TOP 10 facts about Rottweiler !!


Rottweiler facts


Welcome back to the doggyz if you are new here then my name is Abhishek I am the founder of doggyz and one this blog I will tell you TOP 10 facts about a BADASS ! breed and that is the Rottweiler or Rottie.


 Let's get straight into it starting a list at number 10 is that these breeds actually started in Rome the actual origin of the Rottweiler does remain a little hazy although it is fought that they have an interesting ancestry many people speculate the breed came about when the Romans bought dogs with them during their invasion of Europe which they crossed with native breeds like the Aten butcher the greatest wish mountain dog as well as some others all of which believed to be the descendants of these same Roman dogs.


And coming in at number 9 is that although they might not have been originated there they were perfected in Germany rotties were often found in southern Germany in Switzerland and the breed was given their name because of so many of them were left in the livestock training town of Rock vile in Germany's southern region of the Black Forest their main job back worm was to herd and guard livestock and their reputation of being loyal and courageous gradually spreading to other parts of the land these large impressive dogs became popular with butchers and they were often seen pulling carts at the time they were known as Rottweiler Mexican guns which translated means Rockville butchers dog and they fought to not be that much different from the rotties that we still see today commenting.


At number 8 is getting the name right although it is perfectly acceptable to pronounce the name Rottweiler the breed is from German descent and the actual correct way to pronounce the name is rot viola with the W pronounced as a V as is typical in the German language.


And number seven we have that Rottweilers are like bumper cars thanks to the rotties history as a herder the dog has a habit of bumping into people animals and things when they want them to fall in line while train what Eilers are gentle breeders don't recommend the dogs for households with young children or the addled elderly especially for this reason.


Coming in at number six we have that this breed came very close to extinction towards the middle of the 19th century paved roads and railroads started to change how livestock was brought to market herding dogs were no longer needed when transporting cattle so Rottweilers found themselves out of a job the number of rotties continued to dwindle and clubs disappeared the breed almost vanished entirely but a small group of breeders fought hard to keep them around in the 20th century the breed found a new purpose serving in the military and on police forces Rottweilers were introduced to the United States in 1910 but their popularity continued to grow today the raht ila is the tenth most popular breed in the entire United States.



Coming in at number five we have that they need very specific looks for Kennel Club registration their height at the withers or before males are 61 to 69 centimeters with females 56 to 60 3 centimeters and the average weight for males is between 50 and 60 kilos with females just 35 to 40 8 kilos rotties a large and impressive dogs been well proportioned powerful and extremely well muscled they have broad heads were moderately arched foreheads and nicely muscled cheeks dogs have slight wrinkling on their heads when they are alert otherwise the skin is tight their muzzles are deep with a well-defined stop and their noses are black with nice wide large nostrils their eyes are almond shaped and medium in size being dark brown with closely fitting eyelids is a pendant and smallish and set high and wide on the dog's head and like close to the dog's cheek rotties boast a perfect scissor bite where their upper teeth neatly overlap their lower ones and lips a type will fall away gradually at each corner of the dog's mouth next a fairly long and well muscled with dogs holding them slightly art showing a lot of power and strength shoulders are well laid back sloping rather along with rotties boasting powerful well muscled front legs chest the broad and deep with dogs having well sprung ribs and deep briskets and their backs are level straight with deep strong flanks hindquarters are broad and very well muscled with lower thighs being muscular at the top yet sinewy lower down back legs are powerful and very powerful that feat a compact round with dogs boasting well arched toes back feet are larger than their front ones which is quite rare for dog breeds the pads are extremely strong with short dark nails and a rotties tail is quite thick and imbalanced to a dog's overall appearance and it's at level two that group when it comes to their coat the Rotti has a medium length coarse top coat which lies flat to a dog's body their undercoat is shorter and gray black or fawn in color but it does not show through their top coat the hair on the back of a dog's front legs and breaching is typically slightly longer than on the rest of their body and with this add excessively wavy or long coats are highly undesirable under the Kennel Club breed standard the only accepted coat colors for the Rottweiler is black with very well-defined tanm markings which includes a spot over each eye on a dog's cheek a strip on each side of their muzzle on their throat two triangles on each side of the breastbone on a dog's front legs from Karpis down to the toes and inside of a dog's back legs that goes from the hock to their toes .


