TOP 10 Active Guard Dogs or Guardians for active people


Active Guard Dogs


So what are the best guard dog breeds for people that need outdoor active lifestyles well in today's really I'm gonna break down what I think are the 10 best guard dog breeds for active people.



Welcome back to doggyz if you are new here then my name is Abhishek and I am the founder of doggyz lets dive straight into our list of top 10 Active guardians


And at number 10 I have the Cane corso so now you guys probably will knew this dog was coming it is the dog that I brought into my life just before Christmas and if you've been following my journey either here on the canine show on my other blog will enable you will know that she unfortunately passed away at just four months old because of a hereditary heart issue called PDA she was a absolutely beautiful soul but one of the main reasons I chose the cane corso it was for me for that fantastic balance that the breed manages to offer have not only been one of the best Guardian breeds in the world both natural and the ability to train them to high personal protection levels but there are also extremely gentle loving devoted members of the family they're also because I love being in the outdoors I love hiking and mountain biking and walking they also love exercise and of all the Mastiff breeds are probably one of the best breeds you can have if you like an outdoor active lifestyle but also want a mastiff to go alongside it that was one of the main reasons I chose a cane corso and there was no way they were being left off this list.



At number 9 we have the Rottweiler herd another large blocky powerful Guardian breed but another breed that is very capable of loving the outdoors loving running love mountain biking love hiking they're an absolutely fantastic Guardian breed on top of that and one of the most intelligent dog breeds on the planet now they can be a little bit hyper switched on a lot of times which is one of the downsides of them being able to be so active and brilliant with outdoor people as much as they can thrive off exercise and mental stimulation sometimes Rottweilers do struggle to turn off a little bit when you come and bring back into the household so if you are considering a Rottweiler because you're a very active outgoing person just be aware that they might not be the best breed if you want a dog that you can go out on an adventure with but be able to come home and snuggle up.



Moving forward in our list we have the Black Russian terrier or commonly called the BRT the Black Russian terrier is one of the guard dogs a lot of people aren't aware about but are slowly starting to rise in popularity as similar kinda to the Giant Schnauzer in terms of look and capabilities the Black Russian terrier is an absolutely fantastic Guardian breed and don't let the terrier in their name mistake you they are a large powerful animal that is fantastic a wide variety of personal protection all the way to natural family Guardian roles but because they are so athletic and have such amazing athletic prowess they are brilliant for people that love to be out in the wilderness especially cold environments like Russia so if you're in a kind of person that you're either live somewhere here like the UK where the winters can be brutal and the swimmers aren't incredibly hot they might make a fantastic companion for you if you like to get out in the great outdoors.


At number 7 I have one of my personal favorite breeds I am very biased towards and that is the turkish Kangal the turkish Kangal is an extremely large very powerful very strong very independent Guardian breed now that independence is something that you should take very very seriously this breed is fantastically athletic and is capable of wandering extremely large areas and properties and farms and keeping organized stock and your family and your territory safe which is what makes them such brilliant Guardian breeds and they also form extremely deep bonds to their family however like I say they are very independent and very capable of working on their own which can come across oftentimes are stubborn and they can't be difficult to train this independence also makes them very capable of making decisions for themselves and if they make a wrong decision in an environment where they don't need to it can be disastrous take for example a postman coming to your door family and friends come in to visit your home and you've got a Turkish Kangal that Miss reads those as a threat and therefore makes a decision to go into its guardian role you can have a disaster and that is quite common unfortunately with the Turkish Kangal so as much as they're a fantastic breed they're a breed to take very seriously and only really applicable for a very slight amount of people.


At number six we have the Dogo Argentino which like I always mention when I bring up this breed because I think it's worthwhile you know and is one of the few breeds you don't have any personal experience with because they are banned here in the UK now like I mentioned in a blog a few days ago I do think that that ban is completely unnecessary and unneeded and there's much better ways of managing these situations but again that's a topic for a different blog the Dogo Argentino like the Cane Corso is a fantastic guarding Mastiff breed that absolutely loves its family and has incredible natural protection skills but because of their ability to work in extremely hot climates all they're usually out on hunting parties very commonly in hunting for things like wild boar on farms these dogs can go all day in very brutal climates which makes them fantastic companions if you're interested in long hikes long mountain bike rides you like being out in the wilderness you're into things like bushcraft the Dogo Argentino can be a fantastic companion but they are very also a very capable Guardian breed as well.



