naturally intimidated by a boxer type breed and you can also like I say with the Bull Terrier you're also going to drop in kind of actual guarding ability now like I say the vast majority of people don't actually need that actual protection skillset and the boxer will is very protective and will step up if necessary but that is just why one of the reasons you don't often see the box of working in proper guarding roles.


The shar-pei


And number six I have the shar-pei and again a lot of people kind of believe that the shar-pei in the chow chow just because of their origins have similar characters and temperaments whereas actually there are very different breeds obviously they look very different they both share that blue tongue which is something that really distinguishes the two breeds and shows that kind of similar heritage and lineage that both dogs come from but the inn for my money the shar-pei is the better choice between the two the shar-pei has very good natural protection and gardening skills they form much better relationships and in my opinion a better companion animals they're more eager to please are just all-round in my opinion better dogs now they have that crazy distinguished look with those insane levels of wrinkles those wrinkles were bred into them for the original fighting purposes that shar-pei are often put - which is why they do come in with that kind of confident outgoing quick to aggression skillset that often comes of breeds that were used in fighting roles in the past but we can harness that now and with good breeding and good temperament selection that much more goes towards being and naturally watchful and protective dog as opposed to an outwardly aggressive one so again sharp aid might make a fantastic choice for you and we're gonna get into a point now where a lot of these dogs could be interchangeable on the list and it was actually quite difficult for me to place them but that is where I put the shar-pei and that's that enough talking about them let's move on to the next breed.


English Staffordshire Bull Terrier


And at number five I have the breed that is probably the most all-rounded dog breed on the planet and that is the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier so spoiler alert we might discuss the American and staff or the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier a little bit later on maybe maybe not but for right now we're going to focus on the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier the smaller of the two breeds definitely on kind of the lower end of the medium dog breed scale because of the they're very unfounded bad reputation they naturally come with a good level of intimidation they have insane insane levels of devotion and love for their owners which makes them naturally watchful naturally protective but they're also incredibly gentle and loving dogs which makes them one of the best companion animals in the world they're also very eager to please very quick to learn to make some very trainable and very suitable for novice or first-time owners which is why they're one of the breeds I recommend so much to people when they come to me asking for advice about what breed I think should fit them so the Staffordshire Bull Terrier like I say in terms of an all-rounder can pretty much do anything it puts its mind to and makes it a fantastic choice and if you live here in the INDIA every shelter up and down the country is unfortunately filled with staff is desperate for a good home so if you think that you can offer a home to a dog in need and you're kind of reading this blog because you're trying to decide what would be a good medium-sized dog for you and especially ,if you live here in the INDIA go and check out your local shelter so I promise you there's probably a beautiful lovely dog sat there desperate for a nice home with you.


American Pit Bull Terrier


Number four we're flipping back over to the more medium slash large dogs right on the periphery here and we have the American Pit Bull Terrier so the American Pit Bull obviously comes with its stereotype in its reputation of being a very aggressive breed and like I say they also share those lineages with other dogs in terms of dog fighting and unfortunately even though it's horrible that practice does still happen and the pitbull is one of the most commonly used dog breeds for that awful practice but if you could be a good canine leader have solid boundaries able to exercise your dog and really stimulate it mentally the American Pit Bull Terrier is a fantastic dog breed one of the best medium-to-large / protection watchdogs that you can have / guard dogs that kind of they can fit in a lot of people are starting to utilize American pitbulls in more proper protection level training there's tons of videos of them absolutely thriving in that role and there's also tons of examples of American pitbulls fitting in beautifully into a nice family environment they're very versatile dogs if you can provide that good of leadership that is absolutely mandatory for all dogs but especially the American Pitbull but like I say there was no way again that they were being left off this list then it was really hard at this stage to kind of be able to rank them so I wouldn't argue if you shuffled some of these dog breeds around at all but we are going into the medal spots and taking the bronze medal.