Coming in at number four we have American rotties versus German rotties German clubs have different breed standards than the American Kennel Club German rotties tend to be a little larger and have long tails in the United States breeders tend to still favor the doc tail although the trend is beginning to shift towards keeping the tail intact especially with countries like here in the UK completely banning tail docking and ear cropping for cruelty purposes unless there is a medical or working reason for them to be removed which must fall under one of the following categories Iver for law enforcement activities of the Armed Forces emergency rescue lawful pest control or the lawful shooting of animals.



Before we get into our top three facts here's some positives and negatives of the Rottweiler feed to take into account if you're considering getting one of these noble powerful dogs some of the positives include that Rottweilers are highly intelligent and very confident dogs and they're known to be extremely loyal and devoted they're easy maintenance on the groom in front and they're low to moderate shedders they are natural watchdogs being very protected by nature that should also make helps make them very loyal and protective of their owners and their owner's property however there are some negatives as there is with every single breed of dog and it might be that Rottweilers are not necessarily good choice for first-time dog owners and early socialization and training is an absolute must they can be very demanding on quite a lot of fronts and there are large dogs and therefore need enough space to express themselves as they should puppies are extremely energetic and enthusiastic you can sometimes show aggression towards other animals especially if they aren't socialized well.


Coming in at number 3 factors that they have an incredibly strong bite force thanks to their large heads Rottweilers have an impressively strong bite their jaws are stronger than German Shepherds and pitbulls with a force of eight pounds per square inch that's about half of a shark's bite force at six hundred and sixty nine pounds.


And number two we have the excellent training is mandatory just like people every what is different it's very important to train your dog early and diligently to ensure that they're a gentle loving pet these are very powerful dogs and they need to be taught when to use that power and when to stand down thankfully the Rottweiler is one of the most intelligent dogs on the planet and therefore they learn new things extremely quickly the downside to this is a Rottweiler will be just as pick quick to pick up any bad habits as they are the good they need to be handled with a firm yet sympathetic approach that is always consistent right from the word go and throughout their lives which is one of the reasons they are better suited to people who are familiar with their needs Rottweilers need to be well socialized when they are puppies and it can be not stressed strongly enough that their training must start as early as possible failure to socialize a puppy or trainer young dog correctly is a recipe for disaster both for a Rotti and their owners they are extremely intelligent but they also boast a very dominant side to their natures and as such they need to be well trained by someone who has experience with this type of breed they are amongst two breeds a super sensitive to a person's voice and as such respond well and extremely quickly when they're given a command with this in mind it's worth noting a great care has to be taken when training to avoid getting them too excited which could result in a dog becoming unruly and unmanageable.


And our number-one fact to my absolute favorite out this breed is that they are insanely loyal dogs Rottweilers have been bred as guard dogs so they are known to form strong bond bonds with their owners often they will follow their family members from room to room and these loving dogs generally do not do well spending too much time by themselves and love the company of others they're fiercely loyal and they have strong guarding instinct that makes them very protective of their family the Rottweiler is known to be an active dog and one that needs lots of exercise as well as mental stimulation for them to be truly happy well balanced characters as previously mentioned they might not be the best choice of first-time owners because they do need to be handled by someone who has the right experience with this kind of intelligent impressive powerful dog although does make a good family pet their sheer size means taking care when they're around younger children there are a very good choice of people who work from home more for families well one person usually stays at home and everyone else is out of the house a fully mature Rottweiler is an extremely strong dog and one that can be very demanding as well as arrogant at times and this instinct to guard is a trait that is deeply embedded in their psyche which must be well understood when sharing a home of this rotties with this said the Rottweiler thrives in a home environment and they are never happier than when they can be with their owners and their families and they'll follow them around just to be with them and to check that everything that's going on in their environment is ok and they will look after you no matter what.



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