12 dog breeds that can protect you from wild animals


Imagine you're out in the woods camping by the riverside and then a bear attacks what are your chances of survival even worse picture a pack of wolves attacking your homestead at night and mulling on all the livestock you had acquired how would that feel indeed most of these random attacks can be totally mitigated and so the best solution is to get yourself a dog not just any type of dog but the best guard dog that can easily take on any wild animal without breaking sweat.



Hello guys welcome to another episode of doggyz in this blog we explore the 12 dog breeds that can protect you from wild animals and you should stick around for number one as the dogs we're going to showcase here have an incredibly intimidating appearance yet they exude and exhibit a calm confidence that is way impressive to behold.


Number 12



Commandor is a dog breed that is not easy to mistake it is famous for its bulky shaggy fur that closely resembles dreadlocks its short legs and long fur make it appear smaller and one can easily mistake it for a very timid dog commandors were originally breeded hungry to hurt sheep and other livestock they especially blended with the sheep so wild animals could not easily spot a dog amongst the sheep the commodores would pounce on them unaware and put up a spirited fight which would occasionally end in their favor since then commodores have always viewed other pets as their subordinate they like being the boss and i can tell you for a fact that they are good at it commodores are independent in nature and are very fond of trusting their judgment this makes them very dependable dogs as they will chase away wild animals even when the owner is not around isn't that what we all need in a dog when indoors commondors are very calm but to be honest they are more comfortable and happy in a home with a large backyard or a field in the countryside be on the lookout when a commodore barks it's letting you know that there is danger in this case a wild animal due to their deep booming barks it is only wise to keep a common door and a compound that is far from your neighbors trust me you do not want the police knocking on your door every now and then keep your commodores active as they can get very destructive when bored.


Number 11 visla


Visla is one dog breed that is very active and energetic their mid-sized bodies are endowed with lean burn muscles that make them great athletes they originated from hungary and were originally bred to chase fight and kill wild animals their great stamina help them endure the fights longer than most dogs would you bet that a visa will protect you from any wild animal regardless of its size they're also very clingy towards their humans and if not given proper attention they can quickly turn into a biting machine and drive your whole family crazy you wouldn't want that to happen visla is a lover of people and will probably not forgive you for leaving it alone over a long period of time they also like to generally control and dominate other dogs in the household but they are surprisingly very friendly towards the other pets they are usually calm and playful and will only get aggressive when they sense any form of threat or danger in case a wild animal is approaching the visla will quickly change its stance it will appear to be more alert and engaged it will stand erect intense accompanied with low growling and it may start barking to be on the lookout as this may be your only warning before the wild animal attacks and if you think the visla is good and strong enough the number one will leave you paralyzed.


Number 10 terriers


If snakes have become a great threat and nuisance to your home or work area then you need to get yourself a terrier these energetic dogs were initially trained to chase and kill and have been known to particularly deal with snake problems able to effortlessly take on small wild animals such as foxes and other wild dogs terriers are very alert and can quickly sense danger from afar terriers will bark and charge at wild animals that may be a threat to you and yours so be on the lookout when you notice a change in stance in a terrier they are known to be fearless in nature nothing scares them not even a larger dog let alone a wild animal this fearlessness is the main reason as to why they constantly get in trouble the jack russell terrier in particular tops the list of the most aggressive dog breeds


Number 9 boxer


What goes on in your head when you hear the name boxer well in case you were wondering boxer dog breeds were not used in a boxing ring and they don't box at all but they sure do leave their opponents thrilling in pain boxers the dogs hail from germany and probably get their name from their square shaped muzzle if you ask me it kind of looks like a box these medium-sized dogs boast of strong jaws and bite force they will bite into their opponent whether large or small and they'll have no intention to let go until the opponent gives up they may sound aggressive but these dogs are quite energetic and playful around their owners initially boxers were bred for hunting they were also used in fighting and bull baiting you could tell that they are great watch dogs because in recent times boxers have been trained and used as military and police dogs boxers will never bark unless there is a good reason to do so so keep an eye on your surroundings whenever you hear one bark like visla… boxers are not the happiest dogs when left alone over a long period of time you'll find your house in chaos and i'm pretty sure you wouldn't like that or would you.



