Presa canario



Welcome today's episode of the Doggyz show and today I'm breaking down the top 10 facts about one of the most beautiful breeds on the planet the presa canario.


After a long time I am uploading the dog facts blog so enjoy and if you want me to bring more dog facts blogs do tell me in the comment section I will definitely try to bring more such type of blogs.


Welcome back to the doggyz I'm Abhishek I'm a Blogger and on this blog I made blogs just like this one I went to take people all about these amazing dog breeds so if you hear please consider subscribing.


And I want to tell you that this is one of my most favorite dog breed


NOW let's get straight into the first fact about the amazing Presa Canario starting a list off of a factor than the spies that despite being excellent watch and guard dogs are known to not be excessive Barker's which for a lot of people who want a guard dog is a tough situation to find themselves in as a phone call breed like a German Shepherd it may well be annoying to owners and will definitely frustrate makers of excessive barking whereas the beauty of oppressor is that you get superb Guardian the potential with the dog that will only bark and actually need it especially if they are well exercised and well stimulated a presser will just happily chill out at home keeping one eye out for you and will only spring into action if needed although it may seem obvious to most people from the name this brief does originate from the Canary Islands and a quick-fire.


Fact at the number nine spot is that these breeds are revered in the Canary Islands and they are in the national dog of the cook trade in a similar fashion to breeds like the Turkish tango or the French bulldog.


Our fact that the number eight spot is going to be a more detailed drug that this breeds fascinating origins their origins are in the canary islands like I just mentioned it's thought that the breed had a long history to getting to where they are today and this started back in the 15th century by the Spanish when their conquests The Doors bought the massive type dogs with them these dogs were bred with the now extinct by Dino Madero to produce a robust and versatile dog capable of guarding and herding these dogs were used for years until the 18th century is where English traders arrived and introduced their dogs to the mix they included the banned dogs and Thai docks years later again the English bought more breeds like the bull terrier and the Bulldog there were all cross bred to produce the presa that we know and love today the exact mix is unclear as there is no substantial evidence or breeder records like with some other breeds but what we do know is that the presser is a glorious mastiff dog we were clearly fascinating mix in its history our


Fact number seven is the press relationship with water men in God breeds especially Mastiffs are exactly known to be great swimmers everything's huge fans of water and at most they'll usually take a shallow dip to cool off before returning back to dry land this couldn't be further from the truth with the presser who is known to thy own leaders of the water but be an excellent swimmer this may be down to some of the dogs in their lineage or generations of the dogs living in the extremely hot climates of the Canary Islands and using the swim to cool off whatever the cause of this love for water seems such a large powerful Mastiff breed frolic content to the water like a Labrador is an awesome sight one is.


And taking a number six fact is they're fantastically low-maintenance presa canario that totally look fantastic being a smooth flat coat that lies closely to the body it comes in a variety of colors including form black and brindle but they don't share anywhere near as much as many other breeds which of your house crowd will clothe proud or don't want your clothes constantly having a layer of fur on them can make the presser a great choice but it comes to grooming oppression you only usually need to give them a good brush over with a brush once a week and then a wipe down with a shower lever this will keep their coats looking glorious and remove a few dead hairs that they shed and will save you a human a job or a vacuuming job for you Americans watching at the halfway mark about top 10 facts about the presser.


And the fact at number 5 is their insanely powerful bite force it's widely accepted that all mastiff type breeds have some of the most powerful bites in the canine world and it's often reported the presser has a whopping bite force of 540 psi.


And our number 4 spot we have this puppy's price of all the questions I get by far one of the most common is I know how much if I know how much a certain breed costs and if I can recommend any four breeders and although I respond to every single email I get and I'm always happy to help you guys out I thought I'd include this in each top ten facts for every breed moving forward so when it comes to the presser they aren't the most expensive of the Guardian breeds I always try and steer people towards adopting if their lifestyle allows but if you are adamant on buying a puppy then here in the India a well breed presa you'll be looking at around the 1,00,000 rupees and in the US are a bit more being around a $1,500 or not obviously a bull that price can vary hugely with champion lines if that's something you're interested in but below that would make me raise my eyebrows about the potential breed practices being implemented and when buying any puppy I recommend you following standard buying guidelines to stop all breeders especially with Guardian breeders like a Presa Canario that can end up being disastrously if not done well in


The number three spot on our bronze medal fact goes to the exercise requirements of this breed don't mistake their size for being a lazy dog as this is not the case whatsoever these dogs were bred to work outdoors all day and although not as intense as a breed like a Malinois or a German Shepherd they certainly aren't an English Mastiff or a boarder either like most breeds the presser is known to become bored quickly if not exercised enough and this will often lead to a destructive dong in the home that it's more than happy to destroy your furniture no matter how much it cost you just to occupy themselves for a short while I recommend two sessions of exercise every single day for the Presa Canario both between 32 the minute and both including save time off the lead for them to really stretch their lives I always advise getting into the habit of making sure you start and finish your walk calmly and on a lead so that you're working on your eel training multiple times a day for the entirety of their lives and to break up that off need time we've a short five to 10 minute session of foot obedience training that take any form that you want really it can be simple agility retrieval recall work or just trick training but there so that this allows you to know me give you a dog adequate exercise but it provides a mental stimulation and multiple training sessions all at once it kills all these multiple birds with one stone and leaves you of a content tired and happy pooch that is much less likely to destroy your house when you're not there


Taking out silver medal is that the presa has an incredibly strong crane drive and it's something that you must take seriously when owning a presa it's always important to properly and thoroughly socialize your dog alongside a rigorous positivity based training program to help ensure they're well-adjusted in all situations and around all animals but this is extra point but important with briefs with strong prey drives like the presser they must be well socialized around all smaller animals they may encounter of why this strong Bray Drive can make them a liability around smaller animals and smaller dogs it can negatively impact on recall abilities and heel training a sort of poorly socialized presser cast the scent or the size of a smaller animal that it views as potential prey and you could have a disaster on your hands from a dead animal shut the presser catch it or your presser causing serious harm to itself or others if it runs out in traffic for example so if you take one thing away from this blog it would be the important of excellent socialization and don't be afraid to admit that it may be something that you struggle with and if so seek the help either online or by contacting a local dog train or a behaviorist that will be more than happy to advise you on how to do this and then your presser will thank you for it by being a calm companion in all situations that you will be proud to have accompany you anywhere rather than be a liability that you're embarrassed by and don't want to take with you.


My gold medal fact topping today's blog is the beautifully calm demeanor this breed shows around and what helps them make such wonderful family companions despite their appearance and potential stereotypes based on their looks as I've discussed in many other blogs this combination of a calm and gentle temperament at home around children and simply the scary appearance of the presser makes him the perfect guardian 99% of family guarding situations as most scenarios don't require a highly trained detection dog to deter the most common type of family affected crime which is burglary in the US alone over 1.5 million homes if burgled each year they usually last less than a minute it happened during the day when people are out of school and work and houses are vetted beforehand to check for this the easiest way to have a criminal skip your house is to have a dog that lets them know it's not a good idea by even their appearance or barking when they're scouting your property and the presser can do this beautifully while actually being a loving gentle companion to you and your family it's this reason exactly that family Guardians like the presa by far and away my favorite type of dog breed.



So these were the top 10 facts you didn’t knew about Presa Canario and if you knew any of them tell me in the comments below.


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