What are the top 9 scariest dog breeds in the entire planet?


What are the top 9 scariest dog breeds in the entire planet?


Well in today's blog that is exactly what we're going to discuss welcome back to my blog if you are new here my name is Abhishek.
I'm a blogger| entrepreneur | affiliate marketer | social media influencer | zillionaire | richest person ever on this planet | CEO | Founder of DOGGYZ and MAAK.


I write blogs just like this one to help you guys choose the perfet breed for you and then have to become high-level canine leaders that raise perfect canine companions so if you want to join this amazing community would develop in here.




Now this blog rightly so definitely does fit more into the category of having a little bit for and a little bit of entertainment but when we're talking about guarding breeds one of the most common things I discuss that people kind of misunderstand is that we've guarded for the vast majority of people or we really actually need from our dogs is to have a good high level of an intimidation factor that means if someone's snooping around looking through the window scouting out when you're not in whether it's a good time to burgle your house and you've got a really mean looking dog barking at them or staring them down they're probably gonna go you know what it's not worth it let's move on to the next house so although this is definitely a little bit of fun and we're going to try and make it as entertaining as possible there's definitely something to be taken from this discussion that we're going to have here today and before we jump into the top 10 it's also worth noting that this list for me is gonna be what I think the general public would deem the scariest dog breeds of all time because these are my favorite dog breeds and the breeds I love working with most they're the breeds I love to own myself you guys will know that I recently lost my Cane Corso puppy I've had a bull mastiff in the past large powerful breeds I find really endearing and to be honest I don't find them intimidating and scary whatsoever however like I say this is going to be what I think the general public perceives us the scariest breeds in the planet so with all that said and done let's move into the list.




We'll start with number nine and at the botanical wolf dog or the wolf hybrid now for me the wolf if we were going to include non-domesticated canine breeds the wolf probably would take my number one in terms of the scariest canine on the planet the wolf is absolutely not only glorious and beautiful to look at but I think because of that glory and that beauty that just strikes a chord somewhere within us it's because we are hardwired somewhere to find animals like the wolf or like lions and tigers to find them glorious and impressive because deep down we find them absolutely terrifying obviously the wolf dog is often that Bradley breeds like Malamutes and Huskies but and I think the general perception of those individual breeds is it that they're overly intimidating and they're much more fit into the category of glorious or beautiful dogs but however when we bring in that a little bit of real wolf into the mixture and they gives them that little bit of added size and it gives them that little bit of something that's in their eyes that isn't there with a breed like a husky again I'm sure it's somewhere deep within a DNA code to let get that adrenaline levels off a little bit get that blood pumping a little bit more than it sure that it's a kind of stuffing that absolutely fascinates me because even me someone that works with these large powerful breeds have encountered a few wolf hybrids in the past and it gets me going a little bit and I have to kind of bring myself down and talk myself into being a calm consistent leader that's in control of this situation that's just something about it that's definitely intimidated and scary now at number nine we're going to start with the proper domesticated official dog breeds.


Turkish Kangal


We are going to be looking at the Turkish Kangal in the number eight spot now the Turkish carry-all also shares a lot of those large powerful wolf like characteristics especially if they guard in large pieces of land at night is very easy to mistake a Turkish Kangol looking at you out of the darkness as an extremely large powerful wolf now the thing is Turkish kangaroos were bred together to fight and kill animals like wolves bears and jackals to protect their livestock or their owner's livestock from threats from predators like that now there's no way that breed that powerful that strong and with those levels of capabilities are going to not be intimidating so the Turkish can will for me definitely featuring on this list.


Bull mastiff


At number seven I have the bull mastiff now the bull mastiff is a breed that I can personally attest to that lots of people find very intimidating and very scary and when my friend own bull mastiff (Roxy) it would be very common that even though she was a beautifully kind and loving obedient well-mannered well temperament a dog people would cross the road they'd actively avoid us they keep their dogs out of the way just presume that based purely on the look of her that she was an aggressive nasty and scary dog again this isn't my perception this is just life at the general public and the wider public will perceive as the scariest dog breeds in the world it's because of my love for my first bull mastiff Roxy that I think I have such a deep love for Mastiff breeds and those wrinkly chops just go somewhere straight to my half cords and I actually find the beautiful and endearing and they're one of my favorite breeds not only in terms of their characters and to work with but also in terms of their looks but like I say I have both years of experience in people that never met or I've never met my dog presuming that they are aggressive scary animals.




