Top ten healthiest guard dog breeds


Healthiest guards


On today's blog we're gonna break down the top ten healthiest guard dog breeds now if you are new here then my name is Abhishek and I am the founder of Doggyz.


So at number 10 we have the Giant Schnauzer the giant schnauzers are an incredibly powerful dog that makes for an insane guard dog and personal protection dog due to their physicality combined with their trained ability and fearless nature however they don't really look like your typical extremely intimidating guard dog which is one of the reasons that so many people are really starting to embrace this breed the Giant Schnauzer has been around for centuries starting their journey to this point today as cattle driving dogs over in Germany now when the railways killed the need for a kind of long distance cattle driving roles the giant schnauzers popularity diminished nearly to the point of extinction however people discovered that awesome guarding skill set and they soon research it in guarding roles in towns and cities and still to this day you will see many bear holes and butchers using the giant schnauzer as their mascot as very robust working dogs this breed still suffers from a few health concerns but other than kind of the standard hip and elbow dysplasia which is almost universal across all of the large powerful garden breeds giant schnauzers and only really commonly suffer from some eye issues and absol Apple app see they also have an excellent average lifespan especially for a large breed of around 12 years





At number nine we have the Moscow watchdog the Moscow watchdog is a fascinating breed and it's one I recently discussed at length in one of my rare guard dog breed blogs you can clearly see that st. Bernard lineage within the dog and although they can very much be gentle with families like st. Bernards do not underestimate their guarding skills as they are one of the best and unlike many of these giant breeds were so much muscle mass they don't suffer from anywhere near as many health issues from other similar sized dogs like a bull mastiff for example they also have a good life span of around 11 years


At number 8 we're going to be talking about the Black Russian terrier now although the Black Russian terrier looks is very similar to the Giant Schnauzer they are two very different bleeds breeds the Black Russian terrier does have some of the Giant Schnauzer in it from when they were first bred but they were also mixed with Rottweilers and Airedale Terriers to create an extremely versatile working dog now the Black Russian terrier has a slightly lower average life expectancy than its Giant Schnauzer friend and it's around eleven years but they don't suffer from the same level of eye issues which for me is what allowed them to feature slightly higher on today's list.



And at number seven we have the Rhodesian Ridgeback the Rhodesian Ridgeback for me is absolutely beautiful but it's another breed that doesn't have that stereotypical intimidating looks but this still makes an incredible watch and guard dog if it wasn't for their famous Ridge running down their backs it would be very easy to mistake these dogs for Hungarian visitors or even working Labradors to the untrained eye now the Rhodesian Ridgeback has a fascinating lineage the base that kind of go all the way back to the sixteenth and seventeenth-century over in South Africa they were bred to be fearless hunters of lions and although they wouldn't necessarily take on the Lions themselves they were bred to have this fearless nature and be athletic enough to track the Lions down and then keep them in place until the hunters could arrive on horseback to take care of the rest as is often the case with these types of incredibly athletic hunting breeds one of the considerations of initial breeding was them being incredibly fit and healthy and therefore able to work effectively for as long as possible a trait we still see today with a great average lifespan of up to around 15 years and very few common health issues.



And number six we're gonna be talking about the Rottweiler the health of the Rottweiler is often hotly debated but in my experience I find that when they're well bred from breeding stocks that have full health tests doing they are an incredibly robust breed and even the health issues they can suffer from don't tend to be serious or life-threatening ones like many of the breeds featured on this list they were bred for purpose not for looks and actually shares somewhat of a similar story to the giant schnauzers being originally bred to drive cattle and protect livestock this breed also then transitioned very well to personal and property garden roles when the need for cattle driving diminished it was important that these dogs could work independently when needed to and the owners not need to worry about their health so again only the best examples were bred from its been in more recent times with very poor breeding practices that have jeopardized the health of rotties but like I just mentioned with correct breeding these can be incredibly healthy and robust guard dogs.


And at number five we're going to talk about the Komondor which is a truly unique looking dog know for its dreadlocks style white cords there's no mistake in them but don't let their looks deceive you they are fearless and effective livestock Guardians dating back centuries and were originally bred all the way over in Hungary where they're still very commonly seen in those same working roles today like many livestock Guardian breeds the Komondor is an incredibly healthy and robust dog they suffer from very few health issues allowing them to complete those roles effectively throughout their entire lives the downside is they have a quite as they don't have quite as high life expectancy if some of the other breeds with just around 11 years or so.





And now we're going to talk about the Central Asian shepherd and in terms of livestock Guardians there's not many breeds that can really top the Central Asian shepherd they are an extremely ancient breed of some people stating that they have records that show the dog goes back up to 5,000 years they were renowned for their relentless an incredible ability to work alongside man in the insanely harsh climates over in Mongolia and since then they're slowly spread around the world ever since this is a breed that suffers from nearly no hereditary health conditions and is extremely healthy and robust they also have an awesome life span of around thirteen or fourteen years which is amazing for such large powerful dogs .




At number three we're going to talk about moles so this is slightly cheating but it's definitely worth mentioning the incredible health benefits of mixing k9 gene pools in the form of a mutt dog you'll find many mutts up and down shelters all across the globe and they tend to be incredibly Hardy and well-rounded dogs especially if you can come in and offer them a calm consistent leadership




Taking the silver medal at the number two spot is the Belgian Malinois and they are world renowned as one of the most trainable dogs on the planet and it's why they're so commonly used in so many personal protection roles as well as police and military roles as a shepherd breed they'll get again they're bred for incredible working capabilities and being healthy and active is very much included in that in my experience the dogs just seemed to run on high all of their lives which can be up to around 14 years when well-bred these dogs have very few to no real health concerns over than maybe some I based issues which again can and should be checked in the breeding stock by the breeders.




At number one taking the gold medal is the Turkish Kangol everything I just said about the Central Asian shepherd is just even more relevant here if you've never heard about the Turkish Kangol before they are a livestock guarding breed from well obviously Turkey they were bred with the sole task of protecting livestock but not from smaller things like coyotes or foxes but from wolves bears and jackals making the Turkish Kangol one of the most capable guarding breeds on the planet their breeding has also been incredibly well managed to ensure breed standards a maintained including the impeccable health standards allowing one of the healthiest dogs in the world let alone one of the healthiest guard dogs in the world with the added bonus of a lifespan that can go all the way up to 15 years which again for such a large breed is absolutely insane.



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