Top 10 facts about best mastiff on the planet..Cane Corso !!


On today's blog I'm gonna break down the top 10 facts about one of my favorite breeds on the planet the Cane Corso.


Welcome back to Doggyz if you are a new visitor at Doggyz then my name is Abhishek I am the founder of Doggyz This blog is Dedicated to Dogs I tell people about various dog breeds.



Without further ado let's dive straight into the list




And we'll start with number 10 and at number 10 I have the intelligence of the Cane Corso for me by far the smartest of all of the Mastiff type breeds the intelligence of the Cane Corso is absolutely through the roof now I'm going to talk about trainability a little bit later on I really want to focus on this point about their intelligence levels and the pros and the cons about those intelligence that intelligence like I say in my opinion is higher than all of the other massive type breeds and is up there with breeds I would say like the Rottweiler and the Cane Corso simply does not get the respect that they deserve in terms of their intelligence and for me the reason for that is the fact that a lot of people consider the Cane cause I was a stubborn breed now I don't actually necessarily think that that's quite true I think what's happening with the Cane Corso is that their intelligence not allow only allows them to learn good habit so every quickly but it also allows them to learn bad habits very quickly and things that they can get away with and things that they can push the boundaries on just because of how switched on they are so if you are considering a Cane Corso they are extremely intelligent but you need to be a calm consistent leader from day one and make sure that your boundaries are firmly in place for out their entire lives .




My fact at number nine is just how quiet this breed is now Mastiffs genuinely do tend to be quieter than most of the other guard dogs and if you put the breed like a German Shepherd up on the high end of the barking list a Cane Corso is right down the bottom end with breeds like the bull mastiff known for having amazing guarding skills that doesn't necessarily mean that they're naturally very vocal the chronicle also is quite content and happy just to sit and observe and be there should be there for you should that be required so if you're looking for a guardian breed but you don't want that one that excessively barks anytime anything goes on in its surroundings Cane Corso could be a great choice.




My fact at number eight is about the health and expectancy if the Cane My friend used to have a bull mastiff his bull mastiff passed away just four years old and unfortunately my Cane Corso puppy a few weeks ago passed away it just four months old from a hereditary heart issue called PDA now the average life expectancy of a Cane Corso is more like 10 to 12 years but unfortunately like all Mastiff breeds like the bull mastiff and the situation's I faced with my bull mastiff they are prone to a lot of health issues again that is very common with giant breeds and unfortunately more so with Mastiff type breeds you're gonna suffer from not only things like hip and elbow dysplasia bloat and gastric torsion they're very common just with large powerful breeds but also like I found out they do suffer from lots of different hereditary heart issues as well as being very prone to lots of different cancers so if you get aniconic also make sure you get good health insurance do you research try and find the best breeder possible that does all those health checks now like in my situation sometimes these things just happen and it is a risk that you take and it's a risk that I think it is important for people to be aware of when you're coming into this kind of breed.




 My fact at number seven is about the cane Corso desire to work now like I mentioned when I was talking about their intelligence I wanted to discuss the desire to work in its own fact because it is just so brilliant now the Cane Corso again in my opinion it is not only the most intelligent breed but also has the highest desire to work breed of all of the different Mastiffs and is one of the reasons that I chose them over all the other Mastiffs when I love each one of those just as much if not more in certain different areas but that ability to work and that desire to work combined with the intelligence makes them very eager to please now you mix all of those things and you've got a trifecta for a dog that is brilliant and can achieve high levels of obedience from just a companion animal all the way through to various different working roles and it's that reason it's that combination of please desire to work in intelligence that is making the Cane Corso one of the most popular personal protection dogs in the world and I guarantee as the next few years go on they're gonna be right up there you're gonna start seeing them in military roles and they're gonna be up there with the German Shepherd Doberman and Rottweiler as super common very well-known Guardian dogs .




