Everything You Need To Know About Owning a Bull Terrier Puppy

Everything You Need To Know About Owning a Bull Terrier Puppy


Bull terrier


Merry Christmas

The bull terrier is a very distinctive and powerful looking dog it is a real softe at heart and loving nothing more than to be part of a family.


Although many of them boast having white coats.


Bull terriers come in a lot of other colors which include brindle also.


There are no high or weight limits for them but with this said their size should always be in keeping with the breed and whether a dog is female or male renowned for their fun loving and courageous natures.


Bull terrier is also boast having a bit of a stubborn streak which is why their training must start early and socializing a puppy is an absolute must for them to grow into well balanced happy mature dogs.


They're not the best choice for first-time dog owners because training a bully can be quite challenging thanks to their stubborn Street but Bull Terrier puppies are incredibly cute and it's all too easy to spoil them which is a big mistake because bullies are smart and quickly learn how to dominate a situation if they are allowed and why consistency is essential when handling and training them even when they are pup.




Bull Terriers we see today would develop relatively recently and were exhibited at a show in Birmingham in 1962 by James Hanks who is fought to be the breed’s original breeder interestingly his family is still involved with bull terriers even to this day and are highly respected among the breeders community it was not until 1850 that James Hank standardized the dogs he bred which he achieved by selectively crossed be reading bull terriers with over Terrier type dogs this included the white English Terrier and his end goal was to create a gentleman's companion he will be safe to presume that bull dogs as well.


As the English white terrier a dog that sadly no longer exists today in the English Bull Terriers lineage is also for that Hinks may have used Dalmatians as well as other breeds to create the dogs we see today.


Hinks favored white dogs which soon became popular with over people too and in 1887 the bull terrier club was founded during this period white dogs are genuinely bred with any colored bull terriers which were thought of as being a different type of dog however at the beginning of the 20th century more breeders started to make concerted efforts to breed colored dogs which led them to being accepted as one type and breed in 1917 the fur of the modern bull-terrier to be recognized was a dog called Lord gladiator today Bull Terriers are among the most popular breeds in the UK both his companion dogs and family pets and interestingly miniature Bull Terriers have been around for as long as their larger counterparts but were only recognized as a unique breed by the Kennel Club in 1939.





Over the years of through careful selective breeding responsible bull terrier breeders have successfully developed a dog that makes for a wonderful family pet and companion English Bull Terriers might look ferocious thanks to them being so powerfully built but in fact these dogs boast wonderfully kind and friendly natures with the added bonus of them having a really keen sense of humor.



They are also intelligent characters and need to be given the right amount of mental stimulation and daily exercise to be truly happy well-rounded dogs with this said Bull Terriers are also known to be headstrong and being such a powerful dog with a lot of terrier in them they need to be handled and trained correctly right from the word go this might make them not the best choice for first-time owners because they need to be well trained from a young age so they understand their place in the pack and who to look up to for direction and guidance if they are not handled firmly and fairly from a young age the English Bull Terrier will soon start to show a more dominant side to their characters which is something that needs to be avoided at all costs with this set they are known to be Placid and calm by nature although they can have a bit of that stubborn streak especially true of a dog when they have not received the right amount of training needed if an English bulldog terrier feels they're being threatened in any way they will react but would rarely be the first dog to show any sort of aggressive behavior toward another dog with this said male Bull Terriers might just instigate a fight which is something that owners need to bear in mind when out walking their dog in a public place but it really does depend on the dog and how well they've been socialized as to how well they behave around other dogs they are known to be real people dogs and as such English Bull Terriers do not like to be left on their own for any extended period of time which is why they're not the best choice of dogs for people who spend a lot of time out of the house they are however a great choice for people who are familiar with this type of dog and where one person usually stays at home when everyone else is out English Bull Terriers are known to have an affinity with young children but thanks to their playful boisterous natures any interaction between a dog and kid should always be well supervised to make sure nobody gets too excited care must be taken when English Bull Terriers around cats small animals and pets because they might just view them as 4-game thanks to their high prey Drive bearing in mind that they have a lot of Terrier bred into them with this said if an English bull terrier grows up with smaller animals and house which includes the family cat than they do usually get on well with them if they're socialized and trained appropriately the English bull terrier is an intelligent character in they're capable of learning things relatively quickly however as previously mentioned they do have a bit of a stubborn streak in them which is why they are not the best choice for people who are not familiar with the type or breed of dog they do not respond well to any sort of harsh correction or heavy-handed training but they do answer very well to positive reinforcement and consistent training from someone they know they can look up to for direction Bull Terrier puppies must be taught the ground rules right from the word go so they understand the limits and boundaries and owner sets them and you must bear in mind that a puppy will always test these when the mood takes them consistency is essential because these cute little puppies grow up to be powerful strong-willed dogs that need to know what is expected of them and most importantly their place in the pack and who the alpha dog is in the household.


