#Top 10 banned Dog breeds


Top 10 banned Dog breeds 

Number 10


Neapolitan mastiff looking at a Neapolitan mastiff you may not think it's all that surprising that some countries impose restrictions on their ownership after all just look at the sheer size of them thanks for the kisses this is mariposa we decided to call in Singapore it's illegal to own this breed in Romania you must pass a psychological evaluation in saying that not everyone is convinced that these dogs are deserving of ownership restrictions especially not if they're brought up right Neapolitan mastiffs when socialized and trained are quiet calm and relaxed dogs sure they're massive and are definitely protective but some people believe that a Chihuahua has more attitude and savageness than this gentle giant like anything it's all in how you bring them up as a puppy socialization and training are key they can be quite stubborn but they respond well to praise and food don't we all they're also not likely to start fights but the problem is they can undoubtedly end them that's why some people are wary of owning such a large breed however with a well-rounded one that sees you as the pack leader you'll find yourself in possession of a huge drooling snoring and lovable doggo you wouldn't want to be without.


Number 9 The Presa Canario


If you live in a country that has a lot of dog breed bands then you'll probably see prasa canario on the list more often than not now we don't like to say bad things  about our sweet innocent doggo friends but it is worth noting that this pooch doesn't have the best record and for that we're quite sad the preisa canario ranked fourth in the 1982-2014 report for dog attacks it was responsible for 111 of them 46 of which were against children and 41 against adults out of all attacks 18 resulted in death and 63 resulted in permanent injuries as you can see they are not a dog to mess with they are quite powerful and that is unfortunately not used for good many criminals and bad people use this dog for fighting taking advantage of their aggressive streak that can form when they are not trained sure they are a loyal pet and guard dog when trained but entirely unpredictable when they're not what's more if you are not the pack leader you would find that the presia canario is a strong-willed dog that's difficult to control these traits are not a recipe for success.


Number eight Akita


The akita is banned or restricted in Washington ,iowa, Louisiana, Michigan and Tennessee as a result if you own this beautiful breed you won't be able to move there with it or you'll be required to follow specific ownership regulations the aikido rescue of the mid-atlantic said that akitas generally have a reputation for being aggressive they come from japan and are described as a noble hunter and guard dog they were originally bred for hunting so they are definitely a courageous breed however their natural confidence along with their protectiveness can be a terrible combination they can react aggressively if provoked and are also very protective of food as a result if you accidentally or purposefully go near their food you may find yourself in quite a spot of bother any dog can be cause for concern when they are not well socialized but the akita is a breed that requires a little more work if you own one you have to be willing to put a lot of time and effort into training while being aware of their natural traits and instincts.


Number 7 Tosa ken


The tosa ken is a beautiful interesting dog in many ways and just looking at it you may find it hard to believe that it's banned in several countries you will not see this dog in Australia ,new Zealand ,turkey the uk, Denmark ,Iceland ,Malta, Norway and several other places some countries do allow ownership of tosa ken but put restrictions in place to make it a complicated process but why well they are a fighting dog in japan they were initially bred as a massive fighting machine and are therefore quite powerful and strong not to mention stubborn they also pick up a bite inhibition early on from their mother so it takes an experienced owner to train this out of them from a young age if you don't you end up with a large dominant dog that has a natural instinct to bite and one that you can't stop this breed also has a high pain tolerance so if it finds itself in an altercation with another dog it will nearly always come out on top it has no problem defending itself and is quite reactive while beautiful you will not find the tosa ken an easy dog to own.


Number six Boxer


Now this one might surprise you how on earth could a big bouncy wiggly friendly boxer be one of the most illegal dog breeds in the world well technically they aren't banned except in ukraine but some countries have restrictions in place to make sure only responsible owners can have them surprisingly from 1982 to 2014 boxers were behind 62 attacks 23 adults and 19 children were hurt and there were also seven deaths there is no denying that these energetic dogs are lovable but they are also exceptionally loyal powerful and muscly maybe not the best recipe when they're put in a situation where they think they have to defend their family in many other ways though the boxer is a loving family pet they grow up to about 75 pounds and can be fawn brindle or white they also have powerful jaws a square muzzle and short fur believe it or not they are the 11th most popular dog in the united states they are not aggressive or vicious by nature but they become attached to their family and grow into their instinctive guardian nature so they like most dogs need plenty of socialization early.