Number 8



Rottweiler have got to be one of the most agile and powerful dogs in the early days they were bred to herd livestock and pull carts they were mostly used by butchers who needed to protect their meat and money to and from the market they perfectly fit as both guard and work dogs rottweilers have since shown a commitment to protect and guide their owners and flock rottweiler are so loyal that they can get overprotective they are always willing to go above and beyond to protect their home and owners even if this means taking down a wild animal that may be preying on their owners or owners livestock they are not comfortable whenever there are strangers within their home they are often very confident in their judgment and in case of an attack they may not wait for you to give them a go ahead rottweilers are always looking for ways to please their humans they are without a doubt equipped with a natural instinct to guard their owners.


Number 7 Great Dane


great Danes are believed to be the world's largest dog breed and to prove that they even made it to the guinness book of world record due to their massive size they easily intimidate both wild and domestic animals in addition their deep backs are enough to cause unrest in the minds and heart of many animals as well as human beings even more ironic is that great danes are very sensitive and they would appreciate if you don't get too harsh during training it is also worth noting that great danes are very short-tempered and when they fight they fight to win if not kill


Number six mastiff


Mastiff family of dogs are hands down one of the best dog breeds that can protect you from wild animals at first glance you will instantly feel the urge to pet and cuddle these fluffy creatures but be warned as they have constantly proven that they are willing to protect their owners and property at all costs they're not scared by anything they will courageously stand up to predators regardless of their size


Number five pit bulls


Pit bulls can be quite friendly and extremely loyal to their owners the male pit bulls can weigh up to 90 kilograms therefore they have the strength that they dearly need when taking down any wild animals their legs are also strong enough to chase away wildlife they were bred with fighting in mind the american pitbull for example was used in blood sports like bull and bear baiting where packs of dogs were set against bigger animals in a pit their face instantly screams fierce and fearless and i can tell you for a fact that these are some of their greatest traits i mean who wouldn't be scared of  this face.


Number four Dogo Argentino


Doggo Argentino were originally bred in Argentina and trained to go after big game such as pumas and wild boars they have successfully killed jaguars wild boars and cougars before and therefore you can be sure that they would still be willing to put their lives in the line for their owners they are that loyal Dogo Argentino boasts of a muscular physique as well as powerful bodies that do not fail them when they are out in the wild they may be very vibrant outdoors but when they get indoors they become so calm that you wouldn't believe that it was the same dog running around.


Number three great Pyrenees


Great pyrenees are not a typical breed for family security but they are appropriate for various defensive protests with their apparent size that will with no doubt intimidate just about anything short of a polar bear great pyrenees were originally developed to protect livestock from wolves and coyotes despite being cherishing and delicate great pyrenees are independent steadfast as well as courageous canines who will charge at just about anything that they deem as a threat despite their opponent's size.


Number 2 Belgian Malinois



As the name hints on the Belgium malanois originated from Belgium they are likely the most loved and well-known dog breed variety working for police and military units all over the world at the first glance the belgium malinois hastily look like little german shepherds however they have considerably more force and energy than their normal partners do.


Number one Kangal


Originating from turkey the Kangal was firstly bred to act as a flock guardian fending off predators of all sizes including wolves bears and jackals Kangal are naturally loving and very gentle their speed can go as high as 50 kilometers an hour and as you probably already know wild animals record pretty high numbers when it comes to speed these fearless dogs are never afraid to even take on the largest predators to date kangals have been used to protect local herds from cheetahs lions and big cats this has had the benefit of not only protecting livestock but also ensuring the continuity of endangered cats due to reduced culling by local farmers.


And that's it for the 12 dog breeds that can protect you from wild animals which of these breeds got you all hyped up and ready to get one let us know in the comments below and if y0ou like this blog you should definitely check out our blog on 10 Dog breeds that can kill a Wolf.


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