5 dogs that you should fear the most

 5 dogs that you should fear the most


Dogs are definitely man's best friend they're loyal lovable not to mention extremely cuddly but some of them can be dangerous an we're not just talking about police dogs there are even some small dogs like Chihuahuas that sink their teeth into vet more often than any other breed but certain species can cause more significant harm just because of their size or the force of their bite welcome back to the forever green blog today we're going to take a look at 15 of the most ferocious and dangerous dogs you should fear the most. before we do that we have a quick quiz for you which of these dogs do you think has the most powerful bite of all put your answers in the comments down below

Number 5 akita


The name might be cute but the breed certainly isn't it is one of the most fearsome guard dogs to originate from japan only second to the tosa which were brightest fighting dogs even today the akita remains the national dog breed and is a symbol of japan these dogs are confident independent and bred to provide world-class protection for any family they can also be rather suspicious in aloof around strangers and perceive unfamiliar people as dangerous even if they are not as a result their protective instincts kick in and they attack they can deal some real damage as they are quite large and strong so you might want to tread very lightly if you ever visit someone with an akita guard dog

Number 4 American bulldog


American bulldogs can be friendly and docile if they are appropriately trained and you don't give them a reason to be aggressive some owners actually interpret their dog's reluctance to comply with instructions as a lack of intelligence but really they're just a little bit stubborn a bulldog won't do your bidding or obey you if you aren't a firm and consistent leader of the family the fact that these dogs are not easy to train and control raises a concern because lack of training lets them become dangerous and attack unprompted


Number 3 German shepherds


German shepherds are the pride and joy of any canine unit of police force and are pretty much synonymous with police dogs at this point they're intelligent agile muscular dependable for fighting crime and if they're put in a bad situation they can become dangerous they have a bite force of 238 per square inch enough to break the bone of a human a typical family-owned german shepherd believes it has one job and one job only protect the family with such a personality accidents are bound to happen and very few people can actually survive and attack from them and if you think that sounds dangerous stick around for the number one fiercest dog on our list


Number 2 Doberman pinscher


Dobermans easily tower over other dogs at 28 inches tall it can weigh up to 100 pounds they're powerful creatures and because they have so much strength they need to be trained early one of the biggest concerns with raising a large dog is the ability to train them properly they are an intelligent breed but their dominant nature and signs can make them somewhat difficult for some people to train many owners describe their dogs as loyal obedient energetic alert and courageous creatures but chances are they were successful with training them keeping a doberman requires extra attention and those who fail to provide it are more likely to be the ones with dogs that contribute to the attacks


Number 1 Alaskan malamute


This breed is not necessarily aggressive most owners

will even tell you they can be sociable and good with

children the problem is they have a ton of energy and

if it isn't directed to something productive the

consequence is aggressive behavior when a

malimute exhibits aggression it is probably due to

neglectful owners these dogs need both physical and

mental stimulation in order to maintain healthy living

both in mind and body an inability to release pent-

up energy usually leads to destructive behavior on

their part and this includes attacking strangers

these dogs can weigh up to 100 pounds so

encountering an aggressive Alaskan malumut could

undoubtedly prove to be dangerous

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