Top 10 Dog breeds that Droll a lot !


Top 10 Dog breeds that Droll a  lot !


Get your tissues out because today will bring you ten dog breeds that drool like crazy welcome to another blog of Doggyz and if you're wondering about the most drooling dogs in the world the number one is definitely not going to disappoint dogs are known rulers but a few breeds that are quite gifted at the art of slobbering or should we say cursed some owners love their dogs so much they're practically blind to all that slobber others would have you believe the slob only enhances the charm of their already squishy faced breed whether you're looking to find yourself an adorable drolly dog or you're here to learn exactly which breeds to avoid we've got you covered with today's list ten dog breeds the drool like crazy okay let's get started


Number ten bulldog


This would not be a list of slobbery dog without the wrinkled face bulldog most owners of this breed remember all too well the day they brought home their first bulldog puppy so sweet and loving with their squishy little faces but as their puppy grew so did the amount of drool drool on their best outfits all over the hardwood floors and a slimy mess in their beds you'll always know the location of a bulldog simply by following its trails of saliva slobbery as they may be most owners will reassure you their adorability far outweighs the extra cleaning chores these dogs come with just make sure you always keep a drool cloth handy.


Number 9 basset hound


The Basset hound is another known slobber but many owners find that to be adorable and will tell you it just adds to their droopy and indifferent nature the basset hound must just be one of the most Placid gentle dogs of the hound breed group 2 the sense of smell only surpassed by the Bloodhound a friend er to all dogs and humans these dogs need a tolerant owner who doesn't mind a little drool smell and shedding that said those that can appreciate their sometimes independent stubborn personalities and put up with the occasional slobber will be rewarded with a life companion that is loyal great with children and accepting of other dogs.


Number 8 bloodhound


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree with the hounds as the Bloodhound is an even larger drooler than a shorter Basset cousin the Bloodhound is also famous for its incredible sense of smell which remains an icon of the breed to this day you'll rarely see these dogs with their heads off the ground as they're always busy tracing the source of some exciting scent they're often used by police and military search and rescue for their hunting capabilities in the home they are very affectionate with their families and make great buddies just as long as their owners are prepared for some serious slobber.


Number 7 Dogue de Bordeaux


With such a royal name you expect a little more cleanliness out of the dog de Bordeaux and yet the breed made today's list for a reason the dog' de Bordeaux is a french mastiff breed that was once used as a guard dog and a cart pulling dog and for good reason it is of the oldest French dog breeds and to this day is known to be a powerful dog with a very muscular body but on top of all that muscle sits a cute and wrinkly face keep them true to their mastiff ancestry unfortunately all that excess skin can lead to excessive amounts of drooling but it's a price many are willing to pay to get a load of that cuteness just look at those loose cheeks



Number six Saint Bernard


Some dogs just drool more than others its genetic and the st. Bernard is a hard case say Bernards like in the movie Beethoven are famous for leaving slobbery messes everywhere they go their owners carry dish towels and rags around the house to wipe away the drool all that gorgeous hair also comes with an excessive amount of shedding but many will tell you these huggable mountain dogs are well worth the effort just be sure you invest in some hardwood floors or something that's easy to clean.


Number five bull mastiff


Slobber number five is a cross between the English Mastiff and the now extinct English bulldog like his French cousin the bull mastiff has also been used as a work and guard dog throughout history today they're most often seen as family companions a position they excel at however once killed a haven't lost over the years is their excessive drooling and with those wrinkly faces and long cheeks it's a safe bet these guys will continue to slobber for centuries to come whether they're the right breed for you is up for debate just make sure you stock up on drool cloths if you do decide to go for a master.


Number four Newfoundland


The Newfoundland is a Canadian dog breed used for water retrieving and water rescue owners loved their Newfoundlands for their devotion to their master and their great personalities these dogs don't rush their owners and can live at your pace making them an excellent choice for your first dog they are true gentle giants with a calm demeanor and known for their very friendly temperament however like the Saint Bernard they are a large and hairy breed that drools often so they are not a perfect fit for everyone but if you can look beyond all the excess saliva you'll have one a loyal friend for life.


Number three Great Dane


The more dog you have the more drool that comes with it so it's no wonder the Great Dane made today's list the record holder for the tallest dog ever is a Great Dane called Zeus who measured three point six feet from paw to shoulder the tallest living dog is another gain named Freddie measuring three point four feet and while size is one of the main reasons for the impressive amounts of saliva these guys produce some Great Danes also have excessively long cheese which means some of these gentle giants drool even more than others


Number two Bernese Mountain Dog


Bernese Mountain Dogs with their gorgeous black white coats bear a striking resemblance to their larger cousin the st. Bernard however these Swiss dogs were actually used for general purpose farm work their sheer strength and size allows these dogs to pull heavy carts and are famous for drooling a lot afterwards even without a heavy pulling session these guys are known to slobber a lot on the daily strong as they may be this breed is very gentle natured and make wonderful family pets if one is prepared to deal with their long shedding coats and a decent amount of saliva.



Number one


Neapolitan Mastiff and the winner of today's slobber contest is the large Neapolitan Mastiff just look at all that loose droopy saliva producing skin the Neapolitan Mastiff is a very impressive dog massive heavy set and a little bizarre looking the Neapolitan Mastiffs was used to play Hagrid the half giant's dog in the magical Harry Potter movies these giant dogs need a huge amount of space indoors due to their sizeable bodies and pretty clumsy nature they are also quite territorial and not suitable for small spaces and inexperienced owners with children any human or canine trespasser can expect to be chased off of property when there's a Neapolitan around or at the very least yet heavily drooled upon.


And that's it for 10 dog breeds that drool like crazy do have a drooling dog breed do you agree with our list of droopy drool errs please enlighten us in the comments below.


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