Which are the Best guard dogs for protecting your home or property well??


So what are the best guard dogs for protecting your home and property well??


Well in today's blog that is exactly what we're going to discuss welcome back to my blog if you are new here my name is Abhishek.
I'm a blogger | affiliate marketer | CEO | Founder of DOGGYZ .


 I write blogs just like this one to help you guys choose the perfet breed for you and then have to become high-level canine leaders that raise perfect canine companions so if you want to join this amazing community would develop in here.



In today's blog I'm gonna break down my personal top 10 picks for that role


Now let's not waste any more time and we'll jump straight into the blog but before we go into the top 10 list let's make it very clear that this isn't just the top 10 garden breeds it's the top 10 guard dog breeds for the property in the home now for me when I think about when people come to me saying that they need a guard dog to protect the property we're discussing not just within the home and protecting the family and the individual people but it's protecting the home when you're not there as well as the wider property perimeter whether you live in a house where you've just got a simple front and back garden just a back garden or you live on a hundred acre farm the skill set is exactly the same a dog that knows where its boundaries are and will naturally instinctively want to defend those boundaries defend its property as well as defending the people that it lives with within that property so let's dive into the list.


Giant schnauzer


I'm gonna start number 10 with the giant schnauzer absolutely not to be mistaken for its miniature or standard cousins although it does look very similar with that fantastic moustache and beard game that it's got going on the giant schnauzer is actually not only a fantastic Guardian but a natural fantastic property Guardian the giant schnauzer is one of those guard dog breeds that regularly comes into my lists because of their overarching ability to fit in a variety of different garden purposes they are very eager to please they're smart and quick to learn they're naturally protective of their family but more importantly for this list they'renaturally protective of their property and their property boundaries as long as you help them understand what those boundaries are what is also good about the giant schnauzer is that they're not overly aggressive they're very good and look dogs they will bark and intimidate people away from those boundaries but they won't act overly aggressive unless absolutely necessary which for things like the postman coming to your door or friends or family coming over it's all about striking that balance and the giant schnauzer often fits that perfectly.




At number nine I have the Akita and more specifically the American Akita with the Nikita's lineage having lots of German Shepherd put into it back towards the end of World War two when the American soldiers were over in Japan and they kind of adapted the Japanese Akita of the time the American Akita that came back to the States and then has since spread around the world and is very popular here in the UK and it's actually very rare to see an actual Japanese Akita here and what people call a Japanese Akita or Akita is actually much more like the American Akita anyway that's a topic for a different video they are naturally extremely protective of both of their loved ones and of that property to the point where it's like a very good combination of a 50/50 split the Akita is a fantastic choice with dog if you want to be able to go out of your home and leave a dog parole in keeping an eye out in the window and scaring off any would be bad guys now they're a little bit higher on this list because they don't necessarily excel in any specific area but similar to the giant schnauzer they are excellent across the board and can be used in variety of different guarding purposes including garden of the property.




At number 8 you might be surprised that it's so high up my list is actually the Rottweiler many people probably presume that they'd be more around that top 3 spot but for me the Rottweiler again is a fantastic all-rounder in a similar fashion to the Akita in the judge now that can be a brilliant all-around or the Rottweiler just takes that to another level they're not specifically inherently fantastic property Guardian like some of the dogs that are higher off and the number one two and three spot that we'll talk about later but that ingrained in sense of guarding and protection with the Rottweiler is absolutely fantastic and just because they're number eight on the list don't make that fool you that they're not good at this job they are one of the best in this job for this very specific requirement of property Guardian I did have breeds that did actually think we're a little bit higher and speaking of which.




At number seven We have the Komondor very commonly known as the Hungarian shepherd dog now you're going to start to notice a theme here as we go more higher up the list and that is dogs that were bred and have worked for a long amount of time in these shepherding roles outside on farms and they have that capability of being very independent workers and in their native land of Hungary the Komondor is used for this exact purpose being able to parole large areas of farmer at them for him protect their sheep and there will flocks from predators such as wolves or bears and don't let those looks of those awesome dreadlocks fool you the common door is an extremely capable Guardian breed and it's a breed that I think will start to gain in popularity the more people understand just how capable they are.