Rhodesian Ridgeback


In my number three position today is the Rhodesian Ridgeback now again another breed that's definitely on the higher scale of medium to large type dog breeds so if you put them in the large category you might have to take this with a little bit of a pinch of salt with our right on the edge for me but I thought you know what if people are interested in a medium breed the ridgeback might be one that they might look at going towards the top end of their ability in terms of size or that their desire should I say in terms of size as opposed to ability because the ridgeback again is a fantastic dog if you like dog breeds like Weimaraners, Hungarian vizlas work in Labradors that type of athletic very intelligent very eager to please working dogs with that kind of athletic appearance yet you want a little bit more protection and garden skills and the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a perfect choice for you obviously they have that beautiful striking Ridge that runs the length of that body which makes them stand out from all those other breeds that I just said but because they were originally bred to go on long hunts alongside horses and be able to stand their ground in terms of packs when their people wouldn't in large game like lions they are fearless protection in kind of today's modern day society that fearlessness transitions into brilliant watch and Guardian dogs and make a fantastic choice especially if you're looking for a dog that has that skill set yet doesn't have that kind of negative stereotype based on its looks because a lot of people will mistake it for like I say a visitor or a vine or honor or a Labrador so if you want a dog without people crossing the road from you or presuming that you've got a horrible dog I always put the ridgeback into that category because it might make a perfect fit.


American Staffordshire Bull Terrier


At number two taking the silver medal spot was the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier did gave you the spoiler warning you knew they were coming at some point the and staff is right up there and it was so hard right in my list I did have him in the gold-medal spot and I'll explain why I put the other breed in there and why the AM staff could have fit in there if you disagree with something I'm going to talk about the number one spot in a minute but the AM staff for me is just such a fantastic animal beautiful dog breeds everything you get from the pitbull in terms of that little bit more size yet the intimidation that comes with that a little bit more eagerness to be a protection and guarding dog a little bit more watchful yet all those beautiful characteristics I talked about the English Staffordshire Terrier the American Staffordshire Terrier that AM staff kind of fits beautifully in the middle and you really do get the best of both worlds with an AM staff and especially if like I say you want to breed this a bit bigger than the English Staffie then the American staffer you could definitely be a fantastic choice make brilliant family dogs brilliant working dogs brilliant just companion animals yet will thrive getting out and about with you it can be very reliable and again as long as you provide good training good socialization good leadership good boundaries and lots of exercise the AM staff will absolutely thrive in that environment and will for me make one of if not the best medium-sized guard dog world on the planet for that kind of overarching guard dog breed that the average Joekind of person would actually require and take it.


My gold medal spot and again before I tell you what that dog was for me a lot of people would have it in the large category and for me it's kind of like mediums last large probably a little bit more large but could tip that down into the medium so if you're absolutely disgusted with me and you think that this would fit into a large breed category forget this breed and have the am staff as your gold medal and we'll go from nine down to one but bear with me because in my gold medal spot I do have the Doberman Pinscher now again from the outset it looks like the Doberman is a huge breed and theirs although they are a tall dog breed they're so athletic and slim with that tapering body that they're actually a little bit lower on the weight scale than a lot of people would imagine which like I say puts them in that kind of top-end medium bottom and large dog breed and especially if you get a female or just simply go out your way to find a smaller variety of the Doberman breeds obviously all breeds come slight variation and depending on the mom and dad you can get a good idea about maybe looking for a bigger Doberman or a smaller one so like I say but what you get out of the Doberman if you're prepared to push that size a little bit more the Doberman is up there like I say with one of the best and not only protection dogs on the world not only best guard dogs on the world also the best watchdog on the world one of the best family dogs in the world one of the best companion animals in the world one of the most trainable dogs in the world you get what I'm trying to say the Doberman is an amazing dog breed and one that fits into a ton of different people's circumstances providing the one big caveat is that you could give them the level of exercise and mental stimulation that they absolutely must have if you can burn off that energy you can burn off that exercise requirement to make sure you constantly drain in them with different kind of obedience and games and different toys and puzzles that they can work on the Doberman is one of those dog breeds that has the beautiful ability of getting out and working and coming for cool long walks and hikes and doing obedience training and really enjoying that one-to-one interaction you get outside of the house yet you come inside of the house and they're really able to settle down and relax and calm down and be a natural watchdog and Guardian but also very natural member of your family from a companionship point of view which for me is why they're so well balanced across those fields which is why I came very very close to choose an Adobe man as my next dog when I went with the cane Corso it was a very close choice between kind of the Corso the English Mastiff and the Doberman and again maybe with what I know now about the health difficulties that my papa had maybe with hindsight I'm IVA leaning towards going for a Doberman which might have better kind of health requirements and what a lot of Mastiffs obviously struggle with with both my bull mastiff and our mechanic also died and far younger than they should from just frustrating hereditary issues that kind of have no control over.


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