15 ultimate police and military dogs


15 ultimate police and military dogs


Military and police dogs have long been a handy companion for those in uniform these war dogs as they are called possess traits and training that makes them a vital part of the force many have been trained in combat to be used as scouts guards and trackers provide companionship for their handler some even combine more than one of these duties thanks to their strong sense of smell and impeccable work ethic presently there are over 2 500 dogs in active service in the united states alone the work done by these dogs is cheap in assisting the forces and they often help to uncover evidence that may not have been seen by the human eye can swiftly apprehend suspects and even help track down missing people of course not all dog breeds can be trusted with issues of state and national security therefore stick around to find out the top 15 ultimate military and police dog breeds.


Welcome to another blog of Doggyz and if you want to learn about the top dog breeds in the military and police then stick around for number one as you'll be educated on these creatures

15. Yorkshire terrier


I know what must be going through your mind how these adorable little dogs who could be fitted into a handbag could serving the military well as they say heroes come in all sizes a little terrier named smokey for her smoky gray hair became a war hero when she protected her human troop pack during world war ii by passing an urgently needed telegraph wire through a treacherous partially destroyed 70 ft pipe that ran under an airfield exposed to enemy fire within a few minutes a feat that would have taken hundreds of crewmen weeks to complete her bravery intelligence and trainability made the military generate interest in the yorkshire terrier breed of dogs something that wasn't understood during her time sometimes a fiercely loyal fearless and smart little dog is what is needed to get out of a difficult situation something the big dogs can't sometimes do.


14. Alaskan malamutes and Siberian huskies


We've grouped these two breeds together because they served a similar purpose for the military during the first world war serving as sled dogs during world war ii several planes going to europe crash landed in greenland and the united states army knew they needed something special to locate and rescue the airmen as a result they deployed Siberian huskies and alaskan malumets these dogs were up for the daunting task in the snow and have readily served as military service animals in cold climates ever since these breeds of pups are known to be friendly intelligent and playful companions the alaskan malumutes are effective watch dogs due to their territorial instincts while huskies lack territorial instincts and can't be trained


13. Bovier de Flanders


The bouvier de flanders is a herding dog breed that originates from flanders Belgium this breed was originally used for general farm work such as cattle driving sheep herding and cart pulling however urbanization and technology have made these pups seek other ventures to good use their skill set nowadays they're being used as guard dogs police dogs as well as being kept as pets because of their self-thinking ability independence and trainability the bovier de flanders is also known to be loyal and develop a strong sense of attachment to their handlers they are also among the breed of military dogs used for search and rescue missions.


12. Giant schnauzer


The giant schnauzer is a large purebred with a host of talents making it an ideal breed for military and police duties it possesses attributes ranging from agility tracking strength guarding loyalty to competitive obedience these pups were first spread in the 1600s in germany to serve as working dogs initially for farmers and then in cities as watchdogs they are intelligent and hardworking dogs as well the giant schnauzer was first used in a military capacity during the 1940s when the soviets sought after developing the perfect military dog they were used as a foundation breed for the soviets and served the soviets well by default these pups have a reserve personality and are inherently hostile to strangers and are quite territorial consequently they are the kind of dogs you want to take on night patrol as they won't let any stranger cross the enemy line without alerting their masters


11. Belgian malinois


Sometimes confused as a smaller german shepherd which will be later discussed in this blog because of their similar looks the belgian is just as versatile but not as heavy making them top-notch police or military dog having a keen work ethic they can perform various tasks and quickly learn and respond to commands and instructions much like the close relative the german shepherd the belgian malinois was first used in world war 1 as a red cross dog it might also interest you to know that they were the first police dogs used by the belgian police did you also know that in 2019 a belgian malinois named conan was celebrated a hero at the white house following being injured during a military operation targeting the so-called islamic state leader abu bakr al-baghdad which was successful and kona made a full recovery.


10. Beagle



These small compact and hearty dogs are known for being one of the greatest sniffers around their sense of smell so potent they are being deployed in airports sniffing out contrabands weapons and drugs their less intimidating looks make it easy for them to move through busy areas relatively unnoticed they are top notch narcotics sniffer dogs due to their impeccable work ethic and search and rescue dogs thanks to their smaller size which makes them perfect for navigating smaller areas that would be almost impossible for humans larger dog breeds to navigate the only disadvantage to this breed is that they are quite stubborn and require patience to be trained.


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9. Bloodhound


The bloodhound has a sense of smell unlike any other which makes them top choice police dogs along with their energetic attitude and ability to trail ascent up to 130 miles away these pups are great at finding criminals and search and rescue tasks this focused and energetic breed is known to follow a trail to its end relentlessly although the exact origin of the bloodhound is unclear it is believed that they originated in central Europe possibly in france or belgium these dogs were first spread in circa 1000 a.d and were sent to the king of france's gifts for monks the first set of purebred bloodhounds were introduced to the united states and britain at the end of the 1800s since then they've been used extensively by law enforcement in the united states and the rest of the world to track missing people and criminals technological advancement and urbanization haven't taken away the usefulness of this breed as they are still one of the most reliable tools to law enforcement and agencies seeking to find humans did you know some american courts trust the bloodhound's nose so much that evidence discovered by them is legally admissible they are also used to match the scene of evidence to criminals in court