My fact at number six is that even though there's such a large powerful breed they don't actually necessarily require lots of space now lots of people out there when they give an advice about the chronic or so just simply due to their size I often recommend that you need a huge house and a huge garden now for me I actually disagree with that fact with one big caveat the Cane Corso again one of the reasons I love the breed so much over a breed like the English Mastiff or a bull mastiff is because they're not overly so you get to work but they're much more athletic than some of the other mastiff type breeds so for me personally that was brilliant because I like to do lots of hiking and getting out in the great outdoors and dogs that can come with me on that is an absolute joy for myself now the flip side to that argument is not only does the dog need lots of mental stimulation because of that desire to work and intelligence but more so than a bull mastiff or an English Mastiff they do need more physical exercise however if you can drain that physical and mental exercise from the dog and if you can get that done early in the day first thing the Cane Corso will actually settle down really until and they don't need much space at all as long as they've got a nice bed or you don't mind them getting up on the sofa and they've got good household manners and obedience in general a chronic or so will very happily be very content just to curl up and chill out in a smaller amount of space than required same for  garden Cane Corso isn't a breed like a German Shepherd even after a good hour-long walk in the morning would love to be paroling round huge Gardens they much rather go out do a bit of work do a bit of exercise burn off some mental steam then come back in chill out and relax so if like me you're looking for that combination of a dog that can come out with you yet can come back to your home and not need much space and just chill another reason that Cane Corsos are so amazing.


And jumping in at number 5 it's about cropping and docking and we're going to focus more on the cropped ears docking a dog's tail is very common practice and it's something that a lot of people are aware of but it surprised me when I started becoming much more involved in this breed more from just an owner and companion point of view as opposed to the amount of course those I work with from a behaviorist point of view there are a lot of people's wider perception is that those ears come cropped and that's how they've been genetically changed and that the dogs are born like that that's not actually the case cane corso those are born with very typical folding Mastiffs type ears that are extremely silky however is very common practice around the world to crop the cane corso those ears that was originally done when they were working as Guardians it removed weak spots so that predators or other animals that the dog was protecting their owners and the property from couldn't use those as weak spots and rip them off which then might cause infections and it was just safer for the dog that practice kind of does continue on especially in countries like Italy and America it is very common to see Cane Corsos with cropped ears here in the UK that practice is completely banned which is why you won't see a Cane Corso in England with cropped ears unless they were imported from a country and had the practice done in a country where it was legal and then imported over here so that's a bit of a fun fact about the Cane Corso we're not going to just gloss kind of the morality and ethics of cropping and docking I did that in another blog so if you are interested go back and you'll look at my on crop in and darken but that is why you see so many dogs kana courses we've cropped ears and why mine didn't have cropped ears and why so many in this country




Down at number four we have a personal favorite fact for me about the Cane Corso and that is just how easy they are to groom now they not only have a really short flat line lovely smooth coat but it's a coat that doesn't shed anywhere near as much as many other breeds take my Labrador for example has a similar flat lie and lovely silky coat but that fur gets everywhere you have to groom him daily and even daily with a good brush as soon as he sits down or brushes pasture you get in a nice little film of Labrador hair Cane Corsos don't have that so once weekly brush over and kind of a wipe down with a cloth and then just remove any mud or other stuff that they might find themselves depending on where you walk them and groom in with the Cane Corsos is an absolute piece of cake like all brassy or phallic and kind of wrinkly mastiff e-type dogs just make sure you keep those wrinkles clean because if they have especially wrinkly faces it's a breeding ground for bacteria so you don't want any infections or anything developing in those wrinkles but other than that really easy groom to breed coming in




