Top 10 friendly dog breeds on the whole planet


Top 10 friendly dog breeds on the whole planet


For as long as we can remember dogs have been man's best friend offering protection loyalty and undying devotion to their favorite humans today there are approximately 360 official recognized breeds in existence but which one of those best friends of mine are the friendliest.


Well in today we're going to break down my personal top 10 friendly dog breeds in the world.


So let's dive into today's Topic and we'll start by jumping straight into our list of the top 10 friendliest dog breeds in the entire world


Labrador Retriever


And right at the number 10 spot we have the most popular dog breed in all of the united states according to the American kennel club and that is the incredibly famous Labrador retriever now it may surprise you that this breed does not actually rank higher on our list as the Labrador’s mellow nature is stuff of legend however attacks involving a biting Labrador do occur far more than many people think even though labs usually are quite friendly one must not forget that these are in essence high energy working dogs and as such they can be quite intense in their demeanor and energetic in their play in combination with poor manners poor socialization and poor training.


This energetic nature can escalate and turn a Labrador into more of a worry than many other breeds


The Yorkshire terrier


At number 9 we have the Yorkshire terrier now originally bred as hunting dogs for rats and mice in the mines of northern England these small terriers have become one of the most popular toy companion dog breeds in many countries including the U.S, Australi ,UK and even south Africa even as yorkshire terriers usually are immensely lively sweet and people loving dogs they can suffer from what people call small dog syndrome this basically means that yorkies can turn reactive and even aggressive towards other people and other dogs of course such displays of growling barking and snapping can be corrected through good socialization and training but it is their tendency to display rather unfriendly behaviors that makes the adorable yorkie not rank higher on today's list of top 10 friendly breeds.




Now our pick for the number eight spot on this list may come as a bit of a surprise because you would not generally associate the attribute of friendly with an intimidating looking giant breed dog and yet at the number eight spot we do have the Newfoundland.


In my personal opinion these awesome dogs are amongst the top family companion breeds in the entire planet as their natural love for children is truly unparalleled in the canine world newfoundland’s are the perfect gentle giants who form close bonds with their family and are loyal to an absolute fault as they were never bred as guardians but instead were developed as water rescue dogs these shaggy-haired giants are not aggressive at all however they can be reserved towards strangers which is why they only rank at number eight.


The beagle


Now the number seven spot on our list of especially kind-hearted dog breeds goes to a beautiful, middle-sized hunting breed the beagle.


Now back in the day in the mid-18th century here in England the ancestors of today's beagle accompanied British noblemen on their hunting expeditions the hunters on horseback relied on their packs of dogs to flush out prey like rabbits and foxes now of course this task required the dogs to be excellent team workers now quite possibly that is why our modern day beagles are so very social and friendly not only towards other dogs but also towards us humans.


Beagles are absolutely sweet outgoing and curious dogs who today rank amongst the most popular breeds in the United States and for very good reason these playful and happy canine companions have a reputation for being one of the friendliest dog breeds around.


The Staffordshire bull terrier


Now in the number six spot we have the staffordshire bull terrier now the staffie could have easily ranked much higher on today's list as they are an absolutely superb family dog and they are so friendly that they're renowned for being fantastic even with complete strangers contrary to their history as fierce bull fighters today's staffies are amazingly sweet mellow and affectionate dogs they are perfectly suited for families with children of pretty much all ages so much so that they are often called the nanny dog now contrary to sever several other bully breeds staffordshire bull terriers are also known to be very friendly towards other dogs and without a doubt the staffy's typical bully breed like looks compact and muscle packed is the most menacing feature about them people have come to fear dogs whose build reminds them of the fearless pit bull who unfortunately has gained the reputation of being a naturally aggressive and therefore very dangerous dog and this influence still rubs off on the staffy to this day even though it is completely unfounded.


The American bully


Now what we just said about the staffordshire bull terrier even more applies to its cousin the American bully at this stage of the list this breed's most distinct feature is no doubt it's fearsome aggressive looks but just like the staffy the American bully is an absolute sweetheart who forms immensely deep bonds with its owners but not only that the bully is so people-oriented that it will greet every stranger like a long-lost friend few people know that this breed has been developed with the single purpose of creating the perfect family companion over the last few decades and by means of very selective breeding the American bully has been shaped into a superb companion which is why these extremely loving and devoted dogs rank slightly higher than even the staffy in terms of sheer friendliness in today's list


English bulldog


Now the number four spot on our list of top 10 friendliest dog breeds goes to the English bulldog and just like the staffy and the American bully the English bulldog originated in the fearsome ball fighting dogs of the 19th century here in England however this present-day version of the old English bulldog is one of the most laid-back friendly and people-loving dogs one could possibly ever imagine in fact their sweet nature and charming character has made them one of America’s top 10 favorite dog breeds in 2019 now the English bulldog easily gets along with everyone other dogs and household pets included despite their grumpy looking facial expressions bulldogs are the ultimate people dogs and they absolutely need human company to stay healthy and happy in their natural love for children of any age they rival even the newfoundland which i often preach as the best dog breed for children on the planet.




Now at this point things are getting much more exciting because we're entering the top three of our list of the top 10 friendliest dog breeds and the bronze medal goes to none other than one of the most charming breeds in the planet the pug.


Pugs could easily rank higher on our list because there is not a mean streak in there compact little bodies in fact pugs have so much love to give that they lavishly pour it onto everybody when it comes to pugs meeting and greeting strangers on the street an outside observer would think that the dog is being greeted by a long lost beloved family member the affection of these small dogs with those wrinkly faces definitely spreads to children other dogs as well as to other pets pugs live to love and they are more than happy to share that love with everyone and everything that they encounter.


French bulldog


Now we approach the very top of our list in the world’s friendliest dog breeds and right here in the silver medal spot we have the pride and joy of many Hollywood celebrities the French bulldog.


This adorable little bulldog has conquered the hearts of millions and it is yet another breed on our list that stems from the ancient killer of balls and bears the old english bulldog now of course the frenchie as it's so often lovingly called is as far removed from its violent history as it gets in terms of its gentle character there is hardly a breed on the planet that can rival the french bulldogs love for humans the small bulldog with the big heart is known to effortlessly adopt their owners children's as well as to win the hearts of pretty much everybody that could come into the home even though this trait makes them hopeless in terms of guarding your home or your possessions with a frenchie in your house you are guaranteed to have the most devoted and affectionate canine companion tha you could possibly imagine.


Golden Retriever


And the gold medal spot goes to another world renowned family companion dog and that is the golden retriever but before we say any more about this amazing breed i must admit that my picks for the top three spots on our list could have pretty easily been reversed as every single one of these dogs is a top performer in its own right when it comes to friendliness the reason why i personally picked the golden retriever for the gold medal spot is its astoundingly, joyful happy-go-lucky nature it never fails to amaze me how enthusiastic and eager for life these dogs are it literally takes nothing more than one simple look at them to evoke a joyous tail wag from a golden Retriever whatever you are planning they are up for it whatever you ask of them they are more than willing to do in fact this extreme eagerness to please their owners is probably what has won them the top spot on our list whilst both the pug and the frenchie can be quite stubborn the golden retriever will do everything in its power to make you happy of course just like the pug and the frenchie the golden is immensely sweet and loving towards all life which is why it is ranked as the third most popular dog breed.



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