8. Irish terrier Airedale terriers


The irish terrier in the airedale are the dogs of choice for the military when it comes to carrying messages to and fro both breeds of dogs were used first drafted into the military in world war one the irish terrier is a fearless breed that loves itself a good chase and is addicted to running asides from this they are quite friendly little chaps who enjoy barking a lot even though they are very intelligent animals they can't be trained for any other duty than delivering messages did you know that an irish terrier named patty managed to deliver the appointed message during the first world war even though he was nearly blinded by gas 10 miles before getting to its appointed destination on the other hand the airedale terriers can be a bit headstrong but they can quickly pick up commands loyal, independent ,obedient and have a low tolerance for strangers a skill set that also makes them ideal candidates to serve as patrol dogs or scouts their superior sense of smell over the irish terrier makes them useful in search and rescue missions as well the airedale terriers are among the first set of military dog breeds used in germany and great britain


7. Greyhounds mastiffs


These pair of dog breeds are known for their strength and sheer ruthlessness coupled with their daredevil looks mastiff is a military dog breed that has always played an important role in hunting and guarding along with humans various historical sources illustrate that they have been employed in a war by an ancient civilization like the romans Greeks, Persians and Babylonians they are mostly employed to protect camps but they perform other duties like attacking enemies on the battlefields their massive size and strength are what makes them useful in combat situations the tall and slender greyhounds possess long and powerful legs which explains why they are so good with racing and can reach a mind-blowing speed of 70 kilometers an hour they were originally trained for hunting and were used in the military a few centuries ago great early explorers such as christopher columbus had greyhounds and mastiffs which he set on the natives unfortunately they are no longer being used as military dogs but are trained to be trustworthy service dogs for soldiers who have post traumatic stress disorder.


Which breed has caught your attention the most go ahead and leave us your answer in the comments below



6. Rottweilers


The rottweiler is a big cute pooch that is confident eager to work and best of all extremely loyal they were the dogs of choice to serve as messenger dogs during world war 1 and world war ii during an era when communication was far more difficult military officers had to depend on these remarkable dogs strong devotion to their handlers to make their way through dangerous and scary terrain to pass information although messenger dogs are no longer needed on the battlefield these days rottweilers still often serve in the military.


5. Boxer


The boxer is a breed that possesses a high tendency to bark natural strength and alert disposition impressive agility high trainability strong hunting instincts and the tendency to dig holes which has made these athletic dogs with the jolly good looks the perfect candidate for work in the military during world war one they were used for search and rescue missions possessed the ability to detect explosives as well as guard dogs nowadays these highly adaptable and trainable dogs are the most versatile service dog breeds of the era and are still in service to the military to date


4. Labrador retrievers


During the vietnam war these military dogs showed what they could do by detecting various odors during the vietnam war they are natural hunters and possess a keen sense of smell labrador retrievers are also widely used as police dogs and carry out search and rescue explosive and drug detection missions as well as being used to trace highly inflammable materials they don't do too well on patrolling scouting and guarding duties due to their friendliness to everyone including strangers they are highly trainable efficient and are always quick to follow their handler's instructions they are the perfect dogs to sniff out any danger and lead with their noses on the battlefield they need to be exercised frequently they also have quite stringent social needs which means they can develop a great sense of attachment for their master moreover since they have an insulating undercoat they can survive in various unfavorable climatic conditions making them great for military expeditions


3. English springer spaniel


The english springer spaniel is an incredibly intelligent and agile breed of dog and is one of the most recognized sniffer dogs currently employed by the military and police they're mostly used for the detection of explosives and drugs these pups were bred to serve as a gun dog to flush or spring game in the field but they also made great companions they were thought to have originated in spain and were probably introduced to ancient britons by the roman legions a dog named scamp was so good at his job that a crime group put a 25 000 pound bounty on his head following his bust of illegal tobacco the dog was a sniff specialist of this kind of tobacco and had worked on uncovering the substance for more than five years sniffing out illegal goods with over 6 million pounds little wonder their puppies are sold at prices ranging from 700 to 1 000 us dollars.


2. German shepherd


The german shepherd is what comes to mind when you think of military or police dogs probably due to the fact that they are the most commonly used breed in the military or police and are what we see mostly in Hollywood movies they are widely recognized as the choice dog breed for the police and dog breed because of features such as versatility high energy and stamina high intelligence high trainability and ability to quickly pick up commands which is paramount in this line of work their courage and unwavering loyalty saw them first being called into service in world war one serving as a red cross dog they were used to perform various tasks including carrying messages rescuing injured soldiers or civilians carrying supplies guarding and sentry work fun fact for you one of the breeds used for search and rescue missions after the 911 terrorist attack was a german shepherd they worked tirelessly searching the debris for survivors and provided much needed comfort for those involved


1. Doberman


Our number one military police dog breed is Doberman the doberman the less commonly used police or military dogs as they are more temperamental than other breeds is a fearless and protective high-energy breed that was used in both world wars finding work as almost a soldier's assistant these dogs would provide invaluable search and rescue services looking for the wounded as well as land mines and enemies they would also serve as messengers centuries and guarders it comes as no surprise that this lean athletic pup has been a favorite of the u.s marines dating back to world war ii often dubbed the devil dog of the marines the doberman pinscher's intelligence easy trainability and alertness make the breed a perfect choice for delivering essential messages ammunition and medical supplies as well as alerting soldiers to strangers or enemies approaching they've been on the front lines for generations now and that won't be changing anytime soon.


There you have it 15 ultimate military and police breeds in the world if you were given the opportunity to own one of these high-class military and police dog breeds which would you pick let us know in the comments below thank you and see you in the next one.

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