The top 5 easiest to train guard dog breeds on the entire planet


The top 5 easiest to train guard dog breeds on the entire planet



Today's we're talking about the easiest to train guarding breeds on the planet now oftentimes a lot of people will misunderstand the easiest to train breed simply for themost intelligent breed or the breed with the highest IQ level and although the intelligence and the IQ level of the dog is important to relevant to this discussion we have to also incorporate a couple of other things including the dogs evenness to please and the dogs eagerness to work whether you combine all of those things alongside that intelligence and IQ level that's what you have a really easy to train dog because you can have the most intelligent dog breed in the world but if they're not really that you get to please they're a little bit stubborn and maybe more independent like a lot of guarding breeds can be then it might not make for the easiest to train breed in the world so we're going to be kind of combined in all of those factors when we make the decision about what I think the top 10 breeds in this category.


Cane Corso


So kicking off our list at the number 5 spot and kind of spoiler alert here really it's going to be the only matter if that feature of today's list and that is cane corso so now for me the cane corso is the easiest to train of all of the Mastiff breeds you tend to be like I just mentioned a little bit more independent potentially a little bit more stubborn and also a little bit lower on the IQ side which compared to other garden breeds that we're going to discuss about moving forward they're just not quite up there in terms of the ability to train them to a higher level and just the simplicity and the ease of training them now Mastiff breeds are one of my favorite probably my favorite category of breeds on the planet and that's a good reason in terms of their devotion their loyalty and their love for their families but in terms of training and trainability they do fall down a little bit there now the clinic also on the other hand is an absolutely fantastic example of all the brilliant characteristics you get with the Mastiff breed but they are also very intelligent they have high IQs and they're really eager to work and they're really eager to please which makes them one of the best trainable dogs on the planet included in the garden breed and definitely in my opinion the most trainable dog of the Mastiff type family and that is why week by week and month by month were seeing more and more and more people from police and military and personal private protection companies utilizing the cane corso for a variety of different gardening protection roles simply because of their incredible levels that not only the physicality bring to the table that the Mastiff has in the chronic loss of obviously embodies that beautifully but also because they are just so trainable and so eager to work and so eager to learn.




Now at the mat 4 we might have one that's a little bit debatable here because why we are talking about the easiest to train guard dogs now for me a guard dog breed especially kind of for the average person has to embody a lot of qualities and usually for the everyday owner of a guard dog they also have to be a fantastic companion animal and a fantastic family animal that has the intimidation required to scare people away which for the vast vast majority of people wanting a garden breed is all that that dog needs to do now for me that is why I'm including at number 9 the Newfoundland now if it was simply the easiest to Train breed on the planet the Newfoundland would be right towards the top of my list maybe even in one of the metal spots the reason they fall a little bit lower like I say they might not be considered a traditional guarding breed but they're definitely a good watchdog and they definitely pack a really good level of intimidation especially if you do a little bit of work with them on teaching them how to alert when somebody comes towards the home or there's somebody walking around the property that shouldn't be they have a fungus deep booming bark that is more than enough to scare people off and that big thick shaggy coat makes them easily mistaken for a breed like a Tibetan Mastiff or a Central Asian shepherd but what you do lose in actual garden skills you gain back and more in terms of that eagerness to please that IGAs easiness to train as well as being probably the best dog breed on the entire planet of all categories with children and that is why the Newfoundland is one of my most recommended dog breeds when I do consultations or just want to help people through videos like this a lot of people are surprised that in the garden conversation I include the Newfoundland but like I just say a lot of people misunderstand just to the level of the gardening skills that they actually require and then you found and not only embodies all those other fantastic qualities but and they're also fantastic for first-time owners so when people have come in they're interested in moving into the giant breed world into the garden breed world in my opinion the Newfoundland is probably the best choice of somewhere to start to really understand what it takes to be a high-level canine leader of these large powerful breeds a number a and kind of flip into the other side of the size spectrum.


Staffordshire bull terrier


Number 3 in this argument is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier now the Staffordshire Bull Terrier again is on of those breeds I recommend a lot especially to first line owners or people looking for a dog that fits in beautifully with a family and just wants a little bit of an intimidation factor the Staffordshire Bull Terrier due to its lineage and due to its a similar appearance to breeds like the Pit Bull does naturally carry a bad reputation completely unfounded bad reputation but nevertheless a bad reputation with that bad reputation comes a higher level of intimidation and like I keep mentioning and I'm going to keep saying over and over in lots of videos intimidation factor for the vast majority of people looking for a guard dog is the most important thing that they should be looking for around those guarding skills once there it's that intimidation box which a Staffordshire Bull Terrier can definitely tick they should then be much more focused on things like ease of training about their temperament about their skillset to merge into the family about whether they're a good dog for first-time owners and the Staffie ticks nose boxes above and beyond what most people could ever dream of so again like the Newfoundland the Staffie might not be considered a very high level guard dog but in terms of train ability and in terms of embodying so many other beautiful characteristics the staff II was no way being left off my list now today's top ten is full of me cheating a little bit or making strange exceptions.


Belgian malanois or Belgian Shepard 


Going to merge number 2 into kind of one thing and that one thing is going to be around about and Shepherd I was going to include the kind of the different varieties of Belgian Shepherd and give breeds like the Malabar their own section and there are a number in the list but then you plot the two river and you've got the other Belgian Shepherd kind of are shoots before you know what will give them two slots number seven and number six and will squash them all together because the Belgian Shepherd family of dogs are undoubtedly one of the best high-level training dogs on the planet the level of obedience that you can get breeds like a Malinois too and it's why malanois are so commonly used for a wide variety of working roles in variety of different police and military and their detection work is because which is how highly capable of being trained they are now again when we talk about dogs that are being easy to train it doesn't just mean their intelligence and it doesn't just mean to the level that they're able to be trained in the Malinois or the Belgian shepherds as a whole aren't featuring higher on the list even though there might be one of the smartest and they might be the highest ability it does require some experience and some skill set to kind of manage that level of high Drive and we are talking Drive that is off the charts up there with the highest Drive in the whole planet extremely high energy levels extremely high mental stimulation requirements and if you can harness those things potentially one of the easiest dogs to train but for the average person lots of busy lifestyles going to work busy with family busy with their social lives might not be able to offer those things to a Belgian Shepherd you then going to start to see deteriorations and behavior and training so for that reason I didn't want to feature them higher on the list but again there was no way in a million years that they've worked and a feature on this list I've kind of got them a little bit higher and I've conglomerated all of the Belgian shepherds into this kind of seven and six-point section of the top ten.


Black Russian terrier


We'll move on forward from here at number 1 I have the Black Russian terrier and again especially and you probably guessed it Russia the Black Russian terrier is one of the most used breeds in terms of military police garden protection work just because of how fantastic they are in terms of their potential for obedience levels they also pack the physicality and the prowess required for all of those roles but what's brilliant about the Black Russian terrier or the BRT is that they are just fantastic to Train they're our pleasure to Train they're a pleasure to work with the soak it up they demand more no matter what brother and they love it they're eager to do it again their high drive like the Belgian Shepherd so it does require a little bit of higher levels of skill to really channel it to the high levels of resorts but even a novice owner that's put it in the level of work and are dedicated to follow in a program like a perfect puppy course will be able to see incredible results with a breed like the Black Russian terrier and at them before we have the giant schnauzer which very similar to the bloodshot area not only in terms of looks but also in terms of their intelligence and their overarching levels of ease of training the judge.


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