Fabulous facts about the Toy poodle

The toy poodle 

The toy poodle is one of the most popular appreciated and lovable types of poodles in the world if you thought there was only one poodle type the FCI actually recognizes for according to their size this animal wise video is concerned with the smallest of them all even smaller than dwarf poodles. 

Let's go....✌


The poodle is a direct descendant of the bar 'but a breed of african origin which came to the Iberian Peninsula and crossed with Portuguese water dogs the breeds would later separate thanks to breeders wanting to develop a waterfowl hunting dog as for the name the French for poodle is knish deriving from theword for female duck thanks to the sociable extremely faithful and positive character. 

The poodle sees to be a hunting dog and became mainly in calf onion animal becoming the national dog breed of France by the 15th century from then on breeders strove to achieve a uniform coat color avoiding spots or unwanted patterns in 1922 the poodle Club was founded in Paris and a few years later in 1936 the FCI established the official breed standard it was not until 1984 when the toy poodle standard was created. 

Height and Weight 

Toy poodles are small dogs with a height which should not exceed 28 centimetres at the withers the way it should be around 2 to 2.5 kilograms.

Coat and Color

Reference to their coats there are two types those with curly hair which is abundant frizzy and uniform or those with corded hair which is fine woolly and dense forming cords up to 20 centimetres long.

Toy poodles are available in many coat colors 

Some are-:

  • Black Toy poodle
  • White Toy Poodle 
  • Grey Toy Poodle  
  • Brown Toy Poodle
  • Fawn Toy Poodle 

But always solid and uniform in color.


Toy poodles are as with other poodle types active obedient and intelligent dogs they are easy to train and educate we can also speak of a particularly sociable breed so they do not do well in the absence of tutors in fact excessive and prolonged loneliness can cause unwanted behaviors such as destructiveness stress or becoming overly vocal they are ideal for families with children due to its positive character and energy becoming an ideal companion for little ones in the home. 

They can also socialize well with other pets and elderly people as long as they have been positively socialized during this sensitive period.

As a toy poodle puppy if well-maintained they can adapt well to small and large spaces due to the characteristics of their fur the toy poodle needs to be brushed daily in this way we can avoid the formation of tangles dirt accumulation and excess hair in the home it is advisable they are given a monthly bath


Basic hygiene needs another important aspect of their care is physical and mental stimulation since they are very physically active dogs with an alert mind this requires a tutor who can provide superior enrichment more than many other dogs need we should offer between three to four walks per day while also practicing other physical exercise or during sport environmental enrichment at home will also help us in this regard.


Finally we must not forget the importance of feeding which will affect the dog's codes and overall health the education of the toy poodle should start quickly when they are puppy the most important stage is the socialization period which begins at 3 weeks and ends at 3 months the puppy needs to learn to relate to other individuals as well as be aware of different environments of course they will need certain vaccinations before going outside if not your dog may experience future socialization problems such as fear or aggressiveness in cases where the puppy cannot socialize with parents or siblings a canine educator with classes for puppies should be consulted also in the puppy stage you will need to teach them to pee on newspaper inhibit they bite and start playing games to stimulate the poodles mind of course this always has to happen positively as if it were a game later once they have been properly vaccinated we can teach them to walk in urinate on the street begin education exercises and provide basic obedience training the latter includes sitting lying down staying still and coming these are all essential for the safety and good communication with the guardian. 


Poodles have certain pathologist associated with their breed genetics so most mentioned here a hereditary origin some of them affect site such as entropion cataracts glaucoma or progressive retinal atrophy they may also have hyperthyroidism which affects thyroid hormones epilepsy or otitis to avoid otitis it is recommended to cremate ears according to certain guidelines such as using appropriate cleaners or completely drying them afterwards they can also develop diseases which can affect skin health such as fungal infections allergies or pyoderma lastly the possible presence of hip dysplasia Lake Health Perthes disease or patellar dislocation should be noted to prevent and/or detect some of the aforementioned health problems it is important to go to the vet every 6 to 12 months since regular supervision by specialists will help detect problems early we need to also follow the vaccination and deworming schedule strictly.

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