#Top_8_Hardest_To_Train_Dog_Breeds !


In today's blog I'm gonna break down my top hardest to trained dog breeds.


On today's top’s were breaking down the top hardest to trained dog breeds we've already done easiest to Train and this one with hardness might be stepping on some sensitive toes out there as everybody swears by their own breed but the fact is some breeds are easier to train and therefore some are harder to train now being hard to Train doesn't just mean that the dog is doing or not intelligent just like easy to train is a collection of variables so it's hard to train intelligence does play a role but more so are factors like eagerness to please independence stubbornness low energy levels and things like that tend to make a dog harder to train but enough talk.



Let's dive into the list that we'll start off with list and regular viewers might be a little bit surprised for me to feature them here is the bull mastiff.


The bull mastiff


Now the bull mastiff is one of my favorite dog breeds on the entire planet I had a blue Mastiff for years absolutely love a every day and they are short listed on the next breed of dog I'm gonna be bringing into my home early next year that being said it still doesn't change the fact that they are very difficult to train and that comes from like I say it's not necessarily they're just very they're not intelligent because they do have decent levels of intelligence but they're just not that eager to please and eager to work the very low-energy dogs are a little bit stubborn and would rather be doing what they want to do rather than spinning around in circles giving poor rolling over during dancing now any dog can be trained in like my bull mastiff was trained to a very decent high level she had all the obedience mastered but I wasn't entering her in any obedience competitions any time soon that is one of those things where you need to kind of decide what it is that you want I personally didn't want a dog that can do obedience or agility competitions I wanted a dog that was loving and gentle with my family that has natural watch and guarding skills but is still extremely gentle with everybody that I welcome to the house and that can master or the basic levels of obedience to be a well-rounded under control dog all times which a Bullmastiff is capable of just takes a little bit more time take for example my current Labrador I would argue that the Labrador does everything if it took a Bullmastiff 10 minutes to learn it took a Labrador warm in it that's the kind of thing that we're talking about both for capable of it but the Labrador is just much quicker so their conversations you need to have of yourself watch you're picking what breeds you want which is why I do all these blogs they're a bit educational they're a bit fun but ultimately it's to help you kind of work out what breed will fit in your lifestyle perfectly and then with not only have the beagle now you might start to notice that lots of working or hunting dogs tend to actually surprisingly be not the easiest to train the beagle again is very independent and stubborn has extremely high prey Drive and therefore is always focused on that and less inclined to be a calm engaged learner with their master.


Chinese Shar-Pei


We have now the Chinese Shar-Pei now a one-of-a-kind dog in terms of looks they are absolutely beautiful animals however again little bit independent a little bit stubborn and not that eager to please they're quite like their own company and therefore aren't really that bothered whether you want to be working with them or not and they're quite happy doing their own thing now they will respond to training and boundaries and they need those in their life from day one but in terms of training their mere here or there with it and it was several and we have another hunting breed and we have the Fox hound now incredible out on the field and incredible in any hunting environments but they are such high-energy extreme animals that in terms of getting them to relaxed focused and stay content with you training them is a very hard thing to do now get them out running alongside a horse following their scent using their own skills harnessing that independent nature then you have a dog that is amazing in the field in terms of general obedience in the home not so good following on from that and kind of similar fashions.




Now we have the Dalmatian a dog that is bred to Royall a dog that was bred to use its own mind to be independent and intelligent to get the tasks done which if you didn't know was to used to run out in front of carts and horses to clear the path most commonly in old-school American fire houses they would run ahead barking to get people out the way so that people knew that the fire truck or the fire cart was coming through because there was a fire somewhere now the Dalmatian is capable of being trained to do those levels of feats and they are capable of being trained in general and they also have that kind of look of a Hungarian vislar or a Labrador in terms of that Biddle would obviously their coats are completely different but don't let that fool you it doesn't mean that there is easy to train as a breed like a Labrador.


The English bulldog


We have the English bulldog and kind of the epitome of slow low energy can't be bothered dogs now that temperament and characteristics are absolutely adorable and loveable and is a reason that so many people love the English bulldog we're not going to talk about their health today because that is a different topic but we're going to focus on their intelligence which they're they're not really stupid dogs but like I say the word is can't really be bothered much rather just be chilling plod in comes from those Bulldog days now the old English Bulldogs look nothing like the current English Bulldogs but they still just have that kind of stubborn independent rather do it their way and the current version of the English bulldog is rather big blind down chillin.


Chow Chow


Now we have the Chow Chow now one of the breeds most commonly associated with being just incredibly aloof a lot of people like the Chow Chow because they love the way they look they are very one-of-a-kind beautiful dogs but they are incredibly independent and are very much known for not really caring about their humans or their owners and just being very content and happy with their own company that therefore spills out into not being easy to train because they have no real interest in pleasing you and number three we have the basset hound kind of everything I said about the Fox hound earlier just with even lower energy levels that just don't really care again happy to do their own things happy to do it their own pace but you try and force the subject and you're gonna get nowhere the key to training a basset hound is number one first and foremost patience because they will do things at their own speed and at their own time there is absolutely no rushing this breed whatsoever.


Siberian Husky


Now second last a breed that is very close to my heart in terms of training is the Siberian Husky I rescued a Siberian Husky issues about to be put down by rescued er I brought her into my home I completely rehabilitated it I completely retrained her and now she currently still lives with my parents about a mile down the road so I see her and work there every day but she is was the most difficult dog I've ever ever had to work with now she didn't necessarily have extreme levels of bad behavior I've worked with dogs with far worse behaviors than her but I have never word of a dog with a sheer level of independence and a sheer level of just why that's obviously I'm an entrepreneur flies in here and I always preach that we shouldn't do that but just to make it easier that's the overwhelming response that you seem to get from a Siberian Husky is why bother why should I do that doesn't make sense why does that benefit me think throwing a ball for a Siberian Husky is almost comedy because you just throw the ball my Labrador will be off like a bolt at it bring it back can I do anything else can I do anything else host gator you throw a ball only to do that thing why would I bother doing that it makes no sense you idiot why are you throwing a ball I'm not getting you go and get it yourself that is very much the mindset of a Siberian Husky now one of the things that had to do with the Husky to really get her to bring those energy levels down so that I could rehabilitate her and could get some decent levels of obedience work done wants to tie our app now the best way I found to do that is I like to do a lot of mountain biking now I built a bit of a ghetto rig and I've got her a harness and I strapped her up and we used to just ride and ride and ride now get her in that environment and those instincts snap into place running out ahead pulling me along and we'll do it for hours at a time but like I say anything that they don't want to do I forget about it yeah it's gonna be a fight every step of the way now that is why so many Siberian huskies end up and show and was a reason that I had to rescue that Siberian Husky they look glorious people want them for their looks but when they realized just how much hard work they are from an exercise and a training point of view a lot of people end up giving them up.


Afghan hound

Now at number one and the most difficult to train breed pretty much widely accepted by everybody that has trained lots of breeds is the Afghan hound now again another breed that is used to hunt still to this day and it's very effective in their role which most people would naturally assume would therefore lead to a high level of being able to be trained but don't let that fool you anything other than what this breed was bred to do no no dawn won't do it refused to do it just extreme difficulties now again this is a breed to do to those looks a lot of people will get just for those beautiful coats and to be a groom breed now the lucky thing is that they don't necessarily show any form of aggressive behavior so it doesn't that independence or stubbornness doesn't necessarily always spill out into negative behaviors that that need to be fixed it just spills out and just sheer stubbornness and sheer difficulty to train.



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