I bet you don't know this about Pit bull !!!

American Pit Bull Terrier



American Pit bull terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds.


The American Pit Bull Terrier although it is hard to imagine, thanks to the stigma they suffer today.




The history of the American Pit Bull begins on farms as they were first used as cattle dogs they later became popular in dog fights a reprehensible practice which helped foster a bad reputation although their original ancestry dates back to the Roman Empire today's pit bull dogs have their origins in the 19th century Britain.


This breed descends from fighting dogs which were bred for bull and bear battle ,with the ban on these fights in England ,fans of these so-called sports bred lighter dogs and pitted them against each other.


It seems that terrier dogs were used for the breeding to achieve greater agility but without losing combativeness.


 The American pit bull was temporarily recognized by the American Kennel Club but was later removed from their records as the institution did not want the bad press a fighting dog brought American


Dog lovers developed a new breed from this breed called the American Staffordshire Terrier the breed is currently considered a potentially dangerous one but it is also one of the most popular in the world many people often confuse the America Pitbull with the American Staffordshire for their physical resemblance.


American pit bulls head is long wide and somewhat more stylized than the Staffie the pit bulls bite is powerful one of the characteristics which encouraged myths about the breed as with the head the pit bulls body is very striking it is not excessively bulky or white


Physical appearance

According to the United Kennel Club breed standard the American Pit Bull Terrier should never have an excessively muscular appearance the breed standard specifies no specific height but prioritizes uniform body morphology.


Coat and Color


The breed has a short and lustrous coat which can be of any color except merle a marbled background with patches of solid color



This breed needs to be socialized as a puppy we need to introduce people animals and all kinds of environments from the age of three months so they can properly relate additionally the American pit bull needs to understand basic obedience orders which are fundamental for good communication as well as their safety.


The American Pitbull Terrier is very sociable with people in general they're a dog which can get on very well with children and adults when well socialized however the character of any dog= including the American Pitbull depends on its proper education from the time they are a puppy according to statistics from the American Temperance Society the Pitbull has a more stable temperament than the average dog although this breed does not tend to be aggressive towards people.


There are Pitbull dogs which can be aggressive this is due to improper care and irresponsibility on part of the owner and can occur with any breed of dog.




This breed is a very special dog and greatly appreciated by those who consider them family they are enthusiastic vital and very fun.

American Pit Bull Terrier is a protective dog which is similar to education and basic commands it's an excellent companion for those who can spend time with them and receive affection from a faithful and friendly dog they can be complacent but they enjoy performing tasks and training they are not a good watchdog as they are usually friendly with strangers they have a high level of intelligence which is why many practice can a cross or agility training with them.


Hair Care

The American pitbull is not a dog which needs excessive care they only need brushed a couple of times a week something they enjoy a lot pay special attention and brush more regularly during shedding season every day we should clean room from their eyes as it can accumulate bath once a month or when needed.




They have a high activity level so the pit bull will need at least two walks a day lasting about 45 minutes each combining walks with exercise is good.


Practice to strengthen muscles and relax when they get back home the energy levels are high so be aware of considering adoption being so active and intelligent they will need intelligence games such as using a county in addition to developing their mental capacity.


We should encourage play and fun the Kong is also excellent for treating separation anxiety a common problem for .An American Pitbull which lacks mental stimulation it's important for education to set fixed guidelines and ensure all household members follow and respect them we should encourage positive playful and cheerful behavior with the use of positive support


Under no circumstances should you let them act aggressively or reward them for it the pit bull is a strong and powerful dog which requires a guardian who understands them and can guide them towards mental and physical well-being


Health and diseases


They are a generally healthy dog Ola can develop sensitive skin avoid problems by offering a comfortable bed or collars for protection against parasites this dog breed is one of the most resistant to disease but this is no reason to neglect their health in addition to keeping their vaccines up to date pay attention to possible heart problems contagious skin diseases such as scabies eczema or fungus as well as internal and external parasites of course the most important way to maintain your pit bulls health is to have regular veterinary checkups


If you follow my advice and the instructions of the specialist your Pitbull can live between 10 and 14 years


So this was the blog for today


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