#Top 10 dog breeds with strongest jaws

Pet dogs generally make great companions and friends for their family members and children but a lot of dog breeds also can bite with great force using their robust jaws so if you want a guard dog that can protect you and your property select from the following breeds that have the strongest jaws we have ranked the breeds based on the site pounds per square inch they can exert with their jaws in this blog we will show you the top 10 dog breeds with strongest jaws

Number 10 Belgian malinois

The malinois resembles a german shepherd but is smaller in size these pups are playful intelligent resourceful brave and alert they have strong and muscular jaws which enable them to exert a sigh of around 195 on chewie's belgian malinois are quarely built proud and alert herders standing 22 to 26 inches strong and well muscled but more elegant than bulky there's an honest no-frills look about them as befit dogs built to work hard for their feed a breed hallmark is the proud carriage of the head coat colors range from a rich front to mahogany the black ears and mask accentuate bright questioning eyes the color of dark Belgian chocolate.

Number nine Chow Chow

Don't get taken by the fluffy and soft appearance of these canines they can be fearsome and were utilized in ancient china to guard livestock and fight mongolian warriors chow chows like to lie about and relax but when required their powerful jaws can exert a sigh of about 220. chaos are powerful compactly built dogs standing as high as 20 inches of the shoulder their distinctive traits include a lion's mane rough around the head and shoulders a blue black tongue deep-set almond eyes that add to a scowling snobbish expression and a stiff-legged gate chows can have rougher smooth coats of red black blue cinnamon or cream.

Number eight American pitbulls

The american pit bull has a jaw strength psi of 235 they are energetic affectionate playful and muscular pups their strong legs make them favorites to win any tug-of-war contest pit bulls are stocky muscular bull type terriers standing 17 to 19 inches of the shoulder the head is broad the jaws well defined the cheekbones pronounced and the dark round eyes are set wide apart pitbull's movement is agile and graceful with a springy gate that advertises the breeds innate confidence the stiff glossy coat comes in many colors and patterns pit bulls describe their dogs as keenly aware of their surroundings game for anything and lovable personality dogs around the house. 

Number seven German shepherd

This breed is used as a guard dog by the police and military in many countries they were initially trained to watch over cows and sheep these canines are affectionate graceful playful and intelligent their jaws can exert a sigh of 238 german shepherd dogs can stand as high as 26 inches of the shoulder and when viewed in outline presents a picture of smooth graceful curves rather than angles the natural gate is a free and easy trot but they can turn it up a notch or two and reach great speeds german shepherds will be gentle family pets and steadfast guardians but the breed standard says there's a certain aloofness that does not lend itself to immediate and indiscriminate friendships.

Number six American bulldog

This compact breed has large necks and heads they can be comical playful and fun but protective too their size strength is an impressive 305 so don't write a take out that doggy toy or ball from their jaws the american bulldog is a descendant of the english bulldog it is believed that the bulldog was in america as early as the 17th century they came to the united states in the 1800s with immigrants who brought their working bulldogs with them small farmers and ranchers used this all-around working dog for many tasks including farm guardians stock dogs and catch dogs the breed largely survived particularly in the southern states due to its ability to bring down and catch feral pigs

Number five Rottweiler

Bodies are highly energetic hardworking and loyal they are friendly and good-natured toward their family and can protect them from threats too their bite force is about 328 psi so enemies be warned a male Rottweiler will stand anywhere from 24 to 27 muscular inches of the shoulder females run a bit smaller and lighter the glistening short black coat with smart rust markings add to the picture of imposing strength a thickly muscled hindquarters powers the roddy's effortless trotting gate a well-bred and properly raised roddy will be calm and confident courageous but not unduly aggressive.

Number four Czechoslovakian wolf dog

This breed has been created by mixing wolves with domestic dogs for this reason they maintain a robust pack mentality and view their human owners as their packs their jock lamp has a sigh of 406 and their rippling muscles and fearsome snarl can keep away intruders the Czechoslovakian vulcak csv was originally bred for working border patrol in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s they are currently used in europe and the united states for search and rescue tracking obedience agility drafting herding
 and working dog sports the csv is bred for versatility and hardiness in harsh elements and is much more independent in nature than many other working breeds they are an excellent choice for tracking or trailing sport work or as a companion for active owners who enjoy spending time doing outdoor activities such as biking running or hiking they are not however recommended for first-time owners.

Number three English mastiff

The english mastiff is a huge and lumbering dog with a bite force of 556 i but they make safe pets for children and families as they mostly exert their jaw power on steak bones and dog toys a male stands at least 30 inches of the shoulder and can outweigh many a full-grown man the rectangular body is deep and thickly muscled covered by a short double coat of fawn apricot or brindle stripes the head is broad and massive and a wrinkled forehead accentuates an alert kindly expression mastiffs are patient lovable companions and guardians who take best to gentle training eternally loyal mastiffs are protective of family and a natural wariness of strangers makes early training and socialization essential mastiffs are magnificent pets but acquiring a powerful giant breed dog is commitment not to be taken lightly.

Number two Bandog

The mix of bulldog and mastiff this ancient and loyal crossbreed can exert 730 psi force with their formidable jaws but they are affectionate toward their pet parents at nearly 28 inches at the shoulder and often weighing more than 100 pounds with a large head alert expression and muscles rippling beneath their short stiff coat band dog are at a glance intimidating creatures their imposing appearance is their first line of defense against intruders as one writer put it an understated air of cool competence the kind of demeanor you'd expect from a professional bodyguard is the breed's trademark.

Number one Kangal

Kangels were originally bred in turkey to protect livestock from larger animals they top our list with an amazing 734 side bite force these fantastic guard dogs also make fun playmates as they are gentle toward kids and other pets they are also handsome with an exquisite multi-hued coat the anatolian shepherd dog stands between 27 and 29 inches at the shoulder and can weigh as much as 150 pounds profusely muscled but nimble of foot anatolians are more than a match for the predators and harsh terrain of their homeland anatolians descend from some of the oldest known domestic canine bloodlines this lends the breed a sense of timelessness and no frills untouched quality that takes us back 6000 years to the bronze age. 

This rounds up our top 10 dog breeds with strongest jaws suggest on what topic our next blog should be right below in the comment section.

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