Everything you need to know about the Cane Corso


Everything you need to know about the Cane Corso




The Cane Corso is an impressive looking mastiff type dog that's native to Italy where they were originally bred to godhood and hunt although there are also highly comprised as companion dogs - they are still a very popular choice in their native Italy thanks to their impressive looks and kind loyal nature.


Cane Corso less popular in the UK simply because the breed is less known in this part of the world.


The breed is not recognized by the Kennel Club but these impressive dogs are recognized by the American Kennel Club and anyone wanting to share their home of a cane corso would usually have to agree to go on a waiting list because very few puppies are available every year.




The cane corso is a descendant of ancient breeds native to Italy both of which were massive type breeds that in turn were descendants of the canis punar C which was a dog that was around in ancient Roman times.


In fact the Neapolitan Mastiff as well as the cane corso a descendants of this dog a war dog that boasted a renowned reputation for being strong courageous and loyal.


The Cane Corso is a lighter type of Mastiff and a very adept hunter and working dog whereas the Neapolian mastiff was that much heavier.


In stockier there are records of the Cane Corso that go back to as early as 1137 AD and their name describes a lighter type of Melissa and dog and one that was robust and sturdy with this said the breed has been known by other names which includes a Dogo Dupree, ghoulia and they were also highly prized that they are often used to describe men who were proud with strong attitudes in ancient Roman times.


The cane corso accompanied legions in battle and on their forays into foreign lands which included Britain it was in Britain that the Romans found native dogs known as the phangan ease Britain a which they taught back to Italy with them in which they crossed with their own native dogs which are thought to be responsible for the undershot door of the Cane Corso.


The Cane Corso faced extinction by the 1970s with dogs only being found in there are motifs areas of the land which included the most southern regions of Italy where local still used and train their dogs to hunt and work as farm dogs.


The breed was saved by sig Bonetti who was an enthusiast of this type of dog and was keen to save an ancient together with a student by the name of Stefano Gandolfi he set up a center in mantova to save the breed from vanishing altogether they used a black dog called Dao which was crossed with a female called tipsy and they produced the first important litter for the recovery of the breed in modern times.


By 1983 a breed Club was established called the Society amatory cane corso and the breed was officially recognized by the e NCI two years later in 1996 the cane corso I was given a CI recognition breed numbers started to rise although some people believe that dogs we see today are not like the dogs of yesterday being that much heavier and larger today than they were in the past


The cane corso was finally recognized as a breed in its own right by the UK sea in 2008 but as of June 2016 they have not been recognised by the Kennel Club here in the UK these large and impressive dogs are very popular choice in America and have gained a big fan base in the UK thanks to their handsome looks and loyal intelligent natures.




The Cane Corso is known to be a reliable, trustworthy and loyal dog that forms strong bonds with their families becoming totally devoted to them their boast having a strong protective instinct although they are gentle and affectionate by nature as well they tend to be a little aloof and wary when they're around people that they do not know but would rarely show any sort of aggression towards a stranger preferring to keep their distance and just let their owners when they are around once they get to know someone.


They are generally fine around them and it is worth noting that Cane Corso matures slowly and never really reach full maturity until they around four years old.


They are not the best choice for first-time owners because they're the sort of dog that needs to be trained and handled by someone who's familiar with the needs or them of the breed of this similar type of intelligent large dog.


Without the right sort of socialization and training the Cane Corso can become an unruly dog that's hard to manage and live with these dogs are never happier when they know who the boss is in the household and will happily accept their place in the pack as long as they have been well-handled right from the word go.


The cane corso tends to form a strong bond with one person in the household although they are always devoted to everybody in the family there are a good choice of people who lead active outdoor lives and who live in the country as firemen impose large secure back Gardens there are good choice of people where one person is usually around when everyone else is out of the house because he's large dogs fry on human company and do not do well if left on their own for longer period of time if They are left their own devices they quickly become bored and this is where things can lead to developing all kinds of unwanted behavioral issues which includes being destructive around the home and they're not a good choice of people who lead more sedentary lifestyles and who live in apartments although lovely dogs to have in a home environment it's worth noting that because they are brassy a phallic the Cane Corso doesn't have a tendency to snore quite loudly and they do drool quite a lot they're also known to pass wind a lot which paired to the fact that they shed considerably for or in spring and then again in the autumn means they're not the best choice of people who are very house proud.


