Top 10 Velcro dog breeds that love to be with their Owner


Velcro is a common fastener for various items such as purses or computer called wraps but did you know that there are veritable Velcro dogs out there like the popular fastener these dogs are immensely clingy they easily attach to new owners and stick to them like glue driven by an overwhelming desire to be near their favorite humans velcro dogs follow people around like shadows and in today's blog i am going to name the top 10 velcro dog breeds on the planet.


Welcome back to the Doggyz if this is your first time here my name's Abhishek


I'm a Blogger here at Doggyz and everything we do on this blog is dedicated to helping you choose the perfect breed for you and then how to become high-level canine leaders who can raise perfect canine companions so if you want to join this amazing community that we've got going on here make sure you hit that subscribe button and turn on the notifications bell so you never miss a future upload


So let's dive into today's blog and We'll jump straight into the list of the top 10 velcro dog breeds in the world.


Golden Reteriver


Sweet ,affectionate canine companions who love nothing more than be close to their owners for cuddles snuggles and hugs these breeds are usually a great choice for first time owners as they are eager to please the humans they have accepted as their trusted leaders right here at number 10 we have one of the most popular breeds of today the beautiful happy-go-lucky golden retriever extremely social and friendly towards people these dogs make marvelous companions who are great with children bright cheerful and eager for life golden retrievers are wonderful dogs to have around and they certainly do love to be around their owners as much as they possibly can so if you get one of these golden boys and girls do not be surprised to find them nearby wherever you go in the house.




The sleek athletic doberman is our number nine candidate when it comes to being among the most attached dog breeds in existence on the job this dog is a stellar performer but at home no family member will be safe from the dhobi's pursuits its purpose getting to be as close to its owners as physically possible snuggles and cuddles on the couch are preferred however a doberman will make do with simply attaching themselves to their people following them like shadows.

Great Dane

And on the number 8 spot of our list of the top 10 velcro dogs we have the mighty and majestic great dane extremely tall and fearsome looking this breed and the term velcro dog seemed quite contradictory but the opposite is the case if it was up to these gentle giants they would spend the biggest part of their days close to their people on the couch much to their dismay not many cultures are big enough to hold a great Dane in all its glory but not to worry these extremely affectionate dogs will make do by simply putting their behind on the furniture whilst happily leaning into any humans who they might find there.




And at number 7 on our list of the top 10 velcro dog breeds we have a small dog whosewrinkly face and its large soulful eyes give him a unique and funny appearance the pug has become very popular over the last few years as an amazingly mellow and loving companion pugs love people and should you get one it will quite happily follow you around as you go from room to room in your home so if you value your privacy beware of the pug.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


I'll let you get back to the blog you were just watching if you are looking for a particularly sweet and affectionate small companion dog then consider the cavalier king charles spaniel among all the velcro dogs on our list this is one of the most friendly calm and easy going ones with a long silky coat these beautiful spaniels are a joy to look at and live with their calm mellow nature makes the cavalier king charles the ideal pick for senior owners and families with young children.




On our number five spot we have an immensely intelligent beautiful as well as affectionate toy breed from france the Papillion this small and sweet dog with the adorable butterfly shaped ears will not leave your lap or your side easily in true velcro dog fashion it will stick to you like glue friendly and easy going papillons are an ideal breed for novice owners and families.

French Bull Dog


And on the number four spot we have the  amazing and extremely popular French bulldog whilst absolutely adorable frenchies are extremely fond of people and of people's attention in many ways they are the ultimate velcro dogs because they seem to invent every new ways to get that attention from their humans either by ceaselessly following them around or by clowning playing or snorting and if none of this helps they will not hesitate to try growling and barking at the victimsof their love attack.



And here we are at the top three position on our list of top 10 velcro dog breeds in the world the bronze medal goes to a particularly easy going dog who has more than earned its place on the podium we are talking about the sweet ,friendly and extremely social Pekingese this mellow companion with its long luxurious coats comes in a small size but has a heart large enough to embrace everyone in the household and it uses its short legs to tirelessly follow its favorite humans around wherever they go inside the house but also outside on walks you would not expect such a small canine to be so mobile but the pekinese is quite motivated to stay near its human friends at all times.


Italian GreyHound


Here we are on the silver medal spot and the dog who achieved the stellar position is an extraordinary extremely refined and naturally well-mannered little hunter from Italy let's give recognition to the smallest sighthound breed in existence the petite elegant and light-footed italian greyhound looking like miniature English greyhounds these affectionate companions are immensely fond of their owners kind-hearted and always up for a snuggle on the couch the little hounds used to be the companions of choice for italian noble women in the middle ages.

Cane Corso

And here on the gold medal spot we have a surprise for you or maybe not depending on how long you have been following our journey here on the Doggyz but i just could not help awarding the title top velcro dog in the world to one of my own favorite breeds so right here we have another Italian breed although a mighty mastiff who used to serve as war dog in ancient roman army and the powerful muscle packed cane corso certainly looks fearsome enough to make people keep a safe distance however there are not many dogs in the world who can compete with the corso when it comes to always finding ways to be close to their owners snuggling up to them leaning into them and even pulling them in for hugs the cane corso is the undisputed king of the cuddles apart from playtime across favorite pastime is laying on the couch sandwiched between its owners with everyone touching the dog of course like for any velcro dog worth their name active cuddling is preferred but as long as everyone is together


These top velcro canines are happy so i hope you enjoyed that list of the top 10 velcro dog breeds in the world and you found it useful if you did enjoy the blog make sure you smash that subscribe button and if you are new here ring that notification bell so you don't miss any of the newest uploads we have regular blogs coming here every week and i cannot wait to see you on the next episode of the doggyz.


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