Top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet


There is no question about it wolves are wonderful animals who have been feared and revered by humans since time started of course wolves belong in the wild and are not available as housemates for us but luckily there are quite a few incredible wolf-like dog breeds around today who make amazing canine companions and in today's blog I’m going to name the top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet.


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And we'll jump straight into the list of the top 10 wolf-like dog breeds that we have today with their plush fur bushy tails and long pointed muzzles these gorgeous canines look very much like their wild ancestors and yet most of them make great family companions what some are more aloof and independent than others they are all quite energetic and love lots of exercise and starting.


German Shepard


At number 10 on the list of  top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have the German shepherd and to this day German shepherds have maintained their elegant wolf-like appearance especially black white and sable colored German shepherds look fairly similar to their wild counterparts perhaps this is why these striking and very capable guard dogs naturally instill a certain fear response in many people there is just something about large athletic canines with a wolf like head that makes people's heart just beat a little bit faster.




At number nine on the list of  top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have the keeshond and the keeshond is a medium to large spitz type breed that is called the wolf spitz in its native Germany and with very good reason as the keeshond thick plush double coat strong head and pointed ears give them a wolf like appearance the color of their luxurious coats is a black tipped silver which is contrasted by a cream or pale grey undercoat these quiet independent canines make amazing watch dogs as well as family companions




At number eight on the list of top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet. We have the Samoyed originally bred to pull sledges heard reindeer and assist their owners in hunting Samoyed have their name from Siberia’s Samoyed people these absolutely beautiful sled dogs come with exclusively and white with their pointed muzzles erect ears bushy tails and thick snow colored fur they closely resemble the arctic wolf but in terms of temperament and character these white dogs are far removed from their wild ancestors Samoyed are immensely social and love humans with a passion  not only members of their own family but even complete strangers they are very playful and make beautiful pets


Alaskan Malamute

At number seven on the list of  top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have the Alaskan malamutes bred to pull heavy loads across the icy lands of the arctic the Alaskan malamute is one of the strongest sled dog breeds in existence large powerful and absolutely fearless malamutes even take on a fully grown polar bear if they have to protected from the elements by a thick double coat malamutes are no less formidable opponents than their wolf ancestors themselves malamutes oft are often fairly aggressive towards other dogs however these imposing dogs are quite friendly and calm in the house when exercised and socialized well they can make excellent pets.


Siberian Husky


At number six on the list of  top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have the Siberian husky the striking wolf-like appearance of the Siberian husky has made the breed very popular in recent year with their stunning eyes often blue or marble in color and their triangular shaped upright ears they strongly remind us of our wild wolves and that plush fluffy coat is a joy to look at whilst huskies can make wonderful and fun loving pets they need quite a lot of exercise and an extra escape-proof fence just like wolves huskies can and will climb fences in order to escape and to hunt.


Northern Inuit Dog

And the next very wolf-like dog on our list is an absolutely beautiful designer breed during the 1980s Siberian huskies ,samoids Alaskan malamutes and German shepherds were crossed to create this stunning wolf look alike but despite their incredible similarity to their wild ancestors the Northern Inuit Dog have no actual wolf dna as these marvelous dogs are quite smart and friendly they can make great family companions like the breeds that created them these dogs are quite energetic and need lots of exercise.


Native American Indian Dog


Here in the number four position on the list of top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have another magnificent but little-known breed the Native American Indian dog's similarity to the wolf is uncanny. very tall athletic and highly intelligent these dogs are incredibly loyal to their owners but due to their extremely high prey drive they do require an experienced calm and consistent leader and whilst they can be kept as pets these wolf like dogs are not suitable for families with very small children and despite their wild appearance native American Indian dogs can be trained to serve as hunting companions and even a search and rescue dogs.


Czechoslovakian wolf dog


Now we are entering into the top three positions and on the bronze medal spot on the list of top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet. We have an amazing breed that has a real wolf blood running through its veins we are speaking about the gorgeous Czechoslovakian wolf dog who is a cross between German shepherds and carp avian wolves we are speaking about the gorgeous Czechoslovakian wolf dog who is a cross between German shepherds and wolves and while some owners do successfully keep these hybrids as pets it is not really the safest thing to do unless you are an expert in canine behavior and really know what you are doing their unique genetic structure make wolf dogs like the Czechoslovakian quite unpredictable and volatile in some situations they react like wolves and in others like domesticated dogs which is why true wolf dogs like the Czechoslovakian are prohibited in many states of the us as well as in various other countries of the world


Wolf Hybrid


At number two on the list of  top 10 wolf-like dog breeds on the planet we have another wolf hybrid the sarlus wolfhound is a cross between the German shepherd and the timberwolf this breed is a marvel to look at and it is understandable that many dog lovers are quite intrigued by the sarlus however what we have just said about the Czechoslovakian wolf dog even more applies to this timberwolf hybrid the breed is notorious for behaving very similarly to actual wolves which can pose a serious danger for owners with small children there have been quite a few bite incidents over the years involving wolf hybrids biting a young child in the head much like a wolf would do the consequences for the child can be absolutely devastating obviously which is why salu's wolfhounds are not at all suited for less experienced dog owners or for families with younger children.


The tamaskan dog


And our gold medal winner the top wolf like dog breed in the world is the tamaskan dog also known as the tamaskan wolf dog this stunningly beautiful large canine looks very similar to the European gray wolf and yet this breed has zero wolf dna in it the so-called wolf gene has been bred out of the tamaskan in order to make them more suitable as canine companions this athletic dog has a striking thick double coat and a straight bushy tail in color tamaskan can be of black tipped grey red tinted grey or the classical wolf gray but what made the tamaskan win our gold medal is it's amazingly friendly people loving nature sweet affectionate and devoted to its humans the tamaskan is quite a safe dog and can make an excellent family companion in terms of intelligence and trainability these wolf likes rival even the German shepherd.



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