Another thing to bear in mind is a Cane Corso must be taught that being left on their own is not a problem and the best way of doing this is to start leaving them around their own devices for short periods of time if a dog stresses out and becomes destructive around the home they're not ready to be left which means starting all over again and leaving them for a few minutes before returning all the while remaining very calm and to gradually build up the time over a few days it must be said that some kind of course hoes never accept being on their own which is why they are better suited to people who work from home or in households where one person stays at home when everyone else is out.


The Cane Corso is not a good choice for first-time dog owners because they need to be handled and trained by people familiar with the specific needs of a large and intelligent dog because they can show a more dominant side to their natures.


If not well trained and socialized of course they might get the better of anyone who is not used to this type of mastiff breed.


The Cane Corso was trained to hunt and to God but they are not known to have high prey Drive and providing they have been well socialized from a human of age they usually tolerate being around over animals with this said care should always be taken when walking a dog off the lead especially in areas where wildlife and livestock might be there just to be on the safe side.


The cane corso is a serious dog although when they are puppies like all puppies they are boisterous and playful they thrive in a home environment and love nothing more than to be involved in everything that goes on around them which include which includes playing interactive games or their family and their kids.


The Cane Corso needs enough space to express themselves and being such large dogs they benefit from being how to run around and a secured back garden as often as possible as such.


They're not adaptable and would not be happy living in apartment setting.


The Cane Corso is not known to be a Barker although any dog that's unhappy or left on their own for any length of time marks might start showing barking incessantly as a way of getting attention with this said a dog would quickly let an owner know when something they don't like is going on in their environment but would not generally bark for no reason.


Some Cane Corso is like swimming and will take to the water whenever they can more especially when the weather is hot however if anyone owns a dog that does not like water they should never force them to go in because it would just end up with scaring them with this said cash should always be taken when walking a cane corso off the lead anywhere near more dangerous water courses just in case the dog decides to leap in and then these rescuing bearing in mind that they are brassy a phallic breed and dogs with shorter muzzles often have trouble breathing especially in water.


The cane corso was a natural watchdog was a trait that's deeply embedded into a dog's psyche this together with their need to protect make some formidable and impressive watch dogs who would put any wrongdoer from coming onto a property that they live on.




The cane corso is very intelligent and they're like nothing better than to please their owners as such in the right hands.


With the correct amount of socialization they are easy to train an easy tandel however these large smart dogs need to know their place in the pack and who to look for for direction and guidance to be truly well rounded obedient dogs.


Without this a dog would quickly take on a more dominant role making them a lot harder to live with it cannot be stressed enough the importance of early socialization with these dogs and their training has to start early and be consistent throughout their lives to prevent them from showing a more dominant side to their natures.


This could lead to a cane corso also becoming unruly and therefore unmanageable to the point of being quite dangerous however in the right hands with the correct amount of training and exercise.


The cane corso grows up to be an obedient mature dog that's a pleasure to have around.


Puppies must be taught the limits boundaries and ground rules right from the word go so they understand what an owner expects of them.


A cane corso puppy may be cute but they are also intelligent ,quick-witted and strong-willed which means that with the right sort of handling a direction they could quickly become unruly and willful.


Breed standard


Cane corso males can grow 62 to 70 centimeters weighing 40 to 45 kilos with females being 58 to 66 centimeters and weighing a similar amount.


The cane corso was a large dog and one that boasts a great deal of muscle tone which adds to their very powerful and athletic appearance.


They are quite imposing but the same time they are well proportioned even though they have large heads typical of Mastiff type breeds their scrools are broad but get flatter just behind the dog's forehead and towards the back of their heads making them brascia phallic there is quite a deep furrow at the front of a dog's head and their stop is well defined when seen from the front a dog's scrool is slightly curved and wide whereas when seen from the side it appears to be an irregular curve.


Muzzles are short and deep yeah very powerful looking being just as wide as they are long with dogs having a level bridge to their noses their upper lips hang down so they cover the lower jaw.


The cane corso has a strong slightly under shot powerful jaw and their noses are black and larger dogs having open nostrils their eyes are oval medium in size and these dogs look directly forward.


These dogs always have a keen alert and intelligent look about their eyes and that is a medium in size triangular shape and droop down beset wide apart on a dog's head next a very muscular and strong being the same length as a dog' head and shoulders a well-muscled and long being set obliquely with dogs boasting powerful straight front legs.


