Some UNKNOWN facts about the Turkish Kangal !!





Welcome to the todays blog of Doggyz if you are new here my name is Abhishek And I am the founder of Doggyz on this blog I tell World about the various Dog breeds And our today’s topic is The Glorious Kangal or Turkish Kangal today I am gonna tell you Some amazing Facts About The Turkish Kangal.




Starting today's list all about the Kangal widespread reputation of being able to take down the king of the canine world the wire wolf it is completely true that these dogs have been highly cherished in their native Turkey for years for their skills in protecting farmers livestock from attacks by wolves as well as many other predators that we will discuss later in this video however the question remains is it true that a Kangal can win in a head-to-head clash against a wolf well the answer isn't as simple as the question is now obviously I don't condone dog fighting for fun whatsoever but I have huge respect for the guarding skills of all livestock Guardians in the real world real life working roles especially in countries that suffer from predators much worse than we do here in the UK and what people's livelihood depends on them and in this scenario there are plenty of stories of tangles indeed taking down wolves or at the very least their fearless nature and scaring them off which ultimately serves the same purpose in defending their flocks and they very well might be the best breed of dog on the planet when it comes to standing their ground and coming out on top when they go head to head with large predators like wolves and bears however they do have some helping hands and they have some myths around in this skill that set as well as many help from us from humans that I will discuss in later fact so stick around for these to learn more about the guarding skills of the Kangal against big predators.



Our next fact is that these dogs are iconic in Turkey and the only are they icons that they are actually the country's national dog and they are widely loved and steeped in the country's history the government even run their own kennels and breeding programs to carefully maintain breed standards and it's actually illegal in Turkey to export pureblood tangles and is attempt to preserve the breed but like anything that involves those dollar dollar bills people will find a way even if it means crossing those legal lines and that has led to purebred Turkish tangles finding their way around the world where people are fast falling in love with them like the Turks have and they're becoming much more popular as the years go on in other countries like here in the UK so we've discussed that the breed comes from Turkey.



Our next fact takes a bit more of a deal of the breeds origins the day all the way back to the 12th century and originated from Turkey and the named after the specific region thereof Kangal it is highly suspected that the breed originates from early mastiff type breeds that are depicted in ancient artwork in Turkey and then selectively bred to produce the required Guardian breed suitable for the climate and roles needed which is led to the beautiful breed that we see today.




Our next fact might be fairly obvious one I want to take a closer look at just how huge these dogs actually are when you take a look at videos or pictures it's clear to see that they are very large dogs but they also carry an aura of athleticism there's more common with smallest breeds like the Doberman or Belgian Malinois but when you take a look at the numbers these breeds are huge and compared more to breeds like the Great Dane in height coming in a towering 32 inches tall or 86 centimeters and can be heavier than breeds like the bull mastiff weighing a whopping 145 pounds which is around 66 kilos or 10 tons for my international viewers which when you combine with this athletic prowess I just mentioned and the facts that I'll discuss.




Our next FACT then there is no surprise at all that these dogs are some of the most feared in the world so you've googled the Turkish Kangal and you're flicking through some photos or videos of the glorious breed and you notice that a lot of them are wearing these thick heavy duty collars covered in very long spikes well this isn't just bling for flexing purposes these collars are designed and worn for a specific purpose that links back to us first fad to our mentions that we give them a helping hand in their ongoing war against wolves and other predators in the wild predators from big cats to wolves or bears will instinctively attack their prey strokes for a quick and easy kill you can see this on any of the beautiful documentaries film the Predators in the wild and there's some insane videos of photos of lions or other predators hanging off their preys necks well this is no different when predators are defending themselves or attacking guardians like the Kangal so farmers give their kangals a helping hand and provide these thick collars to protect from bites and equip them with very sharp spikes which means if a predator does go for the neck that will have a very painful surprise waiting for them so anyone that has read my blogs before or have done some basic research on the Kangal knew this fact was coming at some point in this list then that's their bite force but let's look at it in a bit closer as I have a slightly different take on it so new research canine bite forces you're almost certainly come across the Kangal having the highest bite force of 700 psi which is hundreds of psi higher than many of the other larger Mastiff breeds on the planet now I have absolutely no doubt that the Kangal has a ferocious bye and very well maybe the most powerful in the canine kingdom but I am very skeptical of 700 psi there is no definitive evidence of this or footage of these tests being conducted.



