Top 10 most Confident dog breeds


Top 10 most Confident dog breeds


In this day and age there are so many different dog breeds that it is quite difficult to determine the perfect one for you what dog would most likely fulfill your needs and wants if you're the kind of person who appreciates a confident and strong personality in your ideal dog then wonderful in this case you have quite a few fascinating breeds to choose from and in today’s blog I'm going to give you my personal pick of the top 10 most confident dog breeds in the world.



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The founder here at everything we do on this blog is dedicated helping you choose the perfect breed for you then how you can become a high level leader that raises perfect canine companions so if you want to join this amazing community start by hitting that subscribe button turn on the notification bell and you'll never miss a future blog so then let's dive into today's video we'll jump straight into the list of the top 10 most confident dog breeds,self-assured canine companions who make amazing watch and guard dogs.


Jack Russel terrier


We start with a breed that could easily have made it to a higher position on our list so please do not take this rating as me belittling the little jack Russell terrierin fact amongst the small terrier breeds this one happens to probably be my favorite more than 10 years ago i had the pleasure to personally rescue and rehabilitate a beautiful female jack Russell she turned out so amazing that my friend fell in love with her and decided to keep her these dogs are small but make no mistake about it every inch of their little bodies is filled to the brim with terrier typical confidence and make a real fun but challenge to train and live with very similar to the jack russell terrier in size and shape.




At number nine we have the dachshund who can be even more self-assured these German badger hounds know no fear and is given their original task it's clear to see why if you were a little canine making a living from battling feral foxes and badgers down their burrows then you would certainly need all the courage and confidence that you could muster up now whilst dachshunds can be quite stubborn they make amazing and amusing little canine companions now talking about confident canines.




Our next candidate on the number eight spot is a little bit larger than our previous two picks and he definitely has the physical prowess to back up its confident nature the rottweiler is one of the most powerful amongst the guardian breeds and whilst other breeds used in the police and military service such as Dobermans, belgian malinois and german shepherds can sometimes be a bit more anxious and insecure a timid or even fearful rottweiler is an extremely rare occurrence which is why rottweilers are immensely reliable protection and guard dogs.


Bull mastiff


And that number seven on our list of the top 10 most confident dogs we have one of my favorite breeds of all time the bull mastiff as one of the best natural family guardian breeds on the planet the mighty  bull mastiff comes with high levels of courage and confidence unshakable in their loyalty these dogs will not hesitate to risk their lives for their owners of course their sheer size and bulk give the breed a sky-high intimidation factor so realistically not many people will ever want to put a bull mastiff's confidence to the test and risk getting attacked by this fearsome looking giant.


New Found-land


Our number six spot goes to another dog of the mastiff type even though this one has never been bred for protection or guarding roles the majestic newfoundland was bred to save people from drowning and to retrieve nets for fishermen in the freezing cold ocean off the coast of well you guessed it newfoundland this dog's confidence is rooted in its calm self-assured personality famous for their love for children newfoundlands are not aggressive as such but come with an extraordinarily strong and solid character.


South African Boreboel


At our number five spot we have a breed very similar to the bull mastiff in fact the south african boreboel is a descendant from the bull mastiff who was crossed with other large breeds to create the ultimate farm guardian bauble literally translates into farmer's dog the absolutely massive muscle pack mastiff is perhaps an even more effective guard dog than the bull mastiff himself and comes with a distinct stubborn streak and confidence galore after all these intrepid dogs have been bred to protect their owners from lions and other large dangerous african predators and they are absolutely fearless



Australian Cattle Dog


On our number four spot we have an australian breed similar to the rottweiler the australian cattle dog has been bred to drive cattle over vast distances and even though very different from the rottweiler or the mastiffs we just mentioned in temperament this extremely energetic dog is still supremely confident which of course comes in handy for its original role as controlling angry balls and is not a task for the faint-hearted this courageous breed is very trainable but needs strong good firm leadership to channel its high energy into positive avenues.


Persian Canario Dog


And here we are at the top three positions on our list of the top 10 most confident dog breeds in the world the bronze medal goes to a dog native to spain more precisely to the canary islands bread is a highly effective livestock guardian dog and fierce competitor in dogfighting competitions the persian canario's confidence is next level it is said that this breed has come into an existence to finally put an end to the island's farmers sheep and goats being killed by predators not one of the breeds available could fit that bill so people decided to create the perfect protector these dogs are extremely powerful energetic and prone to serious dog to dog aggression relentless defenders of their owners personal property and livestock presses have gained a reputation for being amongst the most potentially dangerous dog breeds in the world.


Spanish Alano


Now here we are at our second position on the pedestal the silver medal spot let's see which dog has conquered the second top spot amongst the top 10 most confident dog breeds of the canine world and the dog that i have picked for this position belongs to a rare breed outside of its native spain however in terms of strength courage and confidence it rivals the presa canario so much so that the two spanish breeds are almost on par with each other the Spanish alano is considered an absolutely ferocious opponent to any animal or human attempting to harm the persons or farm animals under its protection these large and supremely athletic dogs are absolutely not suited for novice owners their strong-willed character their enormous strength and high readiness to strike do make them potentially dangerous especially in the wrong hands.

Caucasian Shepard Dog


And now we come to the absolute top spot on our list of extremely confident canines the gold medal goes to yet another livestock guardian breed in fact the caucasian shepherd is the most powerful flock guardian breed on the planet these bear-like giants and the undisputable kings of confidence amongst the dog breeds and they need to be as they have to fight off bears wolves and mountain lions in the mountains of Russia caucasian shepherds work together in small packs and are quite capable of killing wolves even though this breed has gained worldwide popularity today it has lost nothing of its legendary courage ,confidence and independence which makes these shaggy giants immensely challenging to own and to train as house companions these are seriously very serious working dogs who were never meant for a life spent indoors as pets.


So i hope you enjoyed this list if you did please don't forget to subscribe and turn on that notification bell that way you'll never miss one of our future blogs


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