Top 10 facts about one of the best Guardians in the world Giant schnauzer



Giant schnauzer


Today I'm breaking down the top 10 facts about one of the best Guardians in the world who also very well may have the best beard game in the entire dog world the giant schnauzer


Welcome back to doggyz if you are new here then my name is Abhishek and I am the founder of Doggyz-2020 Blog and as you are new here so you should subscribe our blog to get the notifications whenever I upload so let’s get Straight into the today’s blog that is about the glorious giant schnauzer


So for our first fact let's take a little look at the origins of their name the giant schnauzers actual name in its homeland of Germany is the risin schnauzer and like many languages it's not a super straightforward translation but we ended up with simply the giant schnauzer but the risin schnauzers name story is a little bit better so we'll go into that one as Rison is used for terms like monstrous Herculean gigantic hug etcetera… etcetera and schnauzer quite literally means mustache so instead of giant schnauzer I would have personally gone with something like Herculean gigantic beast with the walrus mustache that's a better ring to it than giant schnauzer where I come from.


Our fact at number nine is we had to address it in this list somewhere is about their smaller cousins the miniature schnauzer and the standard schnauzer now many people think that this is the same dog with different sizes like a breed like a poodle who has different sizes but you would be wrong these are three very different breeds all recognized under their own Kennel Club standards displaying varying behaviors temperance and origins.


So at number eight we will look at the similarities and the differences of the three schnauzers and we'll start with what does make them look so similar and why they share the name of schnauzer which like I just mentioned is that obviously that awesome seventh is attached that they rock but they also all rock a beard the Vikings would be proud of and they have some pretty epic eyebrows as well however it doesn't take a genius to work out the main differences between the breed and that is their size the mini stands around 11 inches tall with the standard around 19 but the giant Dwarfs them both being a whopping 28 inches tall the mini weighs just 20 pounds and the standard around 45 pounds and the giant again has them both absolutely dwarfed and outweighs them being upwards of 95 pounds now we've brought to the facts surrounding their names and their looks let's take a little look at their origins.


Our facts at number 7 is about their original working roles prior to World War 1 the Giants was widely regarded as a superb working farm dog and spent many many years across all of Germany excelling in this role they were mainly used to herd cattle and sheep around their farms and eventually to the market however it was at this exact point that the guarding skills started to be noticed as people realize that not only were they great at getting the animals to the market but they were fearless in protecting their owners on the way back who would often be carrying a lot of cash from the sales of their animals and they're at risk of being robbed when World War one came around which is when this dog story really starts to change in him.


Our number six fact they started to get a lot of national attention during a time where weapons development and military growth were highly prized and the giant schnauzer was very quickly noted for being very adept at police and military dog training and many many litters were sent from the country's farms into the cities for formal training and they were heavily used during the entire war a Germany has never looked back since even with the origins of breeds like rotties and German Shepherds coming from there as well the giant schnauzer is still one of the main choices of breed in the entire country for police and military work it slightly more of a fun fact.


At number five to break up all this talk of world wars and that's just how much the giant schnauzer loves the water and in all its forms and they are very well known to take the plunge whenever they get the opportunity so it is worth noting if you're considering getting a giant schnauzer to be very careful around water sources especially more dangerous fast flowing ones as you may find that you have a 100-pound wannabe scuba diver on your hands and on a serious now if you see now that does go for a dip you need to make sure that they're properly dried afterwards is they have the type of coat that can easily allow moisture to get trapped in between the dog's fur and their skin and their coats and they make for some very like nasty infections and skin allergies flaring or if they're not properly dried so back to some of the origins of this amazing breed.


Fact at number four spot and as we've mentioned the breed was developed in Germany and more precisely the kingdoms of Bavaria which is now an amazing lager and Ruttenberg to be helped on farms however the Brees back then were not quite big enough to have the strength that the farmers required yet the farmers rear the temperament and skills of the dog so it's to increase their size to the dog that we see today they had it breeds like the Great Dane to add that size of power while carefully maintaining the temperament that they wanted as it's the work of these farmers and these Shepherds that led us to the glorious breed that we see today.


Now before we dive into our top three facts I'm going to break down some pros and cons of owning a giant schnauzer so if this list has got you considering it this should help give you a quick overview of the breed.


So some of the positives about the breed include the giant schnauzers a loyal and affectionate being great companions and family pets they also excel at all kinds of sports like agility obedience which makes them perfect for active owners they are highly intelligent and in the right hands are easy to train and have very quick learners which does make them suitable for some first-time owners who may lack the experience required proven large guarding breeds like a Belgian malanois for example.


However some of the negatives do include giant schnauzers are sometimes known to be a little bit stubborn at times especially when they're not well trained or well socialized and they are high maintenance on the grooming charm as that coats need to be hand stripped several times a year although a positive for some they are like I mentioned a high-energy dog that needs lots of daily physical exercise but for others that is a huge negative and something that you should consider carefully.


So we're into our top three facts and my fact that the bronze medal is about the skill versus stereotype you get with this breed now many people want big guarding breeds for many reasons unfortunately one of the more common reasons is people just want a big scary dog to make themselves feel better or just to intimidate other people about how much of a badass they are the problem with this is that the stereotype that is then attached to many breeds like that that they're often used until recently that was very common here in the UK with breeds like the Staffie and although my bull mastiff was a brilliantly trained and socialized sweetheart I would often have people crossing the road to avoid me or they pick up their dogs when we passed and if I'm honest there was times where that would make me feel quite self-conscious in a weird way but that's where the giant schnauzer fits a gap perfectly they are one of the most capable loyal loving Guardians in the world but they don't necessarily suffer from the big stereotypes anywhere near as much as many other breeds especially garden breeds so if you want a dog that has got all the skills but not one that people will be scared to approach you ever think you're a fog thrown in then the giant schnauzer could be perfect for you.



Our silver medal fact is award it's our extremely smart they are because of this working history in their lines the giant schnauzer loves having a job to do and combined with its intelligence there really is no end to what they can perform you may not be a policeman or work in special ops or run a farm but that will not stop the giant schnauzer from working for you they can turn their noses to pretty much anything that you can throw them from obedience competitions agility personal protection basic tricks to rescue therapy work that list really just going on and this dog will lap up the opportunity to blow you away with their skills at all of these jobs.



And our gold medal fact has to go into one of my favorite giant schnauzer stories about the amazing giant schnauzer named Monty…. Monty's owner who was 64 at the time was out walking together when he was hit by a bolt of lightning clean on and was knocked unconscious and nearly killed and he only survived because he was wearing rubber wellington boots but anyway he came back to consciousness just and with his giant schnauzer licking his face to help steer him back he only tried to get up to his feet and then be able to try to get home but he collapsed in pain that I can only imagine must be insane after being hit by lightning but he managed to wrap his hands around Monty the dog who then dragged his owner all the way home where his wife saw him being dragged up there dr who then rushed him to hospital the owner was fine and if you google the story you'll find newspaper articles on it for more details but geez doesn't that just give you goose bumps when you hear stories like that about dogs it reminds me every single day that they are truly the best animal on the planet.


That’s it for today will meet you again in the next one till then stay safe J



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