At number three my factors about those exercise requirements and balance now I know we touched on it a little bit but again I thought it was really important to put this in with its own fact because not only is it a fascinating part of the Cane Corsos general temperament and characteristics but it's something that you should really take very seriously far too many people choose their dogs simply based on looks and let's face it Cane Corsos if you're watching this blog and you follow this blog and you're like large working breeds you probably agree with me that they are one of the best looking dogs on the planet but you shouldn't choose your dog solely based on looks you should choose it on their temperament their characteristics and very importantly their energy and exercise requirements because if you get a dog that has higher energy and higher exercise requirements in your lifestyle or that you're prepared to give them that is one of the fastest ways for problem behaviors to sink in which then cause the dogs ending up in shelters which then causes and being euthanized and again as longtime viewers will know everything I do on my blogs and working with people and helping dogs is all about in the amount of dogs that end up in shelters and therefore euthanized so the energy and the exercise requirements of the chronic or so like I touched on are a fantastic balance it's very common that if you have a higher energy dog that it's capable of coming out with you and doing hiking and some mountain biking and likes going out for long walks that when they get back that high energy kind of continues so for people that don't want that kind of high energy within the household that might not be a good choice of breed for them whereas the conical also has that beautiful ability of being able to come out burning off that energy and as long as they burn off that energy when they come back into the home environment they can be the most loving gentle doe style relaxed calm dogs on the planet so if you're in a similar boat to me where you like to get out in the morning stretch your legs get some fresh air take your dog for a nice walk but when you get home you want to be able to chill on the sofa and cuddle up with your family and have a dog that's relaxed and is it constantly pestering you and wanting to play a chronic or so it might be a perfect fit.



My fact that the number two spot is about those protection instincts now there's no way we could do top 10 facts about the chronic or so and not talk about how incredible they are as family Guardians now don't get me wrong that decent property Guardians but there is better choices out there if you wanting to protect large bits of land or wider boundaries and parameters of your property and doing a top 10 blog on that so you'll see that coming up very soon however if you want a dog that is there and designed to protect you and protect your family for me they are right up there it's potentially the best Guardian breed on the planet they're there for a couple of reasons not only do they have deeply ingrained extremely protective natural instincts like many of the Mastiffs do but they also have a sheer devotion and love for their family that is unlike many other breeds on the entire planet you combine that sheer love and devotion for its people with those natural instincts and the fact that it will do anything to protect them and you have one of the most fearless Guardians on the planet now again you also combine that skill set with the fact that there not overly aggressive they're not overly outward and they will only act on the actual very in extreme circumstances where protection is actually required and you also have a reliable Guardian which for example you've got kids and you have kids have the friends over and the friends start roughhousing and play and like kids do you want the dog is able to read that situation now you should never leave any kind of dog let alone a guardian breed in that kind of situation unsupervised but the Cane Corso for me just has a better ability at reading those situations and only acting when absolutely required providing that you're a calm consistent leader that has raised them to be a perfect canine companion.



My number one fact position and this is something again as I believe deeper into the world of Cane Corso ownership is something that I personally found absolutely fascinating and I thought you guys might as well and that is the size of the Cane Corso now the Cane Corso is a Mastiff breed so obviously they're very large dogs now they're not up there with the English Mastiff who is widely considered the biggest heaviest of all the Mastiffs but what is really truly fascinating is how much those sizes can vary and how much they can vary from country to country the most clear example of this is if you take a look at the average size of the American Cane Corsos versus the average size of the English or European Cane Corsos and you'll see a massive difference now the reasons for this often get blurred and are debated quite heavily and that you'll find that a lot of people especially kind of this side of the pond will argue that the Italian smaller Cane Corsos where the males will grow upwards of around 100 to 110 pounds the more traditional as they should be Cane Corsos but over in America it's not rare for a male Cane Corso to be 120 to 140 pounds now the reason for that is often discussed that when they first went over to America and before they were registered with the Kennel Club that kind of helps to keep the sizes and the physical characteristics as they should be a lot of Great Dane was put into though American Cane Corsos which buffed up the size increase their height and their weight and is why the American clinic also is tend to be so much bigger than the English or European counterparts.


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