Top 10 Unknown Facts About The Samoyed


The Samoyed


The Samoyed is a substantial but graceful fluffy white Spitz type dog that thrives on human company powerful agile tireless and impervious to cold Samoyed are drop-dead gorgeous but highly functional originally bred to hunt halls ledges and herd reindeer.


The Samoyed today has built a reputation of an intelligent dignified family dog who is always full of life now.


If you're thinking of adding some more to your family be sure to check out these top 10 most interesting facts about these fluffy little creatures.


Number 1

Their History


The Samoyed is one of the oldest dog breeds names after the reindeer herding sematic people of Siberia originally these all-purpose dogs were of a variety of colors but today the sparkling white has taken over in most areas of the world.


Someone's journeyed out of Siberia at the end of 19th century and the early part of the 20th century to pull sledge on polar expeditions these dogs endured terrible hardships along with the explorers they assisted only the strongest and fittest dogs survived such expeditions after all of these hardships.


First standard for the breed was adopted in England in 1909 many Samoyed still work today hurting reindeer and pulling sleds as well as being family companions in much of the world


Number 2

Samoyed's are sensitive to heat

As you might guess from their thick luxurious code.


The Samoyeds prefer cooler temperatures with its Nordic heritage the Samoyed is a natural fit for cold climates and he loves to play in the snow, So don't allow your Samoyeds to overexert himself/herself in the heat.


Schedule exercising, play sessions for the cooler hours of the day and keep them inside in air conditioning when the temperature heats up.


Number 3

Samoyed shed a lot

The Samoyed coat is not gorgeous by accident owners of these dogs must be very disciplined about brushing them frequently to prevent tangling and matting.


Not surprisingly Samoyeds blow a lot of hair all over the place during shedding season maintenance can be daunting daily brushing is necessary when the coat is shedding.


Many owners opt a higher groomer for their Samoyeds though costly it helps to take some burden off their owner however you still need to brush them regularly.


Number 4
Samoyeds are good with children


The Samoyed characteristics mild wheels is friendly good-natured disposition Samoyeds are especially fun of children.


A well socialized Samoyeds loves kids but it's important that interactions with small children be supervised to prevent the dog from unintentionally knocking over a little guy or a girl.


Samoyeds have calm temperament so they do well around other dogs especially if they are raised together from an early age.


Number 5
Samoyeds have a strong prey


Drive at heart the Samoyed is still a hunter and no matter how friendly he is with humans he is still hardwired to chase the prey he's likely to chase after small animals that he perceives his prey for his safety it should always be leashed when it's not a home in his fenced yard.


The hardy and sweet-tempered Samoyed was originally used to hunt the reindeer and haul sledges for the Siberian people


 Samoyed hunting instinct is very strong so it's difficult for him to resist chasing squirrels rabbits or even cats even a well-trained Samoyed can't be trusted off leash.


Number 6
They have a beautiful smile.


It's known as the Samoyed's smile the slide but discernible upturned corners of the Samoyed mouth this is a happy good-natured dog with a glass-half-full attitude toward life and the people.


Samoyed nicknames is smiley is because these dogs were a trademark grin corners of their mouths turned upward giving them a happy expression described as the Samoyed smile


Number 7
They are pack animals

Samoyed are pack animals by nature so they don't do well by themselves these Samoyed’s left alone are known to wreak havoc on their homes out of boredom and aggravation.


The Samoyed is not a lone wolf dog so he enjoys close association with those he lives and is mentally and physically unsuited for being left alone in a kennel or back yard.


His loyalty and alertness often make for a good watch dog.


Number 8
Their fur works like a rule


The Samoyed lush white coat has one of the most outstanding physical features that they have a thick double coat the honor code is soft short and thick with longer hairs growing out to the outer coat the outer coat however is rough and stands straight out visa shed so much that many owners have gotten in the habit of collecting all the excess fur this surplus can be spun into a yarn that can be used to make clothing, the material is warm and strong and not to mention order less making it a great alternative to sheep's wool.


Number 9
They're difficult to train training


The Samoyed is a challenging task this breed is smart and learns quickly but you must approach training with the right attitude give him something to figure out it'll bore him with repetition agility and tracking make perfect thinking exercises for the Samoyeds.


Like any dog Samoyed can become timid if they are not properly socialized and exposed to many different people sights sounds and experiences when they are young formal puppy and obedience classes are also recommended to teach the Samoyed proper canine manners.


Number 10
They're always super active


They're always super active because the Samoyed is a working dog he needs his room to room and play.


Someone does not like to sit around he likes to be busy keep him active with walks games hikes and canine sports as friendly and smart as this breed is the smart is challenging their own he can be a talkative dog voicing his likes and dislikes with the bellows, howls or barks.


It's best to keep this working dog busy otherwise is likely to resort annoying or destructive behaviors such as digging ,jumping the fence getting in the garbage or biting shoes.


The active Samoyed is not suited to apartment life a home with a large securely fenced yard is the perfect choice.


Alright guys that's the end of our list of top 10 most interesting facts about the Samoyeds.


Which among these traits does your Samoyed particularly have or if you don't have one are you planning to get one any time in the future let us know in the comments below.


If you have any doubts or you have any suggestions you can mail me on



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