Breed standard


Males can grow 50 to 61 centimeters tall and weighing between 20 and 30 kilos with females also being very similar the Bull Terriers are well muscled dog the boast a very distinctive shaped head that is rather long and which boasts been egg shaped when viewed from the from the top of their heads between their ears is virtually flat and in profile with their muzzles they curve downwards from the top of a dog's head right to the tip of their nose a bore Terry's nest rolls are well-developed and their lower jaw boast being strong and deep their eyes are quite narrow and triangular shape being placed there bleakly on a dog's face color-wise eyes can either be very black or dark brown with bull terriers having a very distinctive glint about them is a small fin and placed neatly close together on a dog's head which they carry very upright the bull terrier has that strong jaw of a perfect scissor bite where their opportunity of a lap the lower ones the neck is extremely powerful muscular and along which dogs all carry arched which taper from their shoulders to their head showing no loose skin whatsoever shoulders are muscular strong without being overloaded in a dog's shoulder blades are flat wide and close to the chest wall having a pronounced backward slope to them front legs around with lots of bone which sees the bull terrier standing very solidly and squarely on them and their body is well rounded with dogs having well sprung ribs of good depth from their withers to their brisket and their back is quite short but very powerful and level only arching over a dog's well-muscled and broad loins bellies curved gently upwards which adds to the dog's powerful appearance they also have well arched toes and their tail is short and set low which dogs carry horizontally and it did speaker at the base but tapers down at the tip.


When it comes to their coat Bull Terriers boast having a flat short and harsh yet glossy coat with a softer undercoat that typically grows during the colder winter months but vanished by the warmer weather.


Breed Health


The average life expectancy burning was Bull Terriers between 10 and 14 years when properly cared for and fed a good appropriate diet thanks to good breeding practices by reputable bact breeders the breed is generally strong and healthy but like other breeds with white coats the English Bull Terrier is prone to deafness the good news is that the more breeders that are ever and now screening their dogs before using them in a breeding program which means the number of Bull Terriers with hearing issues is rapidly dropping over conditions it seemed to affect the breed most include this deafness that we've discussed heart disease, kidney disease ,patellar luxation ,umbilical hernias and acne.




Thanks to their short tight coats the English Bull Terriers are low maintenance on the grooming from that coats are no forcing need very little in the way of grooming although puppies need to be introduced to all the tools needed to keep their coats and skin looking good so they learn to enjoy a grooming session and the one-to-one attention they're given when they're being brushed it's particularly important to touch and play with a puppies paws their nails ears and other parts of their body so when it comes to trimming nails checking ears and doing other things to them dogs don't get stressed out bearing in mind a bull terrier that wriggles makes it that much harder to clip nails and check things over older dogs just need to be given the wants aim of a grooming mitt twice a week to keep their coat shiny and to check their skin for any signs of acne or other conditions the breed is known to suffer from it's also important to check a dog's ear on a regular basis and to clean them when necessary if too much wax builds up in a dog's ear it can lead to painful infections which can be hard to clear up in short prevention is often easier than cure when it comes to ear infections having the right grooming tools to keep a bull terriers skin and coat in good condition makes that task much easier although easy to maintain their coats the tools needed to keep a dog's coat looking good.




So in conclusion with some positives and negatives


The positives include


They are incredibly loyal and devoted to their families.


They're fun loving and energetic by nature and the perfect choice for people who work from home and who lead active outdoor lives.


They're good with kids of all ages and excellent watchdogs the low maintenance on the groom in front.


They're known to be moderate shadows they're highly adaptable just as happy living in town as they are in the country and they're very sensitive to their owner’s mood which can make them excellent companions


However some of the negatives can include


They mature slowly and remain boisterous for a long time puppies can be quite destructive around the home.


They're incredibly people orientated and hate being left on their own which makes them suffer from serious separation anxiety.


They're known to be stubborn when it suits them and bullies are prone to suffering from certain health issues so vet bills can be high dams often have whelping problems.


They're not the best choice for first-time dog owners because they can be hard to train with that stubborn.


They're also expensive to buy and that may also make some expensive.

If you have any doubts mail me on 


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