Our fact now is that the turkish Kangal versus the Anatolian Shepherd and the common mistake that is people believing that they are the same breed which isn't actually correct and I'll discuss the differences and similarities in just a second but they are registered as two completely separate beads even though they both come from an ancient lineage of herding dogs from Turkey there are both very much working dogs and work in the role of livestock protection and a broke bread to happily live outdoors for long periods of time and they are very resilient to weather changes there are both extremely intelligent and capable of excellent training standards due to their protective instincts they tend to be very protective and gentle of its family and owners however they do differ and in terms of their roles the Kangal is more commonly used to herd and actually physically protect livestock from predators whereas the Anatolian Shepherd is used more as a watchdog scouting out potential dangers why the farmer or other dogs do the herding in terms of their looks they are very similar but the Kangal will always have that black mask whereas the Shepherd often dozen although they although they do both hail from Turkey the Kangal is native to the Kangal district of the Seavers province whereas the Shepherd hails from the Anatolian plateau of Turkey.



Our fact taking the bronze medal is the price of these dogs as a national treasure with laws preventing the export of the dog making them a rarer breed you would expect them to be very expensive over in the UK all you and although they are harder to come by and you may need to go on a waiting list if you want one they aren't anywhere near as expensive as I would have expected so if you are very keen on owning a Turkish Kangal you may be pleasantly surprised to know that a well-bred Kangal will come in around $1,000 and champion lines tend to be between $2,000 to $4,000 now they get me wrong that's certainly not cheap but for my very well bred labrador puppy it set me back around the same price so for a rare and large breed with the history and lineage of the Kangal I think breeders are being very reasonable with the prices that they're asking.



So a silver medal fact goes to the tangles fearless behavior around predators like we've discussed already in the blog these dogs were bred to protect livestock but let's look a bit closer at this as it's what separates this breed from all of us when in a working role these dogs will often be out on farms  huge areas of land for days at a time and are even capable of hunting their own food but where they excel is the fact that not only are they fearless in the face of danger but they are more than capable of holding their own against things like mountain lions wolves bears and coyotes and it's very common that a team of just freak angles can comfortably manage to protect a flock of around 250 sheep tangles are known to the three-stage approach to defending their flocks when they sense predators the first one they do is bark which is usually enough to scare off any attackers as their bark alone is terrifying if this doesn't work and the predator advances they move on to what people call the tangles roar which is a ferocious combination of barking and growling that really is something scary and if that doesn't work the tangle will then engage the predator which very often results in a fight to the death and which the Congo often comes out on top of they will then rinse and repeat this strategy of roaming and searching for threat and defending their flocks 24/7 every single day of its life.



Now that silver medal fat was pretty impressive and a lot of people will have that as their most impressive fact about this breed but for me the most impressive fact and taking the gold medal is that despite their ferociousness of fearless nature's in the face of extremely dangerous situations these dogs make wonderful family companions they are renowned for being extremely gentle of its family who it deems its flock and are known to be superb with children which is why they are fast becoming a popular choice as a family Guardian now it is important to stress that although they are inherently gentle loving animals towards their families their history has made them very independent dogs that require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation which is mandatory that you provide for the Kangal if you have them as a companion animal otherwise they will quickly become bored and if they aren't well-trained then their independence will make them look for their own ways to entertain themselves which often results in a destructive dog and one that being so large can make them very unruly but if you lead an active lifestyle with a large garden or bit of land and a very and you are looking for a family Guardian then providing you knowledgeable enough to train them in a positive manner where they look to you for direction rather than themselves then you very well may have the best family Guardian in the world.


That’s it for today I hope you liked these facts for more subscribe this blog.


I will see you In the next one till then be safe and healthy


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