Guard dog breed that is capable of protecting you , your property and your family ! !


Perhaps you're looking for a guard dog breed that is capable of protecting you your property and your family after all in history most canines are used to protect their people and their property from unwanted visitors.. usually an excellent guard dog is loyal protective but not aggressive,strong,smart,alert and obedient while some dogs can be trained to be guardians there exists canines who are naturally born to act as protectors if you're wondering what dog breeds do an excellent job in being a companion and a protector then make sure to read this blog until the end


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As mentioned today we're going to explore the top 10 guard dog breeds if you're ready then


Let's begin


10. Rhodesian ridgeback


The top 10 on our list is the dog that's native to south africa the rhodesian ridgeback this breed which was originally bred to hunt large games and lines is known to be very loyal and independent making it an excellent natural watchdog being natural protectors this breed doesn't need training however basic obedience training is essential for them to learn to listen to your commands since they tend to be stubborn and domineering if not properly trained this dog tends to easily attack a stranger the rhodesian ridgeback is aloof towards strangers they also don't bark often so once they do it should be taken seriously at home with their families the rhodesian ridgeback is cuddly loyal and protective despite their muscular body they love to cuddle with their owners


9. Pulies


Coming from hungary pulies are medium-sized herding dogs with extreme intelligence known for their long corded coat pulleys make excellent companions for owners with an active lifestyle since this breed is energetic and will enjoy hiking running and other outdoor activities brave ,loyal and protective of their families ,Pulies will bark to alert their owners if anything out of the ordinary happens they are alert towards strangers however without proper socialization and training they can be too wary which may result for them to bite easily being smart dogs pulleys need constant mental stimulation and companionship.


8. Belgian Malinois


A breed that's similar to german shepherd but is smaller in size, the belgian malinoi  is popular for police and military works because of its intense energy strong protective instincts agility search and rescue abilities and trainability having a high energy level this breed needs daily exercise because they are intelligent and quick to learn they would also enjoy having a job to do at home they are smart loyal strong active weary of strangers but also stubborn for this reason they need early socialization and training when trained with obedience training belgian malinois will learn tricks and commands in no time indeed they make great guard dogs.


7 Commandor


Another guard dog that is originated from hungary is the commodore don't let the commodore's mop head appearance fool you this dog that is known for its signature dreadlocks is strong brave active and loyal originally they were used to protect properties in livestock such as flocks of sheep as part of the family the commodore is devoted affectionate gentle and kind they're also patient with children though they can be very weary of strangers with their muscular body in big size this breed can be dangerous to strangers including animals and people if not properly trained for dogs to be calm and relaxed around new people early socialization is important.


6. Rottweiler


Athletic obedient and alert the rottweiler is a gentle yet protective guard dog with a natural protective instinct they are affectionate and playful around their families but are completely opposite towards strangers for this reason early socialization and training is essential keep in mind that a rottie will only listen to its owner if he is given proper training without proper guidance this breed can be dangerous to other people and animals they should know how to control themselves knowing when to calm down and when to be aggressive they are quick learners therefore training should be easy they may be wary of strangers until they confirm that the person is not a threat


5. German shepherd


Ranking fifth on our list is the german shepherd like the belgian malinois this breed is also popular for being engaged in police and military works at home they are calm and gentle but will also be confident fearless and ready to risk its life if faced with a threatening stranger they are intelligent have a loud bark are loyal and are quick learners indeed this breed is one of the best protection dogs out there of course like with all other guard dogs the german shepherd also needs training and socialization with their large size this breed is capable of taking down any intruder and burglars if the need arises however owners may opt for their german shepherds to show no aggression to visitors by consistent training.


4. Akita


Akita is a japanese mountain dog with a large and athletic build they are strong courageous loyal and alert however they can be difficult to raise but with patience and consistency this breed will make an excellent companion as well as a guard dog as a member of the family akitas are known to be very sweet goofy playful but also respectful after all they are social animals around strangers they can be very suspicious and are always ready to act if necessary thankfully a well-trained akita will greet a guest without hesitation of course with the owner's command they're also not known to bark unless there's a valid reason.


3. Giant schnauzer


Large strong and powerful this breed's intimidating appearance is enough to scare off intruders and burglars being natural protectors the giant schnauzer will bark to alert its family of possible threats they also won't hesitate to take down and bite their enemy if needed for this reason they make one of the best guard dogs while they can be scary for some the giant schnauzer is loyal and protective to its family however this breed is demanding when it comes to attention they need mental and physical stimulation or else they will develop destructive behavior which is not ideal considering their huge size they also tend to chase smaller animals so it's highly suggested that they are the only pets inside the house


2. Doberman


Known to be excellent at being military guard and family dogs the doberman's ability to be fast courageous and powerful is enough to make it one of the best guard dogs that exist to be effective protectors the Doberman needs to create a deep bond with its family otherwise they won't be as energetic and alert as they should be they are quick learners so training and socialization should be easy a well-trained doberman will listen to its owner and would not exhibit sudden aggression unless needed so when a visitor came they will remain calm on your command their intimidating bark is enough to drive intruders that may try to enter the house if the intruder is persistent the doberman won't hesitate to attack considering their ability to be fast the bad guy will be caught in no time.


1.Bull mastiff


The first on our list is known for its protection instincts physical strength braveness extreme devotion and loyalty to its family the bull mastiff born to be protectors this breed needs structured training to enhance its natural protective instincts while their bullish appearance is enough to scare off intruders they are also extremely affectionate and loving towards their family they are also intelligent so training should be easy considering these characteristics the bull mastiff makes the perfect companion for owners who need protection as well as companionship even with children this breed can be a good playmate provided that he is well trained the bullmastiff needs to be part of the family or they'll become destructive intense socialization is important for this breed to identify a good person from a bad when faced with a suspicious stranger this breed will release an intimidating growl but if the intruder is persistent then he is surely looking for trouble since the bullmastiff is always ready to attack keep in mind that the key to a well-rounded dog regardless of its breed is consistent training and early socialization be patient and you'll be rewarded with an amazing companion.


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