Cane corso body is longer than these dogs are tall but they are compact and sturdy with dogs having well-developed chests that reach to their elbows rivers are nicely pronounced and are higher than the croup their backs are firm and well-muscled with dogs having short powerful loins with their groups is wide long and sloping their back legs are powerful dogs having strong well-developed lower thighs they have cat-like feet with their back feet being less compact than their front ones.


Tails are set quite high and a thicker at the root which dogs carry high.


When it comes to their coat the cane corso has a short very dense and glossy coat with a slight undercoat.


They come in a variety of colors which include


  1. Black
  2. Plum
  3. Gray
  4. Slate
  5. Light grey
  6. Light form
  7. Deer fawn
  8. Dark fawn and Toby


Breed health


The average life expectancy but cane corso is between 10 and 11 years when properly cared for a fed an appropriate good quality diet suit their ages.


Like so many other breeds the cane corso is known to suffer from a few hereditary health issues which are worth knowing about


If you're planning to share your home with one of these large and impressive dogs the conditions that seemed to affect the breed the most include


  • Hip and elbow dysplasia
  • Cherry eye
  • Entropion—(which are issues that affect the eyelids)
  • Cardiomyopathy epilepsy
  • Wobbler syndrome
  • Joint issues
  • demodectic mange allergies
  • bloat and cruciate ligament issues




The cane corso boasts having a short dense glossy coat which makes them low maintenance on the grooming front however they do need to be regularly brush just to keep on top of things and to remove any dead and shed hair from their coats like over breeds they tend to shed the most hair during the spring and then again in the autumn where more frequent brushing is usually necessary with this said over times of the year a weekly brush and at white twice weekly wipe over with a chamois lever will keep their coats glossy and tidy because the breed is known to suffer from skin issues So it's essential to keep an eye out for any flares that they have treated sooner rather than later because it turns into a real problem that can be hard to clear up.


It's also important to check a dog's ears on a regular basis and to clean them when necessary if too much wax builds up in a dog's ear it can lead to painful infections which can be harder to clear up.


In short prevention is often easier than cure


When it comes to ear infections having the right grooming tools to keep a breed skin and coat in good conditions make the task that much easier the tools needed to keep a dog's coat looking good or as follows and as always.


The links to the best prices can be Found on the right side


I recommend a grooming glove a sham oil lever a slicker and bristle brush a fine-tooth comb nail clippers a pair of round edges scissors and dog specific shampoo and conditioner.




The cane corso is an athletic dog and they like to be given a regular amount of daily exercise combined with enough mental stimulation to satisfy their active minds they enjoy many activities and this includes going out with their owners on walks accompanying them on cycle rides and they enjoy being with people that they are out and about even if that's are going out on their bikes or even going along side with you on horse rides.


A good 60 to 80 minutes a day would be enough to keep a cane corso happy ,fit and healthy with this said a shorter walk in the morning would be fine but a longer more interesting one.


In the afternoon is a must these dogs also like to be able to roam around a back garden as often as possible so they can really let off steam however the fencing has to be extremely secure to keep these large athletic dogs in because if they find a weakness in the fence so as soon escaped out and get into all sorts of trouble with this said.


Cane corso puppies should not be over exercised because their joints and bones are still growing too much pressure on them could result in causing a dog a few problems later on in their lives they should not be allowed to jump up or our furniture nor should they be allowed to run up and down the stairs until they're around 18 months age.


As we've all breeds there are certain things that you must buy well in advance of getting your cane corso.


I found the best prices for all the things


I've recommend and listed links to them all in the sidebar so you can go check them out wherever you're thinking about getting a cane corso or you already have one and you're interested in what things I recommend in case you need to go and get them.


So in conclusion the positives include that


The cane corso is a loyal family pet and companion


They are protective of their families without being aggressive

They're impressive watchdogs that don't need to be trained


They're better suited to people who have large secured back gardens


Their low maintenance on the grooming and moderate shedders


Negatives can include that


They're not the best choice for first-time dog owners
They're strong and dominant by nature
Their large vet bills so insurance is a must  
They're expensive to feed
The cane corso is also known to drool a lot and they suffer from separation anxiety when they're left on their own for too long there are wary of strangers but well bread's socialized dog would never be aggressive.



So that’s it for today

If you have any queries or doubts about any dog breed you can mail me on


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