5 dog breeds that can be Dangerous


5 dog breeds you should never mess with


Often called a man's best friend dogs help human beings in a lot of ways that we never imagined they are a loyal companion and would do anything to protect their human best friend but there are some dog breeds that prove to be more dangerous than other friendlier breeds these breeds are the ones that we should steer clear of and definitely not mess with if you are thinking about owning a dog then you should know which these breeds are knowing about these breeds is important for your safety and also for the safety of people around you most of them are descendants from wolves this is what makes them one of the deadliest dog breeds in the world.


Let's take a look at the 5 dog breeds that can be Dangerous


Number 5 akita inu


An akita inu is one of the bravest species of dog and it takes a lot more to scare this breed of dog away on the contrary they are capable of scaring you away perfectly well on their own the breed of these dogs originate from japan and they are strong dominant and fierce they are quite territorial as well they are very protective of their space and do not want anyone to invade their personal space this is why they behave quite aggressively when they feel that anyone is invading their personal space or challenging them this breed of dog does not get along with strangers as well so if you are a stranger whom they believe to be a threat these dogs can turn into your biggest nightmare they would attack you with all their might so if you want to be safe you should not even think of messing with them if you do be ready to face the consequences as well.


Number 4 Dalmatian


We understand that you might be surprised to see a Dalmatian in this list of the deadliest dog breeds Dalmatian is known to be friendly playful active and outgoing while the majority of Dalmatians are known to be friendly dogs but there are few exceptions also they are not much heavy in weight which would make them look scary or deadly on average a Dalmatian dog weighs around 70 pounds but these dogs can be quite aggressive when they are threatened and known to attack as well known as the traditional dog of war these dogs can be dangerous beyond your imaginations while they are friendly dogs they do not get along with kids other dogs or strangers so if you are a stranger to them you definitely would not want to go near a Dalmatian they are extremely protective of their territory and would attack anyone they find a threat also they make excellent guard dogs as well they have a natural instinct to guard so when they notice and threatening behavior around them they respond by being aggressive this is why you should certainly not mess with a dalmatian or this friendly little dog would rip you apart


Number 3 Collie


This breed of dog is quite large and does not have basic social skills this is what makes them one of the deadliest breeds of dog that you should not mess with the dogs of this breed are intelligent and intense and are not meant to be tamed or kept indoors they like to stay out in the open although they are not a hunting breed they can behave quite aggressively when they feel threatened they are the masters of their own will this is what makes training them so difficult instead of listening to you they would most probably go their own way when forced to train they might attack you as well because of their aggressive and deadly nature so if your life is dear to you you should definitely not mess with them by forcing them into training but once you are able to train them these dogs can turn into excellent guard dogs they will protect and manage those whole livestock without any help from human beings but training them is extremely difficult and dangerous they will attack you with all their might this is why you should not force them into training or try to mess with them


Number 2. Bandog


Bandog is one of the deadliest and scariest breeds of dogs that you will find the nature of their aggressiveness and temperament depends upon their heritage originally born from the breeding of mastiff and bulldogs a band dog can have different ancestries mastiff and bulldogs are among two of the deadliest breeds of dogs imagine how deadly will their crossbreed would be this is why many insurance companies have even banned insurance against a band dog they are also banned from apartments and cities because of their aggressive nature this is why they are used as guard dogs and they excel in their job as well they have excellent abilities to be a guard dog they are intelligent protective and loyal but even as guard dogs they can be extremely dangerous and need intense training to control their aggressive nature a handler should know what they are dealing with when training a van dog or the dog would even harm the trainer as well it is because do not trust strangers and when around strangers they behave even more aggressively so if you are a stranger you should not go near to the ones that are not properly trained


Number 1 Rhodesian ridgeback


With the ridge of hair on their back these furry animals are no doubt very good looking but as we should never judge a book by its cover we should never judge a dog by its appearance while a rhodesian ridgeback is extremely good looking they can be deadly to people and other animals as well this is why you should never mess with anyone from this breed of dogs also known as the african lion dog dogs from this breed are strong and healthy while normally they are very calm and friendly they can turn extremely aggressive when they feel threatened they are courageous enough to attack anyone who is a threat to their family no matter how strong the opposing party is it does not matter if it is a lion or an intruder the dog will attack you if they find you a threat they will protect their family with their lives apart from this they are also very territorial as well they would attack anyone be it a human or any other animal who invades their personal space so you should definitely mess with them or threaten their family if you do not want to see their aggressive side.

In our next Blog We will be telling you top 10 dogs that you should never mess with so stay tuned turn onn the notification and subscribe for all blogs delivered directly to your Inbox.''😊😊😊😊😊''

Mail me at abhishekasiwal2005@gmail.com

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