Number five pit bulls


On number five Pit bulls are illegal in the UK after 15 fatal dog attacks in wales and England in the decade between 1981 and 1991 the united kingdom was fed up they were tired of vicious dogs and they wanted action so that's what they got pit bulls along with the fila brasileiro, the Dogo argentino and the Japanese toso were all outlawed in the dangerous dogs act there's no scientific backing to actually say that these particular dog breeds are any more dangerous than say your average Pomeranian or Labrador however they have been favored by criminals who train them to attack some exceptions can be granted to own a pit bull but you can't breed sell or exchange them they also have to be muzzled in public on a lead registered neutered insured tattooed and micro chipped criminals really do give this breed a bad name there's no discernible difference in aggression between a pit bull type dog and a golden retriever according to the American temperament test society what's more pit bulls have long served as police dogs search and rescue dogs and in films it's crucial not to tar them all with the same brush how about we tar their owners instead


Number four Bull terrier


The bull terrier breed often gets the short end of the stick some countries have put restrictions on their ownership or at least look down upon people who own them but it's worth knowing that the English bull terriers not really as bad as they're made out to be they were bred for centuries to fight other dogs so it makes sense for people to think that they are vicious they are also powerful sturdy dogs which can add to that impression but would you believe me if i told you that they're generally no more aggressive than any other dog just like any other dog it's more or less about the training and upbringing English bull terriers have a lot of self-control and non-aggression these traits have been encouraged through generations and generations of breeding so they are actually known as a patient tolerant calm and collected breed they are friendly towards their owners and quite friendly with most people they meet in fact sure they're a little clumsy in play which can make them not suitable for playtime around kids but otherwise they're one of the more patient and calm dogs so is their reputation and subsequent ownership restrictions really fair well you be the judge.


Number three German shepherd


Around a dozen countries like Ireland, the united states ,Ukraine and Malaysia put restrictions on the ownership of German shepherds and while they are a beautiful and popular dog we're not at all surprised that they are one to approach with caution they rank third in the most deaths caused by dog bites having been responsible for 15 fatalities in a 12 year period from 1982 to 2014 they were also responsible for 113 attacks given their use as a police dog we're not sure if those figures include attacks in the line of duty but it does at least outline how powerful this dog really is German shepherds were bred for hurting livestock but that doesn't mean that they don't have aggressive tendencies they are large powerful dogs that need someone to take control at all times they were used a lot during the second world war and became popular in the united states during the early 20th century they are highly trainable protective athletic and responsive so they have many of the traits that have become useful for search and rescue tasks drug detection, police work and bomb detection still both their physical and mental strength make them unsuitable for first time dog owners.


Number 2 Dogo argentino


The Dogo argentino is banned in several countries including Australia, new Zealand and Portugal it weighs in at around 100 pounds and has been used for dog fighting in the past this beautiful but banned breed was bred in Argentina in 1928 it came from the Cordoba fighting dog which is now extinct and was a mix of such breeds as the great Dane dog de Bordeaux and Irish wolfhound looking at the Dogo argentino it is clearly a large dog but is it deserving of being banned well yes and no typically they are friendly and cheery dogs they make beautiful companions and are reasonably intelligent in saying that they aren't overly child or dog friendly they are also a fearless hunter and watchdog more so than a companion with which you can cuddle up on the sofa you have to put a lot of time and effort into training and even then it's with the knowledge that they have a predisposition to be aggressive so while you might not ever give this dog a reason to bite it may be a fear at the back of your mind as a result several countries have taken preventative measures to make it illegal to own one


Number 1 Boerboel


If you want to own a boerboel and live in Denmark then you're out of luck this south African dog that resembles a bull mastiff is banned there the boerboel which roughly translates to farm dog in Dutch is the product of guard dogs and African dogs being mixed bull mastiffs were brought into south Africa by de beers to guard mines and they became popular for their guarding abilities ever since they are also not overly aggressive but their heft makes them quite terrifying to some they can weigh up to 150 pounds perhaps one of the most convincing reasons why this dog is illegal in some places is that it's capable of killing people without appropriate training and socialization there is the potential for it to do great harm for example a woman was found in Brent creek unresponsive with her boerboel guarding her wounds were consistent with an animal attack she owned six of them and had been offering puppies for sale there are surely plenty of loving boerboels out there but they will require experienced owners to be the pack leader some countries and lawmakers feel like they're banning particular breeds for good reason still you won't always get it right which one of these banned dogs surprised you the most do you own any of them


Do you think these breeds are as dangerous as they are being made out to be ?

Tell me in the comments below or you can mail me abhishekasiwal2005@gmail.com


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