10 dogs that can defeat wolves


10 dogs that can defeat wolves


While man's best friend has been living as a domesticated animal for the past few centuries it is a known fact that dogs share dna with ancient canines because of this some breeds of dogs can still hold their own against modern day wolves even being able to beat one in a fight if it came to it.


Welcome to another blog of for Doggyz in today's blog we will take a look at 10 dog breeds that can defeat wolves.


10. Pit bulls


When people talk about ferocious dogs the pit bull is one of the top breeds that comes to mind although they have a fearsome reputation much of this has been created by the media in Hollywood the origin of the pitbull began in the united states and is a descendant of the bulldog and the terrier the result of which is this athletic dog that weighs 30 to 55 pounds and possesses great strength for its size it still is one of the most ferocious bites in the animal kingdom this is what would help it in a fight with a wolf especially if it managed to clamp onto the beast first the only thing that could let the bulky pitbull down is its speed as wolves are renowned for their swift movements.


9. Rottweilers


Rottweilers are a breed of dog that comes from germany and can weigh between 85 to 110 pounds they have exceptionally powerful jaws and are extremely fast runners this has made it an ideal guard dog choice as you can expect from a guard dog the rottweiler is known to be more aggressive than other dogs of course this doesn't mean that all of them are aggressive as many of them are good-natured and obedient when raised in a family environment if a wolf were to attack a rottweiler's owner or family i'm sure that it would tap into its primal aggression and fight for those it loved rottweilers are fierce fighters that have sadly been taught to fight other dogs especially during the victorian era where they were raised for sport luckily time is moved on and strict laws prevent such things happening anymore


8. Doberman pinchers


Doberman pinschers are one tough loyal and aggressive dog breed these dogs can be gentle and wonderful family pets if they are trained properly however if you provoke them they can become extremely aggressive and dangerous these intelligent and alert creatures make great guard dogs and are able to prevent any trespassers from coming onto a property with very little effort doberman pinschers originated in Germany during the late 19th century and are believed to be a mixture of many dog breeds including the Rottweiler black and tan terrier and the german pincher after hearing about the rottweiler in the previous entry you can understand where this breed gets its strength these dogs can attack without a second thought if they sense any incoming danger this is where a doberman would have the advantage on an attacking wolf although this dog can clearly hold its own our top pick may come as a huge surprise.


7. German shepherds


As the name suggests this breed comes from Germany they were originally bred as sheepdogs that would protect the flock from wild animals such as wolves now german shepherds are bred for both the family environment as well as the police and military their reliable and obedient temperament as well as their intelligence agility and fearlessness make them excellent working dogs in fact they are so reliable that they are deployed at airports for tasks such as sniffing out bombs drugs and illegal paraphernalia they are highly active dogs any constant physical activity during the first world war germans used the dogs for a number of battlefield purposes mercy dogs would bring first aid kits to wounded soldiers and would stay with mortally injured soldiers to keep them company as they passed away some were even used to deliver messages across the battlefield to commanding officers the american and british forces were so impressed with these dogs that they decided to take some home do you think that these hounds should have been used in war to save the lives of others we would love to know your thoughts in the comment section below


6. Boreboels


Boreboels came from south africa where they were bred as guard dogs in fact the word Boreboels translates as farmer's dog in the africans language Boreboels were used as the first line of defense against large predators such as snakes leopards wild dogs and wolves these dogs are known to be calm and stable while also being agile strong and courageous with attributes like those and a history of fighting off large predators the boer bowl has already proven that it can win against a wolf before we move on to more incredibly powerful dog breeds including our number three pick that can grow larger than some humans don't forget to hit the subscribe button and ring the notification bell


5. Boxer


The boxer like the german shepherd and the doberman pinscher originates from Germany these dogs are very strong and agile and can weigh a hefty 70 pounds their energetic and playful behavior gives them the reputation of being headstrong stubborn and difficult to train although they can get hyperactive they are not aggressive or violent by nature however if a person or a wild animal like a wolf were to attack it wouldn't have any problem defending itself by using its muscular body and crushing teeth the last entry on our list definitely proves that you should never judge a book by its cover it may look cute and cuddly but it's definitely a breed you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of


4. Persian canario


As its name might give away the presa canario comes from the canary islands they are known to be dominant and have a headstrong personality they were known to be bred as hunting and killing machines and were sadly used in fighting rings for sport the reason for this is because they have proven time and time again that they could deliver certain death when attacking their prey now they can be part of the family environment if they have regular training and socialize with other dogs from an early age they can be aggressive towards strangers and will do anything in their power to fight off anyone or anything threatening it do you have a dog that has a tendency to misbehave.


3. Alaskan malamute


This breed is known to be fierce due to its strong and energetic physique they are usually quiet loyal independent and strong with great survival instincts because of this combination of attributes they are sometimes feared by people and are ideal for pulling sleds hurting reindeer and serving as guard dogs another reason why people get worried around these hounds is that they tend to become aggressive when they get bored the history of the alaskan malamute dates back a very long time as the first records indicate that they were used by the first settlers of north America 5 000 years ago they were used to pull sleds and fight off threats from outside the settlement


Our number one pick may look as fluffy as the alaskan malamute but it has even more ferocity and strength despite looking docile and soft


2. The alabai


The alabaidog also called the central asian shepherd dog a quiet proud self-assured balanced and independent breed what makes the likelihood of it beating a wolf in a fight very high is its extreme courage high endurance natural instinct and ferocity toward attackers alabaiare built to withstand extremely low temperatures and were historically used in arctic expeditions they help settlers hunt track look out for bears and carry heavy loads across snowy in hospitable terrains


1. Tibetan Mastiff 

Now we have gotten to our number one pick you may have noticed a pattern with the type of dogs that would defeat a wolf if you have type it in the comment section below and we will tell you if you're right before we share with you the ultimate dog that could take on a wolf let's take a look at this picture sent to us by a subscriber an image that inspired this blog as you can see a large dog is fighting off a vicious looking wolf in the snow blood is everywhere as the two fight to the end despite not being real this image does capture a fight between a wolf and its biggest contender in the dog world if you would like to give us inspiration for a future blog by sending in an image all you have to do is subscribe and link it to us it's as simple as that before we move on to the final entry why not help us grow our community by hitting the subscribe and notification button that way we can make more high quality blogs and share them with you one tibetan mastiff the tibetan mastiff is still a primitive breed that was developed centuries ago in Tibet originally used as guard dogs to protect livestock and property tibetan mastiffs can still be found performing that role despite their working capabilities they also love spending time inside the family home as companions even though they are huge and intimidating these hounds are really big softies of course that would all change if a person or a large creature like a wolf was to threaten the family home their guardian nature would kick in and the mastiff would use its incredible strength to put an end to the threat the way a dog acts always comes down to how it is raised just like dogs we are all capable of getting angry and aggressive but we have been taught not to let those feelings take over dogs are no different if they are raised the right way they can be a loving and protective addition to the family home.


Out of the 10 dog breeds we have shown you in today's blog which one is your favorite we would love to know in the comments section below if you enjoyed this blog and would like to see more just like it why not hit the subscribe button and ring the notification bell that way you will be notified every single time we upload a new blog thank you for reading.

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