Best Watch Dogs In the world


Top Watch Dog Breeds


In today's blog I'm gonna break down my top ten dog breeds at best watch dogs


So before we start today's list what exactly is a watchdog well watchdog is much more simple to explain than a personal protection dog and a guard dog watchdogs traditionally have a very simple job to watch and then sound the alarm if they think something unusual is happening and that's kind of it really in a real world scenario that may be a burglar lurking in your garden in the middle of the night your dog spots or senses them they sound the alarm you're alerted and the bad guy is probably run off now unlike guard dogs and personal protection dogs watch dogs are therefore not limited to a few breeds suitable for this role as most dogs are capable of sounding the alarm and breeds like a chihuahua are actually highly regarded for being excellent at this however for me a great watchdog has a few more traits required than to just bark every time someone is in your garden and this is how I'm going to select my top 10 watch dogs the vast majority of people that want or need a watchdog fit into a similar category they tend to be regular dog owners with regular experience and knowledge looking for a companion animal that will act as a deterrent by that I mean they are not military or police personnel with experience training protection and guard dogs and looking for a working dog they want a loving gentle companion for themselves and their family there's easy to train with good basic obedience its friendly with people and other animals so they can be trusted day to day yet will naturally sound the alarm with a scary sounding bark and enough intimidation in the looks department to scare off a burglar so now we have that covered we're ready to jump into today's list.


German Shepard


Starting with number 10 so you might be surprised by the German Shepherd only being number 10 on my list but this is a prime example of where watch dogs differ from Guardian and protection dogs German Shepherds are arguably one of the best guardian or protection breeds on the planet and that's why you see them so commonly used all over the world in military and police work what what makes them excel in those fields can hold them back from standard basic watchdog roles for standard owners yes the German Shepherd is alert and will sound a fantastic alarm yes they are incredibly intimidating and easy to train but for me their sheer need to work and those high levels of exercise and mental stimulation requirements drop them down a list for the average owner average owners looking for a watchdog usually have less time skill and experience in providing this for a German Shepherd and a German Shepherd who is not adequately exercised and mentally stimulated quickly becomes very very bored and boredom will show itself in destructive behaviors and often very loud obnoxious barking which will dray drive your neighbors up the wall this is probably the most common issue I see when working with German Shepherd owners who are struggling it's a two-edged sword really as the fix is usually quite an easy one from my point of view it doesn't usually require intense levels of behavioral intervention or deep canine psychological rewiring but our owners often don't like to be told that the solution is to get up an hour earlier every single day to go out and run with your dog or give them some serious offline off lead time and then to spend another 30 it's every single day doing some serious obedience work to tire and try it tire out their minds so if you want to German Shepherd as a watchdog they could easily be higher on this list but to be higher you have to be prepared to offer this level of exercise and stimulation.


Great Pyrenees


At number nine have the Great Pyrenees the Great Pyrenees may look like a big softie which they completely are but stick with me they do deserve this spot they take all the boxes in terms of incredible family companions being extremely gentle and trustworthy with children and other animals and they're eager to please which does make them easy to train for the average owner and they don't have intense energy levels requiring extreme levels of mental stimulation and exercise on top of that their flock protection history makes them naturally watchful and always have an eye on their surroundings looking for potential threats they alert to those frets through our booming box and although they have kind gentle looks they do pack a decent size which naturally carries a good level of intimidation just not quite as much as some of the other gentle giants later on this list many people are surprised when I suggest this breed to them especially when they find me through one of my Connie Corso videos or Doberman blogs for example but the people I suggested this breed to and who took my advice couldn't have been happier with their new family companion and family Guardian.


Labrador retriever


At number eight I have the Labrador so probably a surprise entry for many people but I have a Labrador so let me explain why I think they're great watchdogs so everything I just discussed about the Great Pyrenees in terms of train ability temperament gentleness eager-to-please all those things that we kind of look for in dogs especially dogs going into a family environment the Labrador simply does them all better hands down no question you guys know I do really love large garden breeds but facts are facts and the fact is that the lab is probably the best all-round dog on the planet so they clearly took all those boxes fully they also have an incredible bark and will alert well if they sense any frets or something strange in their environment again this is something I can personally attach to and I can honestly say my current lab door has a scarier bark than Maya old bull Mastiffs and when he barks at night in the dark when you can't see him it's more than enough to scare off any would-be bad guys the problem is that if you do see them there's no mistake in them for a Labrador and most people know that even a barking Labrador is probably just a big softie someone else I can attest it because if you want to break into my house my Labrador will bark and wake up the whole village why you do but you will also welcome you into my house with licks as soon as you say hello to him and then it'll gladly show you where the TV is which is the compromise you make with a Labrador.


The giant schnauzer

We have the giant schnauzer another breed that ticks all of the boxes really slightly higher on the energy levels and skill set needed to train them well but fantastic watchdogs one of the few breeds that can actually span across the whole spectrum of companion animal and watchdog all the way through to fully train working attack dog.


Cane Corso 


At number 6 I have the conical also the Cane Corso features higher on my over list as they our incredible guard and protection dogs if I was ever to train a personal protection dog for my family I would choose a Cane Corso myself and they do also make excellent watchdogs however for me in terms of a scale of ability they definitely do lean more towards the guard dogs than they do towards watchdogs as they are extremely protective and have more of an ingrained guarding nature from a physical point of view which for inexperienced owners can be a lot to handle and that's why they have slipped off my list a little bit for watchdogs compared to guard dogs that being said that potentially do stop the scale in terms of intimidation across all breeds and they are decent scores everywhere so they just can't be left off today's list it's just a breed that you should take seriously before consider an Onan so I'm not going to spend much time here.



At number four and just missing out on a medal position is the best watch dog you've probably never heard of the Kuvasz from Hungary they aren't as well known as all the other breeds on this list but that doesn't stop them being one of the best choices you might have thought by now that they look like a great pyrenees and you'd be right they do share similar locks and both were used for flop protection by shepherds but the Kuvasz is more alert and has sharper protection instincts while maintaining or even surpassing the great Pyrenees in terms of intelligence and trainability so here we are at first medal spot of the day and it's given to the Neapolitan Mastiff you will start to notice a trend now as we finalize today's list and it starts here with the Neapolitan Mastiff who may lack some sharpness in terms of intelligence and trainability but that's a Spitfire flying over from the nearby Airport .


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