At number six I have the German Shepherd now the German Shepherd is the most popular garden breed in the world known as a companion animal but also in working roles all the way from high-level personal protection to police dogs to military dogs everybody knows the German Shepherd and everybody if you think guard dog you think police dog your first fort is almost certainly going to be the German Shepherd now obviously that means that it carries a reputation the German Shepherd is also very capable guarding dog both mentally and physically and it's probably rightfully so deserves a little bit of respect in terms of their capability does it make them scary again I think because of the reputation they've got of being the most popular the most trusted the most reliable guard dog breed in the world that the general public people have don't understand dogs as well as we do here on this channel we'll look at a German Shepherd and we'll naturally find them intimidated and find them scary because of this reputation that they have at.




Number five I have the dope now it might be surprising that I have the Doberman higher on my list than the German Shepherd but I think for me there's something about the Doberman there's something about that sure to coat that athleticism that longer pronounce snout the way that their top line and that belly falls away it's just again maybe I'm letting my buyers talk into convincing me what the general public will find intimidating but there's just something about the Doberman that I find would be a little bit more intimidating and a little bit scarier than the German Shepherd now they also share that similar markings are going to be featured on other breeds and breed it can be featured in this list of that black brown and tan marking similar to the German Shepherd and I think that like I say with that size the stature the the menacing growl and the deep commanding look that they can give you a little pair straight through somebody again like I discussed with the wolf dog just gets that blood flow in a little bit gets that adrenaline spike in a little bit even if you've got experience with a breed like that.




At number four we have the boreboel now I'm not going to spend too much time on the boreboel because I've already discussed pretty much everything that I need to discuss in this kind of topic with the bull mastiff everything I said about the bull mastiff cranked it up a notch the boreboel tend to be bigger they tend to be more muscular they tend to be a little bit more reactive so that barking more they growling more they're gonna be losing more if you've got them parole in your perimeter the boreboel is more likely to be up at the fence barking as people move past and again with all those characteristics on top of the added size and stature of the ball ball they're naturally just going to be a slightly scarier dog in the bull mastiff which is why they feature higher on the list and then.




Now at bronze spot that is third spot is pitbull Before up our breed that I actually found very difficult to place on this list because it's probably the breed that's got the words reputation or maybe a better phrase is the worst unfounded reputation and the whole planet and that's the American Pit Bull Terrier now by far they're not the biggest they're not the heaviest of the dogs that were going to discuss I actually don't think they've got the meanest face there's dog breeds that just look scarier if you took all reputation and all kind of sure four processes around these breeds out of the equation I actually don't think the American Pit Bull Terrier is overly an intimidating dog but this reputation that they've garnered over the past few decades the reason one of them being that they're banned in places in here in the india that kind of social perception building up over the time maybe it's to do with the kind of people that are actively looking to have an intimidating dog getting pit bulls to use them intimidating purposes obviously.


There's no denying that the pitbull for the average public is one of the most scary and intimidated dogs or dogs that they would presume to be extremely aggressive or dangerous dogs.


Persian Canario


Now at number two taking the silver medal spot for me is the persian Canario now the persian Canario features higher in my opinion than the Babur and a bull mastiff i think they share a lot of the same characteristics that are discussed with the boreboel in terms of them being a little bit more reactive than a bull mastiff a little bit more quick to act but the Presa Canario is often that seeking in that brindle dark color in i know of all the mastiff breeze you can get variations in the colors but just have four knees tends to be the more popular if the bull mastiff colors and the one you think to when you come to mind same with the boar ball when it comes to the presser you're more commonly going to assume this brindle color in so we're going to kind of go with that in terms of color in and for me that brindle coloring just gives it a different edge it kind of brings it into the category of the Doberman in terms of that black and brown and dark markings the way they carry themselves their gait when they're walking there's just something about the Presa Canario that in my opinion if you had them side by side walking past somebody and you have to get them to choose which one is the scarier even though the boreboel is probably going to be the bigger of the two I would wager that people would find the press are a little bit more intimidating and a little bit scarier so for that reason I've got them at my number three spot.




Now number one taking the gold spot in terms of the most intimidating scary dog breed on the planet I have the Rottweiler again completely unfounded reputation in terms of them being scary and intimidating because then being aggressive or dangerous it's not the case all they are very capable guarding breeds but all breeds are capable of going wrong and becoming aggressive dogs and Rottweilers for some reason just seem to carry that little bit more wariness in terms of it going wrong for some reason in my experience people presume that the Rottweiler will go wrong easier than a Doberman or a German Shepherd well now there's a debate and a discussion and it would be a long lengthy blog for me to have that discussion and discuss my thoughts on that but in terms of just a general population a general public perceiving dogs to be scary and intimidating in my opinion out of those kind of three breeds in particular I presume I believe that the Rottweiler would be presumed to be the scarier off those free breeds so that's why I give them the silver medal because they is a dog that I think will top them just a smidge.





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