Let's jump into number five and it is a breed I did mention alongside a previous breed and that's the Giant Schnauzer and of a breed that is quite uncommon in the common gliding circles but for the people that are kind of in the know know just how fantastically capable the Giant Schnauzer is the judge nails are like the Black Russian terrier is a fantastic dog that is extremely athletic very smart very eager to work and pleased and highly trainable what I personally love about the Giant Schnauzer is although there are a large powerful dog they're quite unassuming and not yourtraditional intimidating garden breed now for me I've had a bull mastiff I've worked with lots of large powerful more traditional Mastiff breeds and it does get a little bit annoying sometimes when people cross the road to keep out of your way even though your dogs under complete control or people don't want to come near you or presume that you've got a dangerous dog just by the way it looks whereas the Giant Schnauzer is just a beautiful looking dog and because it is very similar to its kind of standard and miniature cousins you don't tend to get that kind of response so if you are looking for a very capable loving loyal athletic outgoing garden breed but you don't want people to automatically think that it's a dangerous dog the Giant Schnauzer might be a fantastic choice for you.


At number four I have the most common garden breed in the world and that's German Shepherd now the German Shepherd absolutely loves to work rightfully so is considered to be one of the most intelligent and trainable breeds in the world which they absolutely are like I always say that kind of has a flip side in terms that it needs a lot of mental stimulation you have to feed that high intelligence and that high desire to work otherwise they become very bored which then often then turns into very serious behavior problems so if you consider in a German Shepherds you have to make sure that you can make sure you hit the mental stimulation but also the physical requirements of the dog now you have to take this with pinch of salt because unfortunately because of that sloping top-line that the dog has that was originally there to help with its kind of proud Singh explosive power due to poor breeding lots of inbreeding and difficulty with the hips can make the dogs suffer from very serious hip dysplasia which can cause issues for a breed that does require so much physical exercise so especially when their pups you need to make sure that you manage their exercise manage their climbing stairs manage their jumping up and down on furniture yet also kind of ensure that they get in that kind of physical and mental stimulation so it can be a fine balancing act to manage but if you manage it well and you can get a dog into its adult stages with no issues from a breeder that's bred from really good stock you can have one of the best outdoor active companions and guardians in the world.


At number three in the bronze medal spot we have another one of my favourite breeds on the planet that is also another breed that's very overlooked in the garden conversation and that is the Rhodesian Ridgeback originally used as hunting companions for things like lions this is a fearless dog that is capable of work in all day in the hottest climates of Africa with no problem whatsoever in kind of the modern-day countries right here in the UK and over in America where you're not really out hunting lions every day it does make fantastic companions for if you just want a dog that can come with you for long walks longer heights for bike rides all those things that we've already discussed in this blog on top of that they also like I say make natural fantastic protective guardians that are loving and loyal and devoted to their families and they also like the Giant Schnauzer a less intimidating from the outset so again if you're looking for a dog that you don't I only want people to assume is a horrible aggressive nasty dog like the giant schnauzer the Rhodesian Ridgeback can't fit in because they have a quite similar look to something like a Hungarian visla or work in Labradors they kind of fit in with that kind of category of looks over than that obviously beautiful Ridge that they have down their backs.


Taking that silver medal is one of my favorite breeds on the planet in a breed I came very close to choosing over the Cane Corso late last year when I was deciding to bring another Guardian breed into my home and that's the Doberman Pinscher one of the most intelligent smart dogs in the planet alongside breeds like the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler they are incredibly easy to train they love to work and they love to please their owners which like I mentioned with the German Shepherd has the flip side of the meaning to work you need to expend that energy both mentally and physically and when we talk about physicality there are a much more athletic looking dog and athletic performing dog than many of the other breeds like the larger more powerful mastiff type Guardian breeds you only have to take one look at that slim athletic muscular profile of the Doberman to understand that that is one athletic dog so although one of the best Guardian breeds on the planet and one of the smartest most trainable breeds on the planet and in my opinion one of the best-looking breeds on the planet you have to make sure that you give them plenty of mental and physical exercisebut if you can do that in the home you'll have a loving relaxed reliable canine companion. /



So at number one I have the Belgian Malinois take in the gold spot the Belgian Malinois is probably the most capable to a high level of obedience dog not only in the guardian world but right up their neck and neck with the border collie in terms of every breed on the planet now although they're not often up there in terms of the top tens for intelligence in terms of training ability they are fantastic and like I say if I was choosing a dog purely for obedience or purely for personal protection work I probably would go with a Belgian Malinois just because of their sheer innate desire to work 24/7 and how capable to such a high level they are now the kind of flipside like I keep talking about is a dog that is that extreme in terms of working and that extreme in terms of intelligence and it's trained ability and its desire to work and its desire to please has the flip side of it needing extreme levels of mental stimulation take on top of that they are a shepherd dog that was originally breed bred to work in shepherd roles and to work all day non-stop this is a breed that doesn't switch off that will work is a breed that you will not tire out and you will tire even the fittest man on the planet will tire before a Belgian Malinois retires so although there are fantastic breed an amazing Guardian breed and one of the most commonly used protection breeds on the planet they are also one of the breeds that has the highest exercise requirements and highest mental stimulation requirements on the planet so take that into account make sure you match up your personal energy and exercise levels to your dog breeds energy and exercise levels and you'll be off to a fantastic start.


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