#5 powerful reasons why you should prefer buying a guard Dog


It is absolutely no secret that i am personally a huge fan of large powerful guardian breeds and of course the love for these awesome dogs in itself I reason enough for you to get one but there are several more pressing reasons why choosing a breed might be the right choice for you and in today's blog we're going to discuss five of those powerful reasons why you should consider getting a guard dog.


Welcom back to doggyz-2020.blogspot.com if its your first time here then I am Abhishek Asiwal Founder of doggyz.


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Now we're going to jump straight into the today’s topic and that is 5 powerful reasons why you should prefer buying a guard Dog


First reason why your personal situation might make getting a guard dog a great idea for you and that first reason is if you live very remotely maybe you have a remote ranch a farm or just a house literally in the middle of nowhere no neighbors for miles no traffic and hardly anybody coming to visit and if you do see people nearby chances are maybe they shouldn't be there these could be potential burglars or people considering stealing some of your livestock depending on where you live those unwanted visitors could also be roaming dogs wild boars bears or other predators so what kind of guard dogs should you choose to protect your home your family and your animals well i would say unless you're in immediate danger that you have the luxury of time at least to some extent enough time to select and raise a puppy quite frankly if this were me i'd probably get a little mate of a large mastiff or livestock guardian breed simply because when it comes to warding off packs of stray dogs coyotes bears or predators one dog sometimes isn't enough so it's best to go for a team or even a freesome of these canine elite special protectors these large farm and livestock guardians bark quite a lot but they do this to proactively warn predators to stay away and as you live so remotely if this situation applies to you neighbors being offended won't be an issue but the best thing about these breeds is to get them to protect your property on yourself all you have to do is feed them and be a calm consistent leader to them possible breeds from to that to choose from are things like the turkish kangal, the Caucasian shepherd, estrella mountain dog, the spanish mastiff or the boreboel for example okay then so our



 Next reason is if you live in a high risk area or neighborhood now what to do if you're not remote at all but instead you find yourself living in an apartment or a house in the middle of a very troubled area where assaults and robberies occur maybe with alarming regularity well in this case having a loudly barking livestock protection dog might not be practical but don't worry still have quite a few powerful and naturally protective breeds to choose from breeds that contrary to popular belief absolutely can make good apartment dogs simply because they have a medium to low energy level they don't bark excessively and will be far easier to socialize than the more archaic livestock guardians we just mentioned such breeds might include the bullmastiff ,the neapolitan mastiff ,the rottweiler or maybe even the Doberman each of these breed come with an incredible intimidation factor and hardly anyone would try to test their resolve but if you were still uncertain maybe you could join a local club where protection work is performed or hire a specific expert guard dog trainer again unless you have reason to believe that you are in acute danger you have the time to start off with a puppy and as a side note especially breeds like male rottweilers are known to naturally come to the defense of their owners starting from anywhere as young as six months old therefore getting a puppy does not mean that you have to go without any protection for a year to two years like some breeds wait till.


My next reason is that maybe recently your home got broke into now anyone who has ever lived through a home invasion can attest this is not an experience that you ever want to have repeated no matter whether or not you were present at the time of the intrusion it will leave a psychological mark for everybody in the home most people will never feel 100 safe and secure in their home ever again after such an incident unless of course they invest in an amazing guard dog now on this blog we speak a lot about selecting the perfect breed for your needs  and usually people will then choose a breeder and get a puppy but if you have experienced a home intrusion recently then maybe you could look at getting an adult dog much sooner of course take the time you need to select a breed you're comfortable with educate yourself on that breed's characteristics and its needs and how you could become an experienced high-level canine leader now i highly recommend you also turn to a local guard dog trainer for assistance that kind of person will be able to mentor you through the process of selecting an adult dog maybe from a shelter or directly from a dog's previous owner or maybe the club raises adult dogs for situations just like this in the vast majority of cases the mere presence of a barking dog is enough to repel any would-be burglars but it's better to the side of caution and get a large breed with a high intimidation factor a German shepherd, a Doberman, a giant schnauzer or any of the large mastiff breeds like the English mastiff, the bull mastiff or the boreboel make great choices for this which is exactly the kind of brutal I look for when I’m looking for family protection from any kind of home invasions.


The next reason is around your personal safety being at stake and this ties right into what we've said before but it's this is kind of one level up from just a burglary just a burglary if you have a reason to believe that your personal safety is at stake then obviously you need to go to the police and speak to the relevant authorities to report what's going on and ask for help however oftentimes the hands of law enforcement's abound until a crime has actually happened so if you have received serious threats to your health and well-being waiting and seeing what happens is not a good strategy getting a capable reliable and trained guard dog is possibly the best thing you can do to ensure your safety in the short term more often than not a potential attacker will refrain from testing your large dog's skill set but in the unlikely case that they decide to enter your personal space you will need a dog that will step up if required therefore don't waste time you need to contact a canine professional in your area and explain your situation ask them to set you up with an adult dog that has been trained in personal protection work in many countries there are agencies specializing in raising and training personal protection dogs of different breeds mostly they tend to work with Dobermans ,Rottweiler’s, German shepherds and Belgian malinois but some also work with cane corsos or pitbulls to be highly reliable guardians at the same time these dogs will usually then be stable and well balanced and will not attack anyone unless provoked or given the necessary command to do.



So now the last reason and the reason that for me personally is the most important reason to get a family guard dog and that is if your family's safety is at stake again this. number one reason why you need a guard dog is closely connected to what we've said before in this blog but i have awarded this one your family needing protection and even higher priority possibly because i do take this matterso extremely seriously myself there is nothing more important to me than my family's safety and well-being so if your partner or your children have ever been threatened or even attacked this is again not the time to hesitate obviously as again you need to go to the police or the relevant authorities first and if this were me i would then also immediately be picking up the phone and getting in contact with a reputable guard dog agency or an experienced guard dog trainer i would explain what happened and request their assistance in finding a ready trained guard dog suitable for family settings personally i would still be mindful of what breed I choose getting a rottweiler or a high energy german shepherd or malinois may put smaller children at risk just because they're a little bit more rambunctious and have a higher prey drive which can clash with young children now many good protection dog trainers will know this and might specifically give gentler family dog breeds the training like the cnae corso or the doberman to go into families with young children obviously if you've not necessarily had anything happen in the past but just by listening to that spark some interest or maybe some concerns that you want to be proactive in looking for your family guardian then again those kind of breeds for me are the breeds i recommend your cane corso's your English mastiffs your bull mastiffs and your Dobermans tend to be amazing family guardians and they're the breeds that i'm drawn towards when i'm thinking about proactively having a dog that's not only an incredible member of our family contributing to the happiness of myself my wife and our children bringing joy to our lives every day but also with that knowledge of knowing that if anything unfortunately were to happen that we've got one of the most effective natural family guardians in existence there by our side ready to help and obviously that feeling of security is uh is priceless so if you love these breeds as much as i do that is one incredible reason to go and get yourself one.



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If you have any queries you can mail me on abhishekasiwal2005@gmail.com

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