German Shepherd


At number six I have another breed like the Rottweiler you're probably presumed would be in the number 1 to 3 spot and that is the German Shepherd again the German Shepherd for me if you saw my tier list earlier in the week I do probably consider the greatest overall Guardian breed of all time that versatility is renowned and is the reason that they are the most commonly used guard in breed in the world but for the sole purpose of protecting the property for a very property specific Guardian don't get me wrong they are one of the best choices in the world they are extremely capable in all the other areas of garden especially along terms of protection and military work where they can really utilize that intelligence and trainability but like I say don't get me wrong if you need a dog that will watch your property the German Shepherd is fantastic and do just think that there's a few breeds that we're going to go into this top five that just pick them a little bit but don't get me wrong like I say if you disagree with that there's a lot of people that would probably put the German Shepherd number one on this list and I wouldn't put much of an argument this is just my personal kind of bias


Bull mastiff


Now at number five we have one of my personal favorite guardians in the world and was my first guard dog for my young family and that is the bull mastiff the bull mastiff was born bred and raised to be a natural protector of not only the home the people but also the wider environments the common stories that people often talk about the history of the bull mastiff is how they were used to silently and discreetly keep poachers away from diamond mines and it's one of the reasons that they were initially went over to south africa and they then developed into the boreboel.




So I’m going to kind of put the bull mastiff and the bore ball very similar in this category both in this position of number five sorry both are fantastic Guardian breeds both are amazing for not only protecting their loved ones but also the wider area of that property and their property boundaries.


The Caucasian shepherd and Central Asian shepherd


Now at number four and number three i couldn't quite decide which way to have these rounds I'm gonna lump and together as they are kind of very similar in terms of their ability to be property guardians and that's the Central Asian shepherd and the Caucasian shepherd both are extremely large powerful dogs that have the ability to work in some of the harshest climates in the world and protect not only their people their loved ones and their flocks from some of the most serious predators on the planet because they have that ability they are also extremely capable should push for ever comes to shove and they ever actually show and utilize those Guardian skills but on top of that they also offer incredible at imitation especially of how vocal they are with their alerting the both of these Shepherd breeds if you're looking for a guard dog maybe one that you want to live outside if you've got large areas of property I know a lot of you guys over in America something I'm really jealous of you guys but you have your properties and your ranches where they come with tons of land these kind of breeds might be the kind of breed that you want to have the ability to roam and keep those areas safe taking the silver medal.


Tibetan Mastiff


And our number two spot is the Tibetan Mastiff now it is no secret that I absolutely love mastiff breeds but probably over than the Dogo Argentino because they're illegal here in this country the Mastiff breed that I had the least experience with just because they are so rare and so expensive you just really don't see many of them is the Tibetan Mastiff now they are often used more as fashionable items now especially because they are so expensive and developed that reputation about being the most expensive dog breed on the planet because there was a Tibetan Mastiff puppy I think it was in Asia somewhere that sold for a ridiculous amount of tens of millions of dollars that then started a bit of a trend of people wanting them as fashionable items kind of unfortunate.


Again topic for another blog but it shouldn't be taken away from the fact that the breed is probably and it's the reason they're number two one of the best property Guardians in the world it's what they were originally bred for and like the Central Asian Shepherd in the Caucasian shepherd that fur and their exterior allows them to work outdoors for long periods of time in extremely cold environments and remain extremely successful that large power and book that comes from the mastiff lineage also makes them incredibly effective especially when it comes to warding off predators and that can be developed into warding off burglars if you're worried about those kind of people breaking into your property the Tibetan Mastiff is an absolutely fantastic choice.


Turkish Kangal


Very close came to my number one pick but I just couldn't choose against my number one pick and the gold medal does go to the Turkish tangle again a breed that I talk about a lot on this channel because I absolutely love the breed it's a breed that I talk about a lot but I actually only recommend to a very few slight amount of people and that is because of their ability to be an independent natural property guardian if that is what you're looking for and you have a legitimate reason to require those skills like protecting large farms or large areas of land and property or ranches the Turkish Kangol in my opinion is the best choice on the planet they are the most effective when it actually comes down to require in the guarding skills they are more than more than capable of getting the job done but they also have a very nice ability to form extremely deep bonds with the people in their lives so they are naturally very good with children they're very good with their adults and provide and you raise them with good structure and good leadership they will respect that within the home boundaries but you can also trust them to go out sometimes they're often used to go for days at a time to go wander in and checking on flocks or checking on the land and ensure that things are maintained and as they should be and everybody within that flock and within that pack and within that boundary of that property it's safe and sound and for that reason the Turkish Kangal is my number one pick.

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