Top 10 heaviest dog breeds


In today's blog I'm gonna break down the top 10 heaviest dog breeds


Welcome back to the Doggyz if you are new here then my name is Abhishek asiwal I am the founder of Doggyz-2020.


So on today's top 10 were breaking down the top 10 heaviest dog breeds now researching for this blog is  actually even harder than you think firstly there's always outliers in every breed and all breeds have weight ranges and scales so if I was to state a breeds weight there's always someone that's gonna have one that's 20 pounds heavier 20 pounds lighter or there's the extremes where records have been set by different breeds or in that breed I'm discussing there's also issues around the vary breed standards take for example the clinic also they tend to be bigger and therefore heavier over in the States and they are here in the UK and Europe so if I stated a wait for the Cane Corso breed owners from one side of the pond or the other one of your think I'm right one of your think I'm wrong so in today's lips are done my best to average it out and give real good estimates this definitely breeds who's ranges at the top end could have put them in this list but again we only have ten breeds to work with so I've had to make some cuts and I've used my own judgment here and there so just bear in mind that this is a little bit of fun so try and relax if I miss the breed off or you know a dog that's lighter or heavier than I said it was.


We'll dive in and we'll start off with number ten and starting our list at number ten we have the Turkish kangal now longtime viewers of the show all know that I absolutely love the Turkish kangal even though they're a very rare breed here in the UK I do expect to see them grow in popularity over the coming years especially as people start to learn more about just how amazing they are with children and how much of a deep loving bond they form with them problem with the kangal is that they're extremely intelligent and independent dogs which doesn't mean that they're only really suited for people with a higher level of experience and skillset trainer however the kangal will often go around males can grow up to around 130 pounds now this is a good time to mention as well that the wave examples are gonna be given they're going to be given the average top-end in pounds for males that's kind of where I've tried to work out obviously there's definitely tangles or go upwards of 160 pounds and with all the breeds I'm gonna discuss there'll be dogs and I might even mention some of the record setters for each breed but around average top-end 130 pounds of the Kangal coming in under temp.


Now coming in at number 9 and averaging top-end for males around 140 pounds is the Tibetan Mastiff an absolutely gorgeous dog and again like the Kangol one that is extremely intelligent but also very independent being used as a guarding dog and often left for days if not weeks on their own out and about and back in the day often used as guarding dogs for monasteries.


Coming in at number eight again around 140 pounds is the star of Turner and hooch which is the dr. Bordeaux which many people call the french mastiff dr. Bordeaux czar another large watching guarding breed but less independent than the Tibetan Mastiff or the tango which often makes them much better suited as being family guard and watch dogs within the home especially the dr. Bordeaux as they do form extremely deep loving connections with everybody in the family.


Coming in at number 7 we have the boreboel now the boreboel is definitely going to be one of those dogs that has a little bit too though it's a controversy around it with this topic but the scale and the range and the cup of the claims that people make around the boreboel are insane anywhere from 120 pounds all the way up to in there to hundreds of pounds now again I did lots of research I tried to cut through the fluff and get down to an actual decent average for a male boreboel and I made the decision that that comes in around 150 pound mark but like I say that definitely as dogs are much higher than that but you have to always take those things with a pinch of salt now the boreboel again which is probably going to be a common theme in this list there's another one of the Mastiff breeds that is bred to guard and protect so they utilize that weight and power tactically in their day-to-day working roles now taking a little bit of a break from God and watchdogs.


And coming in at number six is the Newfoundland now the Newfoundland is one of the dogs that I recommend most of people that are looking for a large giant breed that might not have the experience required for natural watch or guard dog breed or people that want a giant breed but want an absolute gentle giant that will be amazing with children now the Newfoundland I recommend so much because not only are they gentle dogs are extremely intelligent and easy to train but I consider them their nannies of the dog world they absolutely adore children more so than probably any other breed in the world and they are extremely gentle and loving of them of absolutely all ages I can't rave enough about just how brilliant the Newfoundland is with children now obviously one of the downsides about the breed is that extremely long coat it looks awesome but it requires insane levels of grooming often a couple of times a day to really stay on top of it.


And number five we have the king of drool and droop the Neapolitan Mastiff and again a wide range of what these dogs can weigh and I'm averaging them around 155 pounds for a good sized male Neapolitan Mastiffs hail from Italy and are one of the two dogs that come from Italy that are most common in the garden world being the tonic or so being the second with in the Impala - Mastiff is definitely the bigger of the two Italian Mastiff type breeds they're also famed for those extremely long droopy cheeks and the insane amount of drool and slobber that comes along with that again like most Mastiff breeds they do form amazingly deep connections to their family and are very naturally protective of them but the Neapolitan Mastiffs one really separates them like I keep banging on about is that drool so if you consider in one but you've got an issue if they're being drawn up the ceilings on the walls all over your furniture then this definitely isn't the breed for you.


At number four I have the bully kutta or the Pakistani Mastiff now this one was probably one of the most difficult to really nail down I said not really a recognized breed anywhere their standards aren't really set we're and the astronomical claims of some breeders and owners are frankly ridiculous some people like to really make the bully cooter seem to be the biggest baddest dog on the planet but again I take all these things with a pinch of salt when I was really trying to delve into the research of this breed I think they're coming in though don't get me wrong they're very big dogs but actually good-sized mail 160 pounds.


At number 3 we have the beautiful lovely Saint Bernards absolutely gentle giant sweetheart of dogs that will happily prod along the work alongside you all day just don't really expect any speed in the process but these dogs are just glorious dogs like the Newfoundland they have extremely high demanding coats but those coats are what helped them work in extremely cold and snowy climates of the Alps where they were bred that st. Bernard or loft again has quite a wide range with some breeding lines being bigger than others but for a good-sized male you can expect a good 165 pounds for Saint Bernard allowing them to take my bronze medal spot today on the biggest dog breeds in the planet.


Taking the silver medal spot and there's a dog breed that not many people know about but is another one like the Saint bernard that absolutely thrives in cold snowy mountainous terrains and that's the Leonberger now the Leon burner will easily clock a good 170 pounds for a fully grown large male and they are absolutely glorious lovely looking dogs and in terms of just sheer looks are one of my favorite in the world unfortunately they're not as popular in here in the UK I'm not 100% sure about elsewhere in the world but it's a breed I'm really gonna actively try and seek to spend more first-hand experience with because they are never breed like the Turkish cannibal that absolutely fascinates me.

Taking the gold medal coming in in a number one spot is the good old English Mastiff with males quite comfortably hitting 180 pounds and that's where I've kind of pitched them at today in terms of a good-sized male but they're very common well top 200 pounds and it's not uncommon to get them well into the to hundreds of pounds there's a really cool blog on the doggyz right now I watched a few days ago about chap over in the States who's got a few different english mastiff one of them being 250 something pounds absolutely glorious dogs and the guy's very knowledgeable about it so you type in 250 pound English Mastiff on YouTube you can go check out his video really interested in really nice Glide seems to really care about the breed but the heaviest dog in all of history was also an English Mastiff which was named zarbor away then just wait 343 pounds for a dog 343 pounds that is just bonkers so not only was the English Mastiff the heaviest ever dog but is also the heaviest dog on average now if you like top or bottom left to watch another one of my blogs.


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