On today's blog we're gonna break down the top 10 guard dog breeds that are perfectly suited for living in very cold climates


Welcome back to Doggyz if it’s your first time here then my name is Abhishek and I am the founder of Doggyz on this blog I tell you about the top 10’s and facts about various dog breeds so make sure you subscribe our blog so without wasting any of your time let’s BEGIN !

Number 10

And as always obviously we'll start with number 10 so starting our list we have the Akita we won't delve into the details of Japanese Akitas versus American Akitas as for this blog on cold climates they are both excellent and we can do another detail blog on their differences if that's something that you'd like to see now the Akita is a remarkable guarding breed and bred to be very rugged and managed harsh conditions very well on a list like this is really difficult to rank these breeds but from my experience there is better more well-rounded Guardians than the Akita and in my opinion there's breeds better suited to extreme conditions but nevertheless the Akita is a great way to kick off today's list.


Number 9 

At number 9 I have one of if not the best livestock Guardian breed in the world and that's the Turkish Kangal and we can throw the Anatolian Shepherd into this is what I will say here is very applicable to them as well now what's really interesting about this breed is that they also featured last week on my top 10 Guardian breeds for hot climates which obviously seems very counterintuitive however they do very much belong on both lists which is just one of the many reasons these dogs make world-class Guardians that climate versatility is incredible in both hot and cold climates now with a breed like this that can span both sides you won't get to the extremes of either hot or cold which is why they don't feature higher but nevertheless this is a breed that you will hear a lot about from me over the next few years as I am incredibly fascinated by them and definitely see a time in the future where I will and I can't wait to document that experience online as it's very hard to find realistic information to provide you guys with realistic expectations and requirements for this kind of breed the.


Number 8

German Shepherd takes my number eight spot again these could be argued about where to put them in this list but it's almost impossible to do a list like this really accurately the German Shepherd is world renowned for being one of the best guardian breeds on the planet they're also highly intelligent and could be taken to extreme levels of training and obedience they really are a pleasure to work with and their coats make them very comfortable in cold climates even more so for those longer hair varieties and it's very common to see working German Shepherds living outdoors as part of their duties in protecting their families and their family's homes.


Number 7

At number seven we have a glorious looking dog the kuvasz the Hungarian livestock Guardian is fast rising in popularity which I personally believe is due to their gentle and Klein looks without compromising on natural guarding skills many families are being drawn to having a protector in the home but don't want a stereotypically intimidating looking dog and this is where breeds like the kuvasz are really thrive in they have a lovely and dense thick coat to originally keep them warm in through very cold nights and intense winters in Hungary which now obviously allows them to thrive all over the world and also various cold climates.


Number 6

At number six I have a breed that it's really peaking my interest at the minute it's a very rare breed and one that I've never had the pleasure of working with firsthand but it's one I'm fascinated with and I'm researching at length at the minute and that's the Norwegian elkhound first of all their looks are magnificent to me they look like a beautiful mix of German Shepherds Akitas and mallomars they were originally bred to track an assist in hunting elk hence the name out count but as the case is with many hunting breeds especially large breeds bred to hunt large game they're fearless and courageous nature's usually transition very well to guarding work and the Norwegian outbound is no exception on top of its incredible skill set it's also bred to be able to withstand roof the cold temperatures and would do fine in most calm climates


Number 5

At number five we have the Leonberger another beautiful dog with a glorious coat that provides protection in some of the harshest mountainous regions allowing them to effectively carry out their infamous watching and guarding work without allowing any cold climate to be able to slow them down.


Number 4

At number four we have the Kurata Chan Bear Dog which is a Bulgarian livestock guarding breed designed to guard and protect from well you guessed it bears they are also still commonly used to protect from various other large predators and even wolves these are fearless and courageous dogs that again boasts the physical characteristics that not only allow them to be world class guardians but also do we have to complete these jobs in very harsh climates.

Number 3


The Tibetan Mastiff takes our number three spot being the only Mastiff breed I've included in today's list now there is no denying their guarding and protection history lineage and skill set and it doesn't take a genius to work out the kind of climates they were bred to be able to manage when you simply take one look at their glorious coats Alice.


Number 2

Silver medal spot goes to the Estrella mountain Dog I wanted to put this dog high on today's list not only because they deserve it but also because it's a breed that's rarely featured here on the fan array ok in our show and that's a bit of an injustice for such an incredible dog breed this breed was bred in the Estrella mountain


Number 1

And taking my number one spot is the caucasian shepherd dog again like the tibetan mastiff you only need to take one look at this dog to work out that not only is it bred to manage the harshest of conditions but you could hazard a pretty accurate guess just how capable a Guardian this dog breed is rarely matched in this topic of Guardian that can handle extreme cold climates and happy to give the caucasian shepherd dog the gold medal in today's blog now make sure you subscribe if you are new here so that you never miss a future upload here on the DOGGYZ.


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