What you don't know about German shepherd !!

German Shephard 


The incredible Beauty intelligence and versatility of the German shepherd makes them one of the most beloved dog breed worldwide.

 German shepherd history

We currently most associate the German Shepherd as a police 
dog however as their name suggests this breed was developed for herding flocks in the fields of Germany particularly sheep these sheepdog origins go back to the end of the 19th century thanks to their great intelligence and tendency towards training the German Shepherd has now become known for its ability to carry out a wide range of tricks services and tasks and the versatility.


German shepherds demonstrate and their abilities is not mere chance they are due to incredible cognitive physical and emotional capacities.


German shepherd’s Nature


German shepherds are ranked third in the ranking of most intelligent dog breeds in the world additionally their nature is alert balanced friendly and extremely loyal to the Guardians.




Contributing to their facility for training and creating an amazing all-round dog the German Shepherd has for many years been one of the most popular and well-loved dogs they have the perfect combination of a noble character remarkable intelligence great sensitivity and an obedient temperament within their family group.




They are extraordinarily loyal to the Guardians when properly educated and socialized.


German shepherds with children and other animals

They can get along famously with children also demonstrating a very loving and protective character they can even live peacefully with other animals in the home.

 German shepherd in world war

The German Shepherd is one of the few breeds to have accompanied the German army in both world wars during the First World War .The breed was in its infancy and the German authorities were unsure how they might fit in the context of war during the hard years of conflict the German Shepherds were used to transport messages locate wounded soldiers and Patrol along with the officers

Their performance was so incredible that even Allied soldiers returned to their home countries with great admiration for and fanciful stories about the breed it was thanks to these experiences that the breed became known outside of Germany and gained its global popularity by World War two. The German shepherd was a famous breed in both Europe in the United States their skills again impressing soldiers who served in both sides of the front


Obesity in German shepherds


Despite their balanced behavior the German shepherd can become somewhat gluttonous eating too much too quickly Guardians need to be alert to bad eating habits and train them to desist ideally the daily amount of food should be portioned into at least two meals so they don't wait too long between eating.


Diseases in German shepherd dog

 They are a strong and tough animal German Shepherds show genetic predisposition towards various degenerative diseases its enormous popularity and desire to standardize physical characteristics have led to indiscriminate breeding which reflect negatively in the breeds health to this day the most sensitive regions of their body are their abdomen and extremities being more likely to develop hip and elbow dysplasia than most other breeds they are also prone to developing some of the following conditions epilepsy digestive problems dwarfism chronic eczema keratitis and glaucoma the type of fair accepted its breed standard has generated much controversy since the breed has been officially recognized in actuality.


Coats and shades of German shepherd


There are three varieties short medium and long hair however different breed standards exists with some only accept in the medium hair version of the breed others accepting long haired dogs but seeing the length of fur as a breed fault the archer coat in most cases needs to be hard straight and dense as possible but a can vary in length over certain areas of the body should be noted that different colors are accepted for the coat of the German Shepherd beyond the traditional solid black or black and tan examples we can find versions with different shades of gray or even yellow however all white dogs are not found in the official breed standard.


Behavior of German shepherd dog


The German Shepherd is one of the most loyal dog breeds they're not aggressive and much less bad by Nature on the contrary they tend to show balanced behavior and are obedient and alert however as always we emphasize the behavior of the dog will depend largely on education and environment provided by the Guardians unfortunately incorrect or irresponsible rearing of this dog can lead the problems with aggression for this reason it's essential to pay attention to the training and socialization of this breed.


Judy, Mehta ,folly and flash


The first guide dog school in the world called the seeing-eye was created in the US and its co-founder Morris Frank traveled between his native country and Canada to promote the usefulness of training these dogs in this way the first dogs to officially assist the blind were four German Shepherds called Judy, Mehta ,folly and flash they were first used to help World War one veteran's and mercy side on the 6th of October 1931.


Now you know the most important aspects of the German shepherd.


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