Best Guard Dog Breeds For Countries With Hot Climates


On today's blog we're gonna break down the top ten guard dog breeds that are perfectly suited for living in very hot climates.


Welcome back to the doggyz our if you are new here I'm ABHISHEK I'm a behaviorist and I'm the founder DOGGYZ and this blog is dedicated to helping you choose the perfect brief for you then how to become high-level canine leader through our vast range of online resources as well as providing the world's leading tools and equipment that helped you in raising perfect canine companions so if this is your first time here please start your journey by subscribing and then turn on that little notification belt so that you never miss a future upload but without any more of that discussion


Belgian malanois


Let's dive straight into today's top ten and as always will obviously start with number 10 we have the Belgian Malinois this breed was developed in the late 1800s in Belgium and is actually one of four varieties of Belgian Shepherd that were created in different regions of the country the hair on the dog's heads the exterior of there is and a lower parts of their legs is very short it's also short on the rest of their body although thicker around the tail and around the dog's neck so that it looks like a collar that is reaching for the base of the ear down to the dog's throat their hind quarters boast having fringes of longer hair and their tails are bushy and thick their coats are close fit and firm to the touch with the dogs boasting a woolly and soft undercoat this coat makes them very versatile being able to handle a variety of climates but certainly are not a dog to be taken lightly the Malinois is a breed that needs incredible amounts of exercise and mental stimulation and providing the necessary things are put in place can handle very hot climates.




At number 9 we have the akbash this was an ancient breed and one has a very murky origin story so it's hard to give exact details on their histories however what we do know is that they did originate from the western plains of Turkey and are in use Dover they're incredibly effectively as livestock Guardians most livestock guardians are white and this is so that they can blend in well with their flocks and have a real element of surprise should a wolf or another predator attempt to harm a member of their flock now the akbash is white coat can be quite thick and dense which doesn't always translate well to hot weather but this coat is designed to be durable and many climates and Turkey can get very hot now as always precautions should be taken to provide a dog with plenty of shade threat clean drinking water at all times but do that and this is a breed that can handle the heat Doberman takes




Our number eight spot and lucky for us the Doberman has a much more clearer history that makes it easy for us to talk about the breed owes its origins to a German tax collector named hare carl fredrik Louis Doberman who created the breed in 1800 he wasn't only just a tax collector but it was also a dog catcher and hare doberman also worked as a night watchman and being a dog catcher it made him in a great position to be able to really work out what kind of dog breeds he wanted when he wanted to create the perfect dog that was more around character than based on the dog's looks or conformation now when it comes to their coat the Doberman boasts a short hard thick but smooth and clothesline coat not only is this coat beautiful to look at and it does come in a variety of colors it allows the Doberman to be able to work effectively in very hot conditions the flipside is that they do feel the cold more and a not as versatile as some of the other breeds on this list but when we're looking at purely hot climate so the Doberman does do very well .


Great Dane


At number seven we have the Great Dane now the Great Dane is often overlooked not only with its ability to be a great watchdog and even guard dog but also just how brilliantly they can manage hot climates now they don't feature higher on this list as it is a dedicated list to guard dog breeds of hot climates so it's a combination of guarding skills and the ability and heat but Great Danes have fantastic intimidation factor they will alert to someone be in there that shouldn't be due to their intimidation is 99 times out of 100 more than enough to scare off any would-be bad guys now they do do very well in heat but bear in mind that they will tend to slow down a bit the hotter it gets but they're short coats are perfect if you love something live somewhere hot and then obviously you can offer them plenty of shade rest and clean water.


Cane Corso


At number six we have the glorious cane Corso hailing from Italy this is a Mastiff breed bred to be a fearless war and Guardian in some of the hottest conditions still to this day you can find cane Corso working the length of Italy working in God in roles and managing the heat their beautifully this naturally transitions very well to over hot areas of the world as with all Mastiff breeds it is worth noting that they are brascia phallic which means they have that shorter face typical of Mastiff breeds but that can cause breathing issues and make them more prone to overheating than with breeds with kind of normal-sized faces.



Kangal and Anatolian Shepard

At number five I'm gonna cheat a bit here and I'm gonna combined number five and number four and we have the Turkish Kangol and the Anatolian Shepherd now Bofur used in Turkey like the atbash the Kirk the tangle and the Anatolian Shepherd a world renowned livestock Guardian breeds the Kangol in particular is one of my personal favorite breeds on the planet I wish I could work with them more but owners tend to be very kind of switched on before getting candles and very experienced and with enough skill to be able to manage them so I don't get to really work much in terms of my behavior modification and rehabilitation and doing any kind of consultation or working with clients but when I do it is an absolute pleasure to work these stunning breeds and I will 100% be a proud owner of a Kangol as many of you know my main dream of my main goal is to buy a small farm and running my rescue and rehabilitation centre and when we get to that stage I will use my candles - God a farm and the other animals and it's something it's me every single day but back to their climate abilities I nearly made it through a whole blog about waffle in there but both the Kangol and the Anatolian shepherds have fascinating coats that allow them to work in the brutal daytime heat of Turkey yet remain warm when the temperatures plummet at night now especially in the higher altitudes that versatility is extremely important and if you are in the market for a world-class livestock Guardian that can manage the heat well and you're experienced enough to manage such an intense and independent breed.


Dogo Argentino


Moving on to number 3 we have the Dogo Argentino now the Dogo Argentino is a breed forum Argentine or as you've probably guessed and is one of the four breeds that are banned here in the india they are a Mastiff breed but are smaller more athletic and a very short white coats that make them perfect for managing very hot climates.




At number two we have the boreboel now the boerboel originates from South Africa where they can still be seen today all over working on many different farms and in many different garden rolls these huge Mastiffs are formidable guard dogs and due to their selective early breedings they are very well accustomed to very hot climates and in my opinion make for the best Mastiff breed for very hot climates again subscribe I mentioned earlier they're brassy or phallic faces do need to be managed and captain ion but providing they have water and some shelter to get away from the Sun this breed will guard anything in any weather.


Rhodesian RidgeBack


And taking my number one spot is the Rhodesian Ridgeback bred in Africa to help track and hunt lions as well as protecting hunting parties this is a breed that was very literally born and bred to be able to work in some of the world's hottest climates for long and extended periods of time the ridgeback is a wonderful and fascinating breed and if you're looking for a guard dog that is more athletic may not be as intimidating and doesn't carry that bad reputation of many of the other breeds then the Rhodesian Ridgeback is well worth taking a more detailed look at.


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