8 best guard dog breeds that don't suffer from separation anxiety that would be perfect for people that are out at work full-time !


So what is the 8 best guard dog breeds that don't suffer from separation anxiety that would be perfect for people that are out at work full-time or just in and out of the house a lot and need to leave your dog at home what is the best guard dog breed for those people.


Well in today's blog that's exactly what we're going to discuss


Without wasting any time we will start with our list




And we'll start with our breathing I'm going to have it number eight so the breed I'm gonna put here at number eight is the kuvasz the kuvasz is a Eastern European based livestock garden and herding breeds now any livestock garden and herding breed they are bred to be independent so I'm gonna let you know that this probably isn't going to be the first livestock garden breed that you're gonna see on this list now what I love about the kuvasz is if you're working full time you're in and out that tend to be more younger people that aren't retired because that work .


In people that may be a single and living at home so you what I like about the kuvasz is because that tends to be people that may have less experience now obviously there's going to be exceptions to this but talking from my extensive experience of helping people choose the right breed what I love about the kuvasz is that although there are independent livestock guarding and herding breeds that makes them brilliant at being able to be on their own for long periods of time because that's what they're used to being able to do but they're also much calmer they're one of the calmest most gentle of the livestock herding breeds and that makes them beautiful for first-time owners or for people that might not have as much experience with raising these kind of guard dog breeds so for that reason I'm definitely going to feature them on this list even though they might not necessarily therefore be the best guard in breed they are definitely superb watch dogs they're superb Guardian breeds they're very good for first-time owners and they're also excellent at being able to learn to be left to be on their own.


Now at this point probably I should have mentioned this before we start but when I talk about separation anxiety there's no type of breed that is immune to separation anxiety so when we're talking about breeds the separation anxiety it's breeds that are more prone any breed can be taught to be left on their own but certain breeds tend to suffer more from separation anxiety if they get separation anxiety might suffer more severely and some breeds might not necessarily suffer as much as other breeds so take that with a pinch of salt because all breeds can be done but we're going to talk about breeds are less likely.


Giant Schnauzer


Now the next breed I'm gonna discuss in the  number seven spot is the Giant Schnauzer now based on what I just told about how kind of some breeds and more prone than others again with this list it's hard to kind of rank them so I'm gonna try my best to rank them as is intended from kind of 10 down to the best in the world at number one and the breeder haven´t number one by the way at do you think is the best guard dog breed that doesn't suffer from separation anxiety but a lot of the other breeds could kind of be swapped around so again you have to kind of take that of a pinch of salt but number seven the Giant Schnauzer now the Giant Schnauzer again this breed is about guard dog this list is about guard dog breeds in particular so we're not gonna spend too much time cuz we know the giant schnauzer is a fantastic guard in breed and I would have them kind of they're not five out of five when it comes in terms of being able to be left on their own but they're there for out of five probably they're very trainable that very very adaptable which is key when we want a dog that won't suffer from separation anxiety they love their owners and they love to be with their owners but with owners that know how to effectively train a dog that's why I always recommend crate training a dog if you can generate a positive association to the dogs crate generate a positive association to them being left on their own combined with the adaptability of a breed like a giant schnauzer then you're going to set yourself up for success in having a breed that is comfortable in being left on its own for longer periods of time.


Chow chow


Now I'm not gonna spend too much time on my pick at number six because it's kind of cheating and that is because it's the chow chow now like I just said this list is about guard dog breeds and the chow chow probably doesn't belong on a list that is specializing in guard dogs but the chow chow can make an excellent watchdog there is a lot of people that have them in kind of watchdog and natural protection roles but I had to feature them on this list because the chow chow is right there towards the top of the list for all dog breeds that are suitable for being left on their own and that don't suffer from separation anxiety now I'm not personally a huge fan of the chow chow and that is because they are renowned for being very aloof the necessarily overly caring about anybody included in their owners which they're naturally knocks on to kind of how devoted they are with their owners but if you want to breed that kind of has the look of a Chow Chow you like the challenge of breaking through of a dog that doesn't necessarily care for people then the Chow Chow might be interesting especially if you're the kind of people that one that aren't necessarily at home all the time and you want to dog that's comfortable in its own company alone then the Chow Chow kind of had to be featured on this list even if they're not necessarily an obvious guarding breed now the breed.




I'm going to have in the number five position is the Rottweiler now the Rottweiler everything I just kind of said about the giant schnauzer is very applicable here a very trainable dog a very adaptable dog and then with the right hands and the right owner is very contented being able to talk ought to be left alone especially we can tap into their desire to want to protect to the property you can get really tap into that in terms of them being happy to be left on their own because they think you're leaving them with a job to do and they thrive doing that job now again I have to kind of warn people the Rottweiler probably isn't a good choice for people that have to leave their dog for long periods of time all of the time because the Rottweiler thrives with a leader that can work with it all the time it fries with a leader that it wants to look to for direction if you're not providing that simply because you're not really there that much then you'll have a dog that will want to start making decisions for itself all of the time you get that of a Rottweiler and you quickly going to devolve into a dog that has quite severe behavior problems because it's making the decisions for itself rather than looking to you for guidance and directions so although it definitely can be done it definitely needs to include a caveat now talking about breeds that need to include a caveat is very much a good transition to the breed.




I'm gonna talk about at number four and that is the Kangal and I'm going to kind of include other of the large powerful independent Shepherd breeds I think your Central Asian Shepherds or Caucasian shepherds and at colonial shepherds and the Turkish Kangal are all very applicable here they are bred to be extremely independent watchdogs that are happy to work alone for extended periods of time which transitions to having a dog that is willing to be left on its own while you go to work for extended periods of time so in terms of pure set raishin anxiety it's a huge forms up however the huge caveat with that is like I just mention what the Rottweiler you die all that up to ten with these kind of breeds they need leadership they need guidance and direction and if you're the kind of person that's looking for a guard dog breed that you don't have to necessarily put too much work in because you're at work a lot and because you're coming in and out a lot then although they can be excellent with managing separation anxiety very well they're definitely not the breed for you if you haven't got the time around your schedule to be able to dedicate to what is extremely intense breed that needs tons of time and dedication to be able to have it under control manageable safe canine companion.




Now the breed I'm gonna have it number three is the Chinese shar-pei sounds like a quite upset little dog you over there talk about watch dogs because that's a cockapoo angry scary guard dog kakapo amazing but anyway the Chinese shar-pei so the Chinese shar-pei is that's renowned definitely more have them in the watchdog category than guard dogs but it doesn't stop them be in any less fearful and if you can have an angry kakapo trying to scare people away trust me a shar-pei will do the job much much better but similar to the chow chow because they do share similar origins you're gonna get a dog that is happy to be alone again there's not much point in spending loads of time talking about each breed in this video so we're going to blast through them a little bit quicker than we otherwise would have done but we're also working on doing  deep dives on this blog for every single breed we did some a while ago but the quality wasn't brilliant we've come a long way once we come out of this lockdown period there's lots of breeders we're gonna go and work with and feel more kind of high level would you calm like documentary style videos I don't know but we're gonna do much more high level videos so we're going to do real good deep dives into each breed so if you want more information about these breeds we might have already done a real good deep dive so go and check it out but we are gonna do one for the shar-pei soon but like I say this might just get your thought process thinking and then you're free to go and do more research on these breed.


English Mastiff


Now at number two we have the English Mastiff now the English Matsiff there for you guys if you've been following this blog u may know I absolutely love the breed if you saw earlier blog had talked out we are very interested in potentially bringing in an English Mastiff into our home as our next family Guardian breed and that is because the although I love breeds like the Cane Corso the English Mastiff is just much better at separation anxiety and I like a dog that's very easily kind of content and the English Mastiff is more than happy if you go out the house to just kind of curl up on its bed get inside its crate go on the sofa whatever situation you have at your homes and just go to sleep keep half an ear out check everything's okay but snore is add off until you get back from work.


American Akita


Now the breed of habit number one is the Akita and in particular the American Akita not the Japanese one now the American Akita is a very intense breed a very very skillful watch and Guardian breed definitely not for novices definitely not for inexperienced owners but well worth checking out they are also very happy to work on their own they may excellent outdoor watch dogs so if you're the kind of people that want to have a camera outside maybe you've got a big property or big pieces of land and you want a dog to be able to protect them and Akita would make a fantastic I've not bought them in we've kind of the candles because I don't think they're quite as severe as the Kangol they can make very good indoor home dogs they will need a lot of exercise so if you're very busy because you work long hours and when you get home you're not interested in working a dog and taking out I wouldn't consider the Akita and look more like an English Mastiff for example but if you do want a dog that you can really get stuck into doing lots of exercise lots of work in lots of training develop a really good leadership relationship with your dog then the Akita could make a fantastic choice.


If you have any doubts. Tell me in the comments section or you can mail me on abhishekasiwal2005@gmail.com


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