Best guard dogs in the world for lazy people



So what are the top 9 guard dog breeds for lazy people or just those that like to chill out and aren't really interested in loads of exercise.


Welcome back to the Doggyz my name is Abhishek and I am the founder of Doggyz  on today's blog we're going to be discussing the top 9 guard dog breeds for people that live sedentary or inactive lifestyles which could be for a variety of reasons none of which are bad that's your decision to make some people want to be out doing 10 hours of exercise a day some people want to come home and just be able to cuddle on the sofa the most important thing is that you choose your dog based on energy levels temperament train ability and different characteristics rather than the dog slots one of the most common reasons dogs end up in dog shelters and then unfortunately end up euthanized is because people choose a dog based on their look and they haven't married up a dog breed that fits their lifestyle and if you have a really high energy dog breed with a sedentary lifestyle and people just can't cope and unfortunately have to give them up so the most important thing is you should research these different dog breeds you marry them up and then you'll have a perfect canine companion it is a pleasure to live with so without further ado let's dive into the lesson




 We'll start with number 9 and at number 9 I have the Great Dane now the Great Dane is one of those amazing dogs it's just a big gentle giant they aren't higher on the less planet for two reasons that were originally bred as working dogs that for therefore that makes them do have a good ability to do some exercise but as long as you blow off that exercise in the form of a good 20 30 minutes running the morning same again in the night for the rest of the time they absolutely adore nothing more than just lounging around having a cuddle and a good sleep on the sofa with you now they also have an amazing intimidation factor they have a big booming bark and from the outside do make excellent intimidation dogs to deter would be bad guys however they're not necessarily for more ingrained guarding breeds that love to protect and guard therefore if anyone did ever break into your house you've kind of got a 50-50 as to the whether the dog would actually do any form of protection or welcome them into the house to show them where all your expensive things are now luckily the majority of burglaries are deterred simply by the intimidation the burglars knowing that there's a dog in the house the bigger and the more fun there it's the bark the more likely they are scaring them off now like I say unfortunately if anyone goes past that then they you have the decision to make as to whether you want a dog that is more capable of guarding or not but the Great Dane is definitely right up there with people laid-back relaxed a little bit lazy and just want a dog that will scare people off and then we'll cuddle on the sofa.



At number eight we have one of my personal favourite dog breeds in the world and one of my most recommended dog breeds in the world for people that ask me for my opinion and that's the Newfoundland now bear with me I know this is a guard dog blog and you might be going what is this guy on about but in a similar fashion to the Great Dane people overestimate just how much they need a guard dog on what that guard dog is capable of like I say the vast majority of potential burglaries that are stopped by a darker stop by sheer intimidation alone and never actually come into the property and the Newfoundland’s sheer size bulk and thunderous bark is more than enough to deter any would-be bad guys from trying in the first place now on top of that sheer intimidation and deterrent that you get in the forms of garden work you also get one of the best temperaments on the planet probably the best dog on the planet with children absolutely gentle giant brilliant animals very intelligent love to learn love to please their owners and are completely relaxed big cuddly soft ease in the home now if it wasn't for their lack of gardening ability should something happen they'd feature much higher on the list but we have to combine these energy levels and guarding skills as well as intimidation and deterrent to form this list and they have amazing temperament amazing energy levels fantastic deterrent intimidation but unfortunately they do lack in actual protection and guarding abilities .




At number seven which kind of could be joint with a they're very interchangeable is the st. Bernard or st. Bernard however people like to say it very very similar to the Newfoundland in terms of a beautiful very relaxed calm temperament they love their family they love being with them and they're like nothing more than curling up and having a beautiful cuddle with them and again very similar to the Newfoundland will offer you excellent intimidation and deterrent tactics but unfortunately also will fall down in actual protection and guarding abilities.




 At number six I have another potentially surprising entrant and that's the English bulldog a real good all-rounder in all three of these categories that were kind of looking at excellent temperaments lovely fun characters with a low energy and love nothing more than sleeping and relaxing they are very reactive to people if they're coming close to your house or unto your property so you will get them barking they have that very tenacious ability that still comes with them for what they were originally bred for which means that they will never back down should they actually need to perform which does give them fairly decent actual guarding abilities now they don't really excel in any of those areas there is better temperament dogs there is better guarding dogs and there is better intimidation dogs but they do form together to make an excellent all-rounder which are one of thebest-looking dogs on the planet absolute beauties and icons here in England now things are really starting to heat up here .




At number five and at number five I have the dog de Bordeaux or French mastiff and this is where we're really starting to level up now high levels of intimidation and deterrents high levels of natural guarding instincts should anything happen and an excellent temperament again very much like the English bulldog being great all-rounder’s but just better in every area the English bulldog when we're talking about a guard dog for lazier people.




At number four you're gonna start to notice a little bit of a trend here and we have the Tibetan Mastiff again absolutely brilliant dogs and in the home you'll find that they are fantastic temperament 'add they love their family and love to be with them in a very relaxed they have incredible intimidation and deterrent factors and their barks are absolutely insane and their actual protection ability is through the roof especially their natural internal desire to protect and guard the downside of the Tibetan Mastiff is that they can be very independent and will often make garden decisions for themselves especially if you keep them outside of the house and they've got the ability to be independent and row.




And number three I have the Neapolitan Mastiff and in terms of looks an absolute one of a kind that melts my heart any time I see one those wrinkles and that droop ajiz off I absolutely love it they are fantastic dogs they are also very very low-energy relaxed dogs yet will at a moment's notice kick in those guarding instincts they also have a deep low thunderous bark and will be reactive if somebody is snooping around you that shouldn't be there so their intimidation and deterring capabilities are fantastic they're also often used in their homeland of Italy as natural family Guardians and combined with their low-energy nurse means that that does make an excellent family Guardian for people that do lead more sedentary lifestyles.



And taking my silver medal in the number two places but Bull mastiff one of the best natural Guardian dog breeds in the world you do not have to teach them to protect whatsoever they are also right near the top in terms of intimidation factor and that bark is absolutely thunderous should they use to use it if anyone would even dream of coming snooping around your house and saw that bull mastiff sat in the window staring at them they will very quickly turn around and go the other way and if they are foolish enough to come into your house and threaten either yourselves your family or your property it would very much end up in being a bad day for that bad guy they also are very low-energy similar to some of the other breeds higher up on this list they like nothing more than just a bit of exercise to blow off some steam less so than a breed like even the cane Corso once they've got rid of that energy they will happily sit in the Sentry mode and watch and guard your house all day whether you're in or whether you're out.


And at the number one spot taking my gold medal is the breed that I came very very close to choosing and was a close second when eventually I chose the clinic or so and that's the English Mastiff and the only reason I didn't choose the English Mastiff was just because of how low-energy they are and they wouldn't be able to come with me on some of the hikes I like to go on they are absolute gentle giants in the home with yourselves and your family and their loved ones however they take Good in them and looking after them very seriously but only if they have to get up and do it other than that they would like nothing more than just a curl up and sleep all day and just keep half an ear out should they need to kick into action but if they do need to kick into action there are not only the heaviest or the largest of all the dog breeds on the planet they look the part they sound the part and should they ever actually need to kick into action again they're more than capable of wide varieties of natural protection work don't involve any training so a brilliant temperament excellent companions and lovely to be around and in the family but if you ever did need some garden work also make an excellent choice and that's why they taught my lessons the best guard dog in